Phil 3610-101, Spring 2023

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This course in Ancient Philosophy will be devoted to the exploration and analysis of what surely constitutes the most influential philosophical literature in the history of human thought. After a survey of some of the insights offered by the Pre-Socratic thinkers, we will proceed to give close critical study to selected dialogues of Plato and later to selections from the major surviving works of Plato’s best student,  Aristotle.  The course will be brought to a close with classes on some of the major doctrines of the Stoics, Epicureans and Skeptics and the Neoplatonist Plotinus with a final class on the influence of Ancient philosophy on Medieval philosophy in Arabic and Latin. Classroom discussions will be enriched by frequent reference to the influence of Ancient Philosophy on later Greek thought and  Medieval Latin and Arabic philosophy. One of my chief goals in this course is to enable students to read Ancient philosophy thoughtfully and carefully so that they may proceed to read for themselves beyond the temporal limits of the course and continue to discover the the perennial of the insights of this foundational period of Western philosophy.

INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Richard C. Taylor, Marquette Hall 437
MAILBOX: Marquette Hall, first floor, TELEPHONE: 288-5649; FAX: 288-3010
OFFICE HOURS: TT AMU Cafeteria 9.30-10.30, OFFICE 12.30-13.00, and by appointment
COURSE WEBSITE: Link to website pages:
CLASSROOM: O’Brien Hall 436B, TT 11-12.15
TURNITIN.COM: Class ID: TBA. Password: TBA.

The learning objectives for this course include the following:

•  to provide a general introduction to the philosophical thought of the Ancient Greek philosophical tradition as well as a survey, analysis and evaluation of many of the key teachings of that tradition;
•  to penetrate some key issues in Ancient Greek philosophy with critical philosophical depth;
•  to introduce students to the currently available tools for serious philosophical study of
Aristotle and Ancient Philosophy;
•  to reveal the philosophical richness of ancient thought which continues to play a central
role in philosophical and scientific studies today;
•  to display the teachings of Ancient Greek philosophy in their own historical and cultural context while at the same time making occasional reference to their importance in later Ancient philosophy, Medieval Islamic, Christian and Jewish philosophy, Renaissance philosophy and later periods of philosophical study up to today;
• with the course paper, to provide students with the opportunity to develop and to enhance their skills of analysis and writing in the preparation of a substantial and complex philosophical paper;
•  and perhaps most importantly, to provide students the opportunity to think deeply about
Ancient philosophy and its importance in the history of philosophy and of human thought.

The specific learning outcomes for this course include the following:
Students will
• identify and explain the philosophical vocabulary of the Ancient Greek tradition;
• identify and explicate key philosophical teachings of the Ancient Greek tradition, particularly in metaphysics, natural philosophy, epistemology and psychology;
• critically analyze the cogency of philosophical argumentation on central issues;
• identify many of the philosophical doctrines and arguments from the ancient Greek corpus which were essential in the development of philosophy in later periods; and
• employ professional resources and bibliographical tools in the preparation of the course paper.


REQUIRED TEXT: Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy from Thales to Aristotle, S. Marc Cohen, Patricia Curd, and C. D. C. Reeve, eds. 5th ed. Indianapolis / Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2016.
SECONDARY SOURCES: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy at (free on-line resource) and Peter Adamson’s podcasts History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps at (free on-line resource).
STUDY EXPECTATIONS, ATTENDANCE AND CLASS PARTICIPATION EXPECTATIONS: Students are expected to prepare for classroom discussions by reading and studying assigned materials before class. Students must be prepared for oral discussion of readings and philosophical issues at every class meeting. Regular attendance, which is key to our study of Ancient Philosophy, is required. Absence from class will adversely affect understanding and the participation grade. See (b) below.
POLICY FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES OR SPECIAL NEEDS: Please see me privately if you have any documented disabilities or special needs. I will be glad to work with you has necessary to make this a valuable learning experience.
“STUDENTS WITH A DOCUMENTED DISABILITY are entitled to reasonable accommodations to ensure equality of opportunity to participate in Marquette’s programs and activities if they are academically qualified to meet the university’s academic and technical standards for admission or participation in its educational programs and activities.” For the implementation accommodations, students must normally identify themselves to the instructor within the first week of classes as students with documented disability as certified by the Office of Disability Services (ODS).  I will be glad to work closely with the staff of the ODS in establishing reasonable accommodations as defined by University policy. Students seeking accommodations must register with ODS and receive appropriate certification. For University policy see:


