Topic: “Aristotle and Aristotelians on pre-Aristotelian Theorizing”

What did Aristotle and those who followed in his path think that Aristotle’s predecessors were up to?  Aristotle’s discussion of his predecessors in Meta. A, Physics I and GC are of special interest.  In addition, possible questions include but are not restricted to the following.  Did Aristotle and ancient and medieval Aristotelians understand pre-Aristotelian science as conforming to the Posterior Analytics?  How did they understand ancient Greek geometry?  How did they understand the explanatory strategy found in Plato’s Timaeus and other Platonic works?  How did they understand the methods and principles of the Hippocratic writers?  How did Arabic alchemy build on and respond to both Aristotle and Empedocles?  How were the varieties of Aristotelian noetics integrated with Platonic ontology?

Opening Date For Submissions: 7 January 2025
Closing Date For Submissions: 15 February 2025
Announcement of Program: Mid-March 2025

Four (4) Special Invited Speakers: Daniel Graham, Brigham Young University (Emeritus); Katja Krause, Technische Universität Berlin; Eugene Garver, St. Johns University (Emeritus); John Walbridge, Indiana University.

Ten Contributed Papers: TBA

Organizing Committee: Owen Goldin, Richard Taylor, David Twetten

Presented by the Marquette Midwest Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy & the Aquinas and ‘the Arabs’ International Working Group (AAIWG) with the support of the Department of Philosophy at Marquette University

This In-Person Conference is intended to provide a formal occasion and central location for philosophers and scholars of the Midwest region (and anywhere elsewhere) to present and discuss their current work on Aristotle and his interpreters in ancient and medieval philosophy.

Registration: Contact Prof. Owen Goldin (, Department of Philosophy, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881

Beaumier Conference Center B-C

Raynor Memorial Library

PRESENTERS: Established Scholars: send a title and tentative abstract (not exceeding 500 words); Graduate Students: send a title, abstract (not exceeding 500 words) and have your faculty advisor or dissertation director email indicating that you are doing professional level work. (This need not be lengthy but should be strongly supportive.)  Send applications to:

The Organizing Committee will select presenters on the basis of promise of quality of proposals (title and abstract) and scholarly record as the primary criteria.  Presenters selected will be asked to confirm their participation by registering and paying the conference fee ($50).

ATTENDING ONLY: Send Registration check with name, address, academic affiliation.


(fees cover light buffet breakfasts, refreshments, picnic dinner one night)

Advance Registration ($50 by check) Deadline: May 1, 2024 (except for presenters who must confirm earlier) 

NOTE => After May 1 Registration only at the door: $60 cash.

CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE OUT TO: Marquette University

(Fees are waived for Marquette students, faculty and staff for on-campus events only.)


Registration Form.

=> ALL ATTENDEES (including the Marquette community) are asked to register <=



Print the Registration Form above and send your check made out to “Marquette University” to: 

Owen Goldin
Philosophy Department
Marquette University
P.O. Box 1880
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881

For housing options, see the bottom of this webpage.

Conference Schedule 2025

All sessions will be held in the Beaumier Conference Center in the lower level of Raynor Library at 1355 W. Wisconsin Ave. 

For a campus map, click

Wednesday 25 June: Beaumier Conference Center, Raynor Library 

(1) 9-10:15 am:   

(2) 10:20-12 noon: Special Session #1

12 noon -1:30 pm Lunch – suggestions: Law School Cafe (very good and convenient), AMU (Student Union), local Pizza restaurant, Qdoba, Miss Katie’s Diner, and more in the immediate area.

(3) 1:30-2:45:   

Coffee 2:45 pm – 3 pm

(4) 2:00-4:15 pm: 

(5) 4:20-5:35 pm:

6:00 pm Picnic This Evening! Gordon Park, Covered Shelter. Carpooling available.

Thursday 26 June: Beaumier Conference Center, Raynor Library

(6) 9-10:15 am: 

(7) 10:20-12 noon: Special Session #2

12 noon -1:30 pm Lunch – suggestions: Law School Cafe (very good and convenient), AMU (Student Union), local Pizza restaurant, Qdoba, Miss Katie’s Diner, and more in the immediate area.


Coffee 2:45 pm – 3 pm

(9) 3:00-4:14 pm:

(10) 4:20-5:50 pm:  Special Session #3

Evening activities and dinner options forthcoming.

Friday 27 June: Beaumier Conference Center, Raynor Library

(11) 9-10:15 am:   

(12) 10:20-12 noon: Special Session #4

12 noon -1:30 pm Lunch – suggestions: Law School Cafe (very good and convenient), AMU (Student Union), local Pizza restaurant, Qdoba, Miss Katie’s Diner, and more in the immediate area.

