AAIWG Simple Index Page

(Beginning 1 April 2021 this page will be updated on the 1st & 15th of each month.)

This webpage of forthcoming events is maintained by AAIWG graduate student members Esra Işık and Abdussamet Özkan, Ankara University.

Please submit information on forthcoming events to philinthelandsofislam@gmail.com

For Archived Months, see the bottom of this page.


Updated August 2022

TRANSLATION PRIZE: DEADLINE 1 SEPTEMBER 2022. THE MUHYIDDIN IBN ‘ARABI SOCIETY (MIAS). “Ibn ‘Arabi Translation Prize Competition”. For more information see: https://ibnarabisociety.org/events/ or contact Prof. Mohammad Rustom (mrustom@connect.carleton.ca)

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 15 SEPTEMBER 2022. WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY. 11-13 MAY 2023. 58th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Sponsored virtual sessions by Aquinas and ‘the Arabs’ International Working Group. “Classical Philosophy in the Lands of Islam and Its Influence I–II”. These sessions seek papers on the Islamic philosophical tradition. Please contact: Nicholas A. Oschman. Sponsored sessions in person by Center for Thomistic Studies, Univ. of St. Thomas, Houston. “Thomistic Philosophy I–III” These sessions are devoted to philosophical or theological thought connected to Thomas Aquinas. Paper submissions will be accepted for any topic concerning the philosophy or theology of Aquinas, his sources, or contemporary applications of his thought. Please contact: Steven J. Jensen.

For more see: https://wmich.edu/medievalcongress/call

DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES at the Jena “Graduiertenkolleg” (Research Training Group) “Autonomie heteronomer Texte”. See: https://www.uni-jena.de/heteronome-texte


15-19 AUGUST 2022. UNIVERSITY OF MÜNSTER, ORIGEN RESEARCH CENTRE. Origeniana Tertia Decima: “Origen and Philosophy a Complex Relation”, organized by Alfons Fürst. For more information see: https://www.uni-muenster.de/FB2/en/origenianaXIII/index.html

22-26 AUGUST 2022. SIEPM. The XVth International Congress of SIEPM: “Radical Thinking in the Middle Ages/La pensée radicale au Moyen Age”. See: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/siepm/international-congresses or https://siepm2022paris.com/


5-9 SEPTEMBER 2022. UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE/THOMAS INSTITUTE. 43. Kölner Mediaevistentagung: “CONSENSUS.” See: https://kmt.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/anmeldung

19-24 SEPTEMBER 2022. PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS and ANGELICUM THOMISTIC INSTITUTE. Eleventh International Thomistic Congress. See: https://romathomism2022.com/ . For more information contact: romathomism2022@gmail.com

23-24 SEPTEMBER 2022. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. “2022 Toronto Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy”. Organized by Martin Pickavé, Deborah Black, and Peter King. For more information see: https://philosophy.utoronto.ca/event/toronto-colloquium-medieval-philosophy-2020-2/

27-29 SEPTEMBER 2022. MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. International Conference: “Philosophical Perspectives on Medieval Theories of Science”. Speakers: Katja Krausse, Ana María Mora-Márquez, Yossef Schwartz, Hanna Wimmer, Florian Wöller. For more information see: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/philosophical-perspectives-medieval-theories-science . For registration contact medieval.theories.of.science@gmail.com


4-5 OCTOBER 2022. UNIVERSIDAD DE GUADALAJARA. Conference: “The Ancient Greeks and their knowledge”. A virtual or hybrid conference organized by the Departments of philosophy of the University of Guadalajara (México) and the University of Puerto Rico. Scholars who might be interested in participating at the event are invited to send an abstract of no more than 450 words and a short biographical note by May 27, 2022. Please send your submission to Pietro Montanari: pietro.montanari@academicos.udg.mx or pietromontanari@hotmail.it . For more information see: https://philevents.org/event/show/99514 or http://www.cucsh.udg.mx/actividades/convocatoria-para-participar-en-congreso-internacional-de-filosofia-antigua-los-griegos-

13 OCTOBER 2022. LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Conférence: Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité à L’Âge Classique, “Le terme de ma‘na (intention) dans la tradition arabe –entre kalâm, falsafa, et grammaire III”. Organized by Miriam Rogasch & Lucie Tardy. See: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr . For registration contact: miriam.rogasch@etu.univ-paris1.fr

