“Creatio ex nihilo in the Arabic and Latin Traditions”
27 February 2016

Collegium Albertinum
Adenauerallee 17, Bonn, Germany


9:15–10:00am: Presentation 1: Richard C. Taylor on LDC on Creation

10:15–11:00am: Presentation 2: Luis López-Farjeat on Avicenna on Creation

11:15am–12:00pm: Presentation 3: Richard C. Taylor on Averroes on Creation

1:30–3:00pm: Reading 1: Thomas Aquinas CS II.1.1.2

3:15–4:45pm: Reading 2: Albertus Magnus CS II.1.12

5:00–6:30pm: Reading 3: Thomas Aquinas STh I.45.5