(13) 1:30-2:45 pm:    

Coffee 2:45 pm – 3 pm

(14) 3:00-4:15 pm:

4:20-4:45 pm: Closing discussion

Friday Evening: Optional Friday ca. 8 pm Dinner (self-pay) at the Fox and Hounds Restaurant 30 miles north of Milwaukee, (*tentative* possibly preceded by a reception at Prof. Taylor’s nearby lakeside home). Carpooling available. Reservation required. The Fox and Hounds can be a bit pricey but they have a 2-dinners-for-the-price-of-1 deal, so once two people pair up, the cost is more modest for each. For information on the restaurant and its prices, see this link: Fox and Hounds Restaurant.



Housing on the Marquette Campus and local hotel information 2024

Among the most convenient local hotels is the four-star Ambassador Hotel at 2308 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53233, tel. 414-345-5008. Search for the best rates online Do check But rates are dynamic and change with demand, especially when there are many other summertime events ongoing in Milwaukee.

Some rooms are available at Marquette University

Room Commitment: Five 2-bedroom suite-style units featuring two private bedrooms, each furnished with two twin XL beds.

Residence Facility:
Humphrey Hall, located at 1716 W. Wisconsin Ave., features air-conditioned sleeping rooms with a private bathroom. All rooms are furnished with twin XL beds, dressers, closet space, and desks/desk chairs. Bed and bath linens are provided. Additional Humphrey Hall amenities include a secured 24-hour front desk, complimentary Wi-Fi, coin-operated laundry on each sleeping floor, vending machines and a community lounge. Guests will need to bring their personal toiletry items.
The Desk Receptionist will provide each guest with a room key at check-in. To expedite the check-out process, please return the room key in the provided key envelope prior to departure. There is a $75 charge for any key not returned at final check-out.

Room Block Dates/Sleeping Room Summary: 
Arriving June 24, 2025, departing June 27 or 28, 2025
Each shared 2-bedroom suite will accommodate two people, one guest per private bedroom. Minimum 3-night stay is required. 

Nightly Room Rate
Humphrey Hall 
Two-bedroom suite       
$100/night ($50/person shared occupancy with one guest per bedroom) 

Cut-Off Date

Cut-off date: May 24, 2025. Rooms requested after the cut-off date are subject to availability.
Standard check in time: After 3 p.m.*
Standard check out time: Prior to 11 a.m.* 
*These times are based upon Central Standard Time.

Reservation Procedures

Method of reservation is Individual/Direct. Individuals should email to secure a room reservation associated with the Summer Conference on Aristotle and The Aristotelian Traditions. A Reservation Form will be sent as a follow-up to the email request.

Due to limited availability in the room block, it is highly recommended that a room reservation be made as soon as possible. Reservation deadline is no later than three weeks prior to arrival date. 

Note that all suite-style, 2-bedroom units are shared occupancy with each guest occupying a private bedroom. The suite has a private bathroom. Please let the reservationist know if you have a suite-mate preference. 

Guaranteed Reservations 

Guests must confirm their room reservation with receipt of a check payable to Marquette University for the entire stay. Full payment must be received no later than 10 days prior to arrival date. Please submit the completed Reservation Form and payment to: 

Donna Wells
Alumni Memorial Union 407
1442 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233

No refunds, including instances involving early departures, will be issued after check payment has been submitted except in the case of illness, injury, medical or family emergency, or other extenuating circumstances and must be approved by the Director of Conference Services. Failure to check out at the posted time on date of departure may result in a penalty fee. 

Linen Service
Basic bed and bath linens (one pillow/pillowcase, one fitted/flat bed sheet, and one bath towel/washcloth per guest) are provided in guest rooms. Soiled towel/washcloth may be exchanged for fresh bath linens at the front desk. 

Campus parking is available in the 16th Street Parking Lot (Structure 1) located at 749 N. 16th Street at a daily rate of $10 for every 24-hour period (based on calendar day) or $10 per parking occurrence*. Visitors enter the lot at 16th Street (northbound traffic) and exit at 17th Street (southbound traffic). Visitors pull a ticket when entering the structure. 
*Parking occurrence – Entering/exiting the structure multiple times in one day will result in a $10 charge each time the vehicle enters/exits the structure.

Payment can be made at the pay-on-foot station in the structure lobby or when exiting at 17th Street. Credit card payment (via MasterCard or Visa) is required. Cash is not accepted.

Guest Identification 

For security purposes, each guest must be easily identified by the front desk attendant when entering the residence facility. Group should supply a lanyard/name badge (First Name/Last Name, Name of Conference or Program, Arrival Date to Departure Date must be indicated on the name badge) for all individuals in the Group. 

Additional Policies

Rooms reserved under room blocks are not guaranteed to be in the same area of the residence hall. We will attempt to keep groups together, but at times circumstances prohibit this from happening.

Each guest is expected to leave his/her guest room in the same condition in which it was found at check-in.  Any damage sustained to the room during the guest’s stay will be billed directly to the guest.  Any damages noticed by a guest should be reported immediately to the desk staff.

