S. Thomas Aquinas, Liber de Veritate Catholicae Fidei contra errores Infidelium, seu Summa Contra Gentiles, Marietti Editori Ltd., 1961.

English translation: On the Truth of the Catholic Faith. Summa contra gentiles, Book 1: God, by Anton Pegis, Garden City, NY: Image Books, 1955; Book 2: Creation, by James F. Anderson, 1955; Book 3, Providence, parts 1 and 2, by Vernon J. Bourke, 1956 ; Book 4, Salvation, by Charles J. O’Neil 1957.

René-Antoine Gauthier, o.p., Introduction à la Somme contre les gentils de saint Thomas d’Aquin, Paris : Vrin, 1996

Brian Davies, Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Contra Gentiles. A Guide and Commentary, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016

Norman Kretzmann, Metaphysics of Theism (SCG I), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997

Norman Kretzmann, The Metaphysics of Creation (SCG II), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999

E. M. Macerowski, Aquinas’ Earliest Treatment of Divine Essence – Bk 1 Distinction 8, Binghamton, N.Y., 1998

R. C. Taylor, “Aquinas and ‘the Arabs’: Arabic / Islamic Philosophy in Thomas Aquinas’s Conception of the Beatific Vision in his Commentary on the Sentences IV, 49, 2, 1″ The Thomist 76 (2012) 509-550.

R. C. Taylor, “Aquinas and the Arabs: Aquinas’s First Critical Encounter with the Doctrines of Avicenna and Averroes on the Intellect, In 2 Sent. d. 17, q. 2, a. 1,” in Philosophical Psychology in Arabic Thought and the Latin Aristotelianism of the 13th Century, Luis X. López-Farjeat and Jörg Tellkamp, eds. Paris: Vrin (2013), 142-183 & 277-296.

R. C. Taylor, “Maimonides and Aquinas on Divine Attributes: The Importance of Avicenna” in J. Stern, J. T. Robinson and Y. Shemesh (eds.) The Guide of the Perplexed in Translation: A History of the Translations of Maimonides’ Guide and Their Impact, from the Thirteenth Century to the Twentieth (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019) pp. 333-363.


Resources of particular interest in this course:

CAP: Classical Arabic Philosophy: an Anthology of Sources, J. McGinnis & D. Reisman, eds. (Indianapolis: Hackett, 2007) The MU library has four (4) copies of this. Click HERE

CCA = The Cambridge Companion to Aquinas, Kretzmann and Stump, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993) Available online via Marqcat.

CCAP: Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy, P. Adamson & R. Taylor, eds. (Cambridge: CUP. 2005). Available online via Marqcat. 

CHMP = The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, R. Pasnau, ed. (New York & Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010)

EMP = Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy 500 -1500, H. Lagerlund, ed. (Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer, 2011)

OHA= Oxford Handbook of Aquinas, Davies & Stump, eds. Oxford; New York, OUP 2012.

OHIP = Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy, eds. Khaled El-Rouayheb & Sabine Schmidtke (Oxford: OUP, 2017).

OHMP = Oxford Handbook of Medieval Philosophy, John Marenbon, ed. (Oxford: OUP, 2012)

PIW: Peter Adamson, Philosophy in the Islamic World: A History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps, vol. 3 (OUP 2016), is a light but valuable and entertaining introduction to this field.

PIWH: Philosophy in the Islamic World. Handbook of Oriental Studies = Handbuch der Orientalistik. Section One, The Near and Middle East. Vol. 115/1. Ulrich Rudolph, Rotraud Hansburger, and Peter Adamson, eds. English tr. by Rautraud Hansburger.

RCIP: Routledge Companion to Islamic Philosophy, R. Taylor & L. López-Farjeat, eds. (Routledge, 2015).

SEP: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (online http://plato.stanford.edu)

IEP Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Re. Aquinas, see https://iep.utm.edu/thomas-aquinas-political-theology/.

Some other works of value for our studies are the following all of which are available at the MU library.

Herbert A. Davidson, Proofs for Eternity, Creation and The Existence of God in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Leo J. Elders, Thomas Aquinas and His Predecessors. The Philosophers and the Church Fathers in His Works. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2018. 

Dimitri Gutas, Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition. Leiden: Brill, 1988; 2014, second edition.

Pasquale Porro, Thomas Aquinas: a historical and philosophical profile. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2016.

J.-P. Torrell, Saint Thomas Aquinas, v. 1, The Person and His Work. Washington, D.C.: CUA Press, 1996.

James A. Weisheipl, Thomas D’Aquino. Washington, D.C.: CUA Press 1974.