14-15 OCTOBER 2022. INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY-KU LEUVEN. International Conference: “From Toledo to Gotha: New Perspectives on the Impact of Avicenna upon Sciences and Philosophy in Europe”, organized by Cécile Bonmariage, Sébastien Moureau, Nicola Polloni, Andrea Aldo Robiglio. For more information see: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/events/agenda/international-conference-from-toledo-to-gotha








6-8 MARCH 2023. IRANIAN INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY. “International Conference on The History of Logic in the Islamic World”, organized by Asadollah Fallahi (Iranian Institute of Philosophy), Alireza Darabi (Iranian Institute of Philosophy), Ali Sadegh Daghighi (Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Fundamental Sciences) . For more information see: https://www.irip.ac.ir/en/news/98/Conference-Call-for-Papers-The-international-conference-on-the-History-of-Logic-in-the-Islamic-World . For information: logicconf2023@gmail.com  


7-8 APRIL 2023. MIDDLE EAST STUDIES ASSOCIATION. Conference: “30 years after Richard M. Frank: Al-Ghazali and Avicenna in Post-Classical Islam”. For more information see: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2022/02/17/call-for-papers-30-years-after-richard-m.-frank-al-ghazali-and-avicenna-in-post-classical-islam?fbclid=IwAR1s9NZPC6it9elk66qDgLxz9OKDTxypf3blUDf8Rr3ZXy0LgT54mQojX-U

27-29 APRIL 2023. GOTHA RESEARCH LIBRARY IN THURINGIA. Conference in Gotha (Germany): “Multilingualism, Translation, Transfer: Persian in the Ottoman Empire”, organized by Dr. Philip Bockholt. For more information see: https://www.hsozkult.de/event/id/event-118547 or contact Dr. Philip Bockholt philip.bockholt@uni-leipzig.de


11-13 MAY 2023. WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY. 58th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Sponsored virtual sessions by Aquinas and ‘the Arabs’ International Working Group. “Classical Philosophy in the Lands of Islam and Its Influence I–II”. These sessions seek papers on the Islamic philosophical tradition. Please contact: Nicholas A. Oschman. Sponsored sessions in person by Center for Thomistic Studies, Univ. of St. Thomas, Houston. “Thomistic Philosophy I–III” These sessions are devoted to philosophical or theological thought connected to Thomas Aquinas. Paper submissions will be accepted for any topic concerning the philosophy or theology of Aquinas, his sources, or contemporary applications of his thought. Please contact: Steven J. Jensen.

For more see: https://wmich.edu/medievalcongress/call











17 FEBRUARY 2021, 2:00 PM (EST). MCGILL SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES and THE INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES. Online Lecture Series: Reorienting the Global Study of Religion, History, Theory, and Society: “Imagining the Islamic Ecumene: Marshall Hodgson as Philosopher of History”, led by Benjamin Schewel, Duke University. See: https://www.mcgill.ca/islamicstudies/news-events or https://www.mcgill.ca/islamicstudies/files/islamicstudies/reorienting_feb_17_final_2.pdf

17 FEBRUARY 2021, 5:00 PM (London, GMT). OXFORD CENTRE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES. Seminar, “Isfahan and Istanbul: European views before the long shadow of ‘Orientalism’”, led by Prof. Sussan Babaie. See: https://www.oxcis.ac.uk/events/isfahan-and-istanbul-european-views-the-long-shadow-of-orientalism . Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__YHX12PiSK6qFjxNLud64Q

18 FEBRUARY 2021, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM (CET). LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Séminaire Du Centre D’Histoire Des Sciences & Des Philosophies Arabes Et Médiévales, Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité A L’Âge Classique, “Philosophie & Médecine Dans L’Islam Classique”,

Organized by C. Cerami & J. Chandelier. See: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/IMG/pdf/sem_chspam_18-02-2021_sphere-umr7219-2.pdf or http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr#18-02-2021 Registration: contact cristina.cerami@gmail.com. Deadline: 16 February 2021.