Key Lockout and Replacement
Each guest must sign for his/her room key prior to check-in. There is a $10 lockout policy enforced for any guest who requires repeated use of a lock-out key to access the sleeping room.  There is a $75 key replacement fee that is billed to the guest for any key that is lost or not returned at final checkout.  Rooms are re-keyed immediately for security reasons; therefore, we cannot issue refunds for guests who send in or return keys after checkout time.

Force Majeure
Neither party will be considered in default in the performance of its obligation under this Agreement if such performance is prevented or delayed by any cause which is beyond the reasonable control of the party affected, including severe weather, war, hostilities, revolution, civil commotion, acts of terrorism, zombie apocalypse, alien invasions, strike, lockout, epidemic, pandemic, accident, fire, wind, or flood or because of any law, order, proclamation, ruling, regulation, or ordinance of any government or subdivision of government or because of any act of God (“Force Majeure”).  


Group agrees that it will defend and fully indemnify UNIVERSITY against any loss, cost, damage, injury, or expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) that may be sustained or incurred by UNIVERSITY, its trustees, officers, employees, students or agents as a result of the Group, its employees, participants, agents or guests use of, or presence at, the licensed space. Neither party will be liable to the other for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever, including lost profits, even if advised of the possibility thereof.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Group will not be responsible to indemnify University against any loss caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the University, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, or contractors.

All visitors to campus are required to comply with all UNIVERSITY policies, procedures, and health and safety measures in effect. This may include following campus procedures related to the COVID-19 pandemic or other community-wide epidemic or pandemic.

All UNIVERSITY visitors are expected to show respect for order, personal and public property, and the rights of all individuals. UNIVERSITY is a community that consists of people of different backgrounds and beliefs.  Conduct in violation of the rights of others will not be tolerated. Misconduct will be sufficient cause for removal from the UNIVERSITY. All guests staying in University Housing Facilities must comply with all University policies and procedures and health and safety measures in effect as well as any guidelines for University Facilities.

UNIVERSITY is a tobacco-free campus.  This includes all indoor and outdoor campus spaces including campus buildings, grounds, exterior open spaces, green spaces, parking lots (including inside a vehicle if parked in a University lot), on-campus sidewalks (not bordering a city street), on-campus driveways and other paved areas, athletic facilities, practice facilities, and recreational spaces. Gambling of any nature is strictly prohibited on UNIVERSITY property.

Alcoholic Beverages
The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by anyone under the age of twenty-one (21) is prohibited by Wisconsin law. Participants over the age of 21 may privately consume alcoholic beverages within their own rooms. 

The use, possession, distribution or sale of illegal drugs or narcotics is strictly prohibited. Non-compliance by any participant will result in immediate removal from the residence hall, dismissal from participation in activities on UNIVERSITY property and to prosecution. 

No pets of any kind may be brought into or kept in a UNIVERSITY facility, except for service animals. If accommodations are required for a service animal, the Director of Conference Services must be advised in advance and approval granted.

Many campus buildings are open to the public and serve a variety of functions.  Though GROUP may have reserved space within a campus building, other space and access to the building will often be available to UNIVERSITY members or other program or camp guests.  Special arrangements must be scheduled in advance and approved by the Director of Conference Services.

University reserves the right to reassign Group to alternate housing, dining hall, and conference space based on maintenance, safety, or other needs of UNIVERSITY.

Weapons Policy
 The GROUP and its members are not permitted to:  – Carry any weapons on UNIVERSITY property except as expressly permitted by applicable state law. 
 – Openly carry any weapons on UNIVERSITY property.
 – Carry any weapons in any UNIVERSITY building or leased space or at any University special event marked with signage specifying “WEAPONS ARE PROHIBITED IN THIS BUILDING.” 
 – Store any weapons in a personally owned vehicle on UNIVERSITY property except in the vehicle’s glove compartment or trunk or encased such that the existence of the weapon is concealed.   – Encased means completely zipped, snapped, buckled, tied or otherwise fastened, with no part of the weapon exposed.  – Fail to lock a personally owned vehicle on UNIVERSITY property that contains any weapon when the GROUP member is not present in the vehicle.  
– Possess unloaded ammunition on UNIVERSITY property.
 – Imply possession of, threaten to use, display, brandish, use, or discharge a weapon on University property for any purpose or reason except lawful self-defense or lawful defense of others. – Fail to report timely to the UNIVERSITY Department of Public Safety the presence  on University property of any person whom the GROUP member has reason to believe is in possession of or carrying a weapon in violation of UNIVERSITY policy, unless doing so would subject the GROUP member or others to the threat of physical harm, or take other action in response to the presence of any person whom the GROUP member has reason to believe is in possession of or carrying a weapon in violation of UNIVERSITY policy except for reporting the presence of the weapon to the University Department of Public Safety.

The GROUP members whose actions violate applicable State law with respect to the possession of weapons on UNIVERSITY property may be subject to criminal prosecution.  GROUP members whose actions violate this provision will be asked to leave UNIVERSITY property immediately and may be subject to no-trespassing directives in the future.  UNIVERSITY reserves the right to terminate this Rooms Agreement for one or more violations of this provision.