Academic Dishonesty Policy

Dishonesty in academic matters undermines student intellectual development and the goal of Marquette University to develop the whole person. Further, dishonesty undermines the foundations of the search for the true and the right.  Cheating in such forms as copying, sharing answers or questions, plagiarism and the like certainly cannot be tolerated in any university course and all the more so in this course on Ancient philosophy.  Consequently, in this course I adhere fully with the Marquette University Academic Honest Policy as spelled out at  Students who have any questions about just what constitutes academic dishonesty should bring any questions to me to forestall any problems.

Artificial Intelligence and Academic Honesty: With new AI tools available online that produce writing quickly, it may be tempting to cut corners in your own writing. As your instructor, it is obvious to me when you do not do your own writing. Use of ChatGPT or related AI tools by students in this course is prohibited. AI detection software such as that available at may be used in suspicious cases of submitted student work. Exception: If you want to play with ChatGPT or another AI tool, see me well in advance so we can discuss the possibility.

ASSESSMENT AND GRADING METHODS: Grades will be based on (1) an exam on the Presocratics (10% of course grade), (2) a midterm exam of 75 min. on Plato’s philosophy (20%), (3) a final exam of 120 min. on Aristotle with a special question on Ancient Greek Philosophy in general (30%) [see (c) below], (4) participation by way of class discussion and questions (10%) and the course paper of ca. 10-15 pp. (30%).

Additional remarks:
(a) All students are responsible to see to it that they sign the daily attendance sheet.
(b) Participation: Discussion, Student Questions, Attendance: 10% of the final course grade. The participation grade is based on active involvement in the course by way of discussion, questions and other forms of engagement in class.  Since engagement with the texts of the ancient philosophers is essential for successful learning in this course, each student is expected to bring two (2) written questions to each class. (Note: These may be collected by the instructor. Students who do not bring written questions may be asked to respond to questions of the Instructor.) Questions should be indicative of the student’s having completed and reflected on the assigned readings.
Attendance at class is essential for learning and will enter into the grade for participation. Hence, at the discretion of the instructor three unexcused absences will lower the Participation, Discussion, Attendance portion of the grade by one letter, five by two letters, seven by three letters. Again, it is the student’s responsibility to be sure to sign the attendance sheet at each class.
(c ) There will be three exams in this course. The First will be on the Pre-Socratics (10% of course grade), the Second on Plato (20% of the course grade), and the Final Examination (30% of the course grade) which will be largely focused on Aristotle but will contain one additional question (30% of the final exam) for which an substantial response is expected. That question is: “In light of your study of Ancient Greek Philosophy this semester, what philosophical teachings do you find most important and insightful? Explain at length what those teaching are and argue with reasons and explanations for the importance you find in it.” The questions for the second and final exams will be provided in advance. Regarding the first exam on the Pre-Socratics, I have not decided whether to provide the questions in advance. That decision will be made and communicated before the exam.
(d) Details Regarding the Course Paper: See the webpage for the Course Paper.

NOTE THESE DATES (red indicates a revision from initial version of the syllabus):
14 Feb: Exam 1 on Presocratics (10% of the course grade)
16 Feb: No Class: Begin reading Plato’s Republic. Read Republic 1 for fun. Then take Plato seriously starting with Republic books 2-4: Justice in the soul.
9 March: Exam 2 on Plato (20% of the course grade)
14 & 16 March: No Class, Spring Break
4 April or earlier: Requirement to meet with the instructor to discuss your course paper.
13 April: Required written submission of DETAILED outline of course paper in 1-2 pages.
14 April (Friday): Individual meetings with students to discuss paper outlines.
9 May 2016 at 12 noon: Deadline for submission of papers to
(Class ID: 37215142. Password: provided at class.)
12 May 3:30-5:30 pm: Final Exam (30% of the course grade).