20-21 FEBRUARY 2021. DUKE-UNC CONSORTIUM FOR MIDDLE EAST STUDIES. Online Graduate Student Conference: 18th Annual Islamicate Graduate Students Association Conference on “What Does Race Have to Do with Religion? Racialization and Worldwide Islam”. See: https://global.unc.edu/event/virtual-what-does-race-have-to-do-with-religion-racialization-and-worldwide-islam/  Registration: https://tarheels.live/islamicstudiesconf2021/registration/

22 FEBRUARY 2021, 5:30-7:00 PM (ISRAEL TIME). THE ISRAEL INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN JERUSALEM. Seminar of the Research Group “Cultural Brokerage in Pre-modern Islam”: “Magic and Divination in the Cairo Genizah: Jewish, Muslim and Other Texts”, led by Prof. Gideon Bohak. See: https://iias.huji.ac.il/event/magic-and-divination-cairo-genizah-jewish-muslim-and-other-texts-seminar .Registration: contact Alon Ben Yehuda alon.ben-yehuda@mail.huji.ac.il

23 FEBRUARY 2021, 12:00 PM (EST). ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA (ASMEA). Webinar, “Bernard Lewis, Fouad Ajami, and the Clash of Civilizations”, led by Dr. Martin Kramer. See: https://asmea.memberclicks.net/webinar . Registration: https://asmea.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mcform&view=ngforms&id=2074812#/

23 FEBRUARY 2021, 5:00 PM (London, GMT). OXFORD CENTRE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES. Library Seminar Series, “Book culture in the Arab world: an illustrated herbal of the 13th century”, led by Anna Contadini. See: https://www.oxcis.ac.uk/events/book-culture-the-arab-world-illustrated-herbal-of-the-13th-century. Registration: contact sarah.cusk@lincoln.ox.ac.uk

23 FEBRUARY 2021, 3:00 pm PT. UCLA CENTER FOR NEAR EASTERN STUDIES. Online Lecture: “Cultural History and/as Intellectual History in Baʿthist Syria” by Max Weiss. See: https://www.international.ucla.edu/cnes/event/14782

24 FEBRUARY 2021, 6:00 PM (BEIRUT TIME/ GMT+2). FAROUK JABRE CENTER FOR ARABIC AND ISLAMIC SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT. Seminar, “Al-Jāḥiẓ and Aristotle”, led by Basim F. Musallam. See: https://aub.edu.lb/jabre/Pages/monthly-seminar.aspx or https://aub.edu.lb/jabre/PublishingImages/Poster%20Ja%cc%84h%cc%a3iz%20%26%20Aristotle%20Webinar.pdf . Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlcu-grzwuHtPUbaR5cmW6OJDXvRo6_ceH

25 FEBRUARY 2021, 3:30-6:30 PM (EASTERN US TIME). THE SOCIETY FOR MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE PHILOSOPHY (SMRP). SMRP Session 1: “Augustine on Word, (Concept), and Object”, led by Vikram Kumar, “A Thomistic Defense of Nature as ‘Power’ in Avicenna’s Physics”, led by Catherine Peters, “Wyclif’s Temporal Indivisibilism”, led by Stephen Lahey. See: https://smrpblog.wordpress.com/ . Registration: contact Stephen Lahey smrphilosophy@gmail.com or Stephen R. Ogden ogdens@cua.edu

26 FEBRUARY 2021, 10:00 AM-1:00 PM (EASTERN US TIME). THE SOCIETY FOR MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE PHILOSOPHY (SMRP). SMRP Session 2: “Political Animals in al-Fārābī’s Kitāb al-Siyāsa al-Madaniyya”, led by Luis López Farjeat, “Reductio ad absurdum and the Fallacy of False Cause in Avicenna”, led by Riccardo Strobino, “A Commentary on Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Burhān of the Shifā’, Book IV Chapter 10”, led by Sevcan Gugumcu. See: https://smrpblog.wordpress.com/ . Registration: contact Stephen Lahey smrphilosophy@gmail.com or Stephen R. Ogden ogdens@cua.edu

26 FEBRUARY 2021, 1:00-2:30 PM (US and CANADA TIME). GLOBAL ISLAMIC STUDIES CENTER, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies Seminar Book Workshop Series: Book Workshop with Professor Aileen Das. “Galen and the Arabic Reception of Plato’s Timaeus”. See: https://ii.umich.edu/islamicstudies/news-events/events.detail.html/80825-20793355.html?fbclid=IwAR2ThZ_ZITGaC-ai-7npqwPIrbwTXHC-NWVZqxhIKXhfJtTsm1E1bChpMos Registration: https://umich.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0ofuihrzwvHNPhQtTSF93azhPMFKJt_KKP

