Contextualizing the Premodern Philosophy. Explorations of the Gree, Hebrew, Arabuc, and Latin Traditions

Meetings are 10 am – 11:30 am US Central Time

For the link, contact Ivonne Maria Acuna ( or Nicoletta Nativo (

March 15, 2025

Title: Al-Fārābī on What Is Known Prior to the Syllogistic Arts in His Introductory Letter, the Five Aphorisms, and the Book of Dialectic

Speaker: Terence J. Kleven

April 26, 2025

Title: Institution and Causality in Albert the Great’s Sacramental Theology

Speaker: Isabelle Moulin

May 24, 2025

Title: Dominicus Gundissalinus’ On Unity and the One

Speaker: Nicola Polloni

June 21, 2025

Title: Averroes’ Decisive Treatise (Faṣl al-maqāl) and Exposition (Kashf) as Dialectical Works

Speaker: Peter Adamson

September 27, 2025

Title: “Incepit quasi a se”: Averroes on Avicenna’s Philosophy in the Long Commentary on the De anima

Speaker: Amos Bertolacci

October 18, 2025

Title: Some Choice Words: Al-Ṭūsī’s Reconceptualization of the Issue of the World’s Age

Speaker: Jon McGinnis

November 15, 2025

Title: Averroist by Contagion? Marsilius of Padua on civilis scientia

Speaker: Joerg Alejandro Tellkamp

January 12, 2026 MONDAY

Title: Unfounded Assumptions: Reassessing the Differences among Averroes’ Three Kinds of Aristotelian Commentaries

Speaker: Steven Harvey

february 21, 2026

Title: Ibn Taymiyya on Ibn Rushd in the Darʾ taʿāruḍ al-ʿaql wa-l-naql

Speaker: Jules Janssens

To Be Rescheduled:

The Emergence of a Science of Intellect: Albert the Great’s De intellectu et intelligibili, Henryk Anzulewicz

Averroes on Imagination (takhayyul) as a Cognitive Power, Deborah L. Black

Contact for further details: Ivonne Maria Acuna (; Nicoletta Nativo (