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William of Moerbeke translations and Aquinas’ works 

by Wayne Hankey


1252-1254 Aquinas, Scriptum super libros Sententiarum

24 April 1260 Moerbeke trans. Alexander of Aphrodisias On Meteors of Aristotle

23 December 1260 Moerbeke trans. Aristotle De partibus animalium May –August 1260 Alexander of Aphrodisias, on Aristotle’s De Sensu, translated by Moerbeke, not used by Aquinas until 1268

1260-1265 Aquinas, Summa contra Gentiles

1265 Aquinas, Summa Theologiae (ST) begun

1266 March Moerbeke trans. Commentary on the Categories of Aristotle by Simplicius

1266 and 1268 Aquinas, Expositio super librum De divinis nominibus 1266-67 Aquinas, Quaestiones de anima

1267 22 November Moerbeke trans. Themistius paraphrase on the De Anima 

Nov 1267- Sept 1268 Aquinas, Quaestio Disputata de Spiritualibus Creaturis 

1267 end – before Sept 1268 Aquinas, Sententia libri De Anima first use of the

Translatio nova (Aristotle) 

QQ 75-89 ST I

Before the close of 1267 Thomas could have made use of Moerbeke’s version of the De Anima text and of his translation of Themistius’s paraphrase

Sept 1268 (Rome)-1269 (Paris) Aquinas, Sententia Libri De sensu et sensato 

1268 18th of May, Moerbeke completes trans. Elements of Theology of Proclus 12 September 1268 Moerbeke trans. Commentary On the Peri Hermeneias

1268-1269 Aquinas, Sentencia super Physicam

1270 Aquinas, Tabula Libri Ethicorum

1270 Aquinas, De aeternitate mundi

Nov-Dec 1270 Aquinas, On the Unity of the Intellect against Parisian Averroïsm

1270-71 Aquinas, Quaestiones Disputatae De Malo (publication 1272) Dec 1270-Oct 1271 Aquinas, Expositio Libri Peryermenias unfinished Dec 1270-Oct 1272 Aquinas, Expositio Libri Posteriorum]

1271-72 Aquinas, Sententia libri Ethicorum 1269-72 Aquinas, Sententia Libri Politicorum 1271 Aquinas, Sententia super Metaphysicam

1271 15th of June, Moerbeke trans. Simplicius De Caelo

1272-73 Aquinas, De Substantiis Separatis

1272-73 Aquinas, Super librum de causis expositio

1272 and 1273 Aquinas, De Caelo et Mundo Expositio

1272 and 1273 Aquinas, Sententia super libros De Generatione et corruptione

1273 Aquinas, Sententia super Meteora unfinished 1280 Moerbeke trans. Tria opuscula of Proclus

1286 Moerbeke trans. Commentary on the Parmenides of Plato