Date to be announced. THE INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES OF ISLAM AND SOCIETIES OF MUSLIM WORLD (IISMM). PhD Workshop: “Unthought Perspectives in the Study of Turkish Islam: Methodology and Research Prospects”. Deadline for papers 28 February 2021. See: https://iismm.hypotheses.org/49761


2 MARCH 2021, 5:00-6:30 PM (GMT). CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION SEMINARS 2020-2021. “Al-Ghazali’s multiplex epistemology and implications for contemporary education”, led by Prof. Recep Şentürk (Ibn Haldun University, Istanbul). See: www.educ.cam.ac.uk/research/areas/history-philosophy-sociology-education/events/ . Registration: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/cambridge-philosophy-of-education-seminars-2020-21-tickets-136284533709?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch&keep_tld=1

4 MARCH 2021, 3:00-4:30 PM (BERLIN TIME). MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Max Planck Research Group (Experience in the Premodern Sciences of Soul & Body ca. 800–1650): “Reforming Medicine, ca. 1500-1700”, led by Julia Reed. Organized by Hannah Erlwein. See: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/reforming-medicine-ca-1500-1700 . For registration contact: herlwein@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de

4 MARCH 2021, 4:30-6:00 PM (CET). CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY. Models of Finality: Aristotle, Buridan, and Averroes”, led by Erik Åkerlund. Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__FmwOJTFTyK6TXvjzMUkLg

5 MARCH 2021, 8:00-9:00 PM (GMT+3). YUNUS EMRE INSTITUTE. “Actors of the Ottoman Empire: Sufis”, led by Dr. John Curry. Registration: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/actors-of-the-ottoman-empire-sufis-tickets-137800018565?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch&keep_tld=1

5 MARCH 2021. UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM.ERC Project “The European Qur’ān, 1150-1850” (EuQu). Colloquium: “Qur’ān Translations and Interpretations by European Muslims”, See: https://euqu.eu/2021/01/25/quran-translations-and-interpretations-by-european-muslims/ or http://cchs.csic.es/sites/default/files/content/event/2021/program_quran_translations_and_interpretations.pdf Registration: https://uva-live.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrf-mopj4pE9RGFeQHcs5xg6LEXoDCoEsn

10 MARCH 2021, 5:00 PM (London, GMT). OXFORD CENTRE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES. Seminar, “A New Interpretive Model for Thinking about Avicenna’s Hypothetical Syllogistic”, led by Dr. Kamran Karimullah. See: https://www.oxcis.ac.uk/events/new-interpretive-model-thinking-about-avicennas-hypothetical-syllogistic. Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VcUIglpPT3S1zHg8bNokmg

10 MARCH 2021, 1:30 PM EST (UTC-5). MCGILL SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES and THE INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES. Online Lecture series: “Towards a Poetic Sociology of Iran.” See: https://www.mcgill.ca/islamicstudies/news-events . Zoom Link: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/83063358021.

NEW JOURNAL: Philosophy and Science in Muslim Context. See: http://philosmus.org/en/

11 MARCH 2021, 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM (EUROPEAN TIME). THE WARBURG INSTITUTE. “Neoplatonic Studies Seminar: Proclus Theology of Plato, Book IV, chapters 2 and 3 – Intelligible-Intellectual Gods”. The seminar is organized by Sara Miglietti (Warburg), Tim Addey (Prometheus Trust), Harold Tarrant (University of Newcastle, Australia), Dilwyn Knox (UCL), Daniel Samuel (Warburg PhD), and Peter Singer. See: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/event/23648 . For registration contact Daniel Samuel: daniel.samuel@postgrad.sas.ac.uk

12 MARCH 2021, 2:00 PM (CET). NEOPLATONISM AND ABRAHAMIC TRADITIONS. Online Discussion: “Yaḥyá ibn ʿAdī, Trattato sull’unità (Maqāla fī al-tawhīd). L’uno, il molteplice e l’unità di Dio”, led by Olga Lizzini and organized by Dragos Calma. See: https://www.neoplat.eu/ . For registration contact Prof. Olga Lizzini, liz.curry@ucd.ie .

12-13 MARCH 2021, 2:30 PM-6:30 PM (CET). ANGELICUM THOMISTIC INSTITUTE. Online Conference: “Teleology in Physics and Biology”, led by Thierry-Dominique Humbrecht, Institut Catholique de Toulouse. See: https://angelicum.it/event/teleology-in-physics-and-biology-online/ . Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSev6LtE_TfET7NfW_AOLvcMqjo5Le_KevV86ooyyCpBGn8NfQ/viewform

12 MARCH 2021. Medieval Logic and Ontology Seminar 2021: A Virtual Discussion. “Medieval Universes in Disorder: Primeval Chaos, Ontological Roots, and Authoritative Coordinates”, led by Nicola Polloni. Organized by Christophe Geudens & Nicole Polloni. See: https://meloseminar.wordpress.com/meetings/ . For registration contact christophe.geudens@kuleuven.be or nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be

15 MARCH 2021, 13:00 PM – 14:00 PM (EUROPEAN TIME). THE WARBURG INSTITUTE. “Aristotle Reading Group”. For more information see: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/event/23330 . For registration contact Jack Ford: jack.ford.13@ucl.ac.uk

16 MARCH 2021, 1:00-2:30 PM (US and CANADA TIME). GLOBAL ISLAMIC STUDIES CENTER, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies Lecture Series: “Talisman of the World”: Mawlāna Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī and the Mongols in 13th-Century Seljuk Anatolia”, led by Sara Nur Yıldız. See: https://ii.umich.edu/islamicstudies/news-events/events.detail.html/80967-20824898.html Registration: https://umich.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwlfuiuqzssE9Nk7CcyHFcXER5YYoCKa61t

18 MARCH 2021, 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM (EUROPEAN TIME). THE WARBURG INSTITUTE. “Neoplatonic Studies Seminar: Proclus Theology of Plato, Book V, chapters 3 and 4 – the Intellectual hebdomad”. The seminar is organized by Sara Miglietti (Warburg), Tim Addey (Prometheus Trust), Harold Tarrant (University of Newcastle, Australia), Dilwyn Knox (UCL), Daniel Samuel (Warburg PhD), and Peter Singer. See: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/event/23649 . For registration contact Daniel Samuel: daniel.samuel@postgrad.sas.ac.uk

18 MARCH, 3.30-5 PM (GMT). CENTRAL EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY.Online Reading Group: “Can Medicine Dispense with a Theological Perspective on Human Nature?” by Alasdair MacIntyre. See: https://events.ceu.edu/node/10025. Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrduqprTwrEtzr7wqnuHwFdzorg6K4NKSH?_x_zm_rtaid=plM0zPuASUy6Ek4GXJhUoQ.1615292689541.0b084dd841384913a73b795ae1e82bb5&_x_zm_rhtaid=406

19 MARCH 2021, 10 AM (EST). First Session: 14-17 June 2021; Second Session: 14-17 October 2021. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Online Discussion: “Foundations and Trans/Formations in Arabic Literary Theory: Prospects and Limits”. See: https://icls.columbia.edu/news/cfp-transformations-of-arabic-literary-theory/ 


22 MARCH 2021, 5:30-7:00 PM (ISRAEL TIME). THE ISRAEL INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN JERUSALEM. Seminar via Zoom: “Jews as Cultural Brokers: The Perpetuation of Arabic Scholarship in Christian Spain (Fourteenth-Fifteenth centuries)”, led by Dr. Ilil Baum. See: https://iias.huji.ac.il/event/jews-cultural-brokers-perpetuation-arabic-scholarship-christian-spain-fourteenth .Registration: contact Alon Ben Yehuda alon.ben-yehuda@mail.huji.ac.il

23 MARCH 2021, 4:15-6:15 PM (BELGIAN TIME). UCLOUVAIN, INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR DE PHILOSOPHIE. Seminar via TEAMS. Module de philosophie arabe: „Proclus Arabus and Libri de causis“, led by Elvira Wakelnig. See: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/isp/evenements/module-de-philosophie-arabe-proclus-arabus-seance-1.html . For registration contact Cécile Bonmariage: cecile.bonmariage@uclouvain.be

23 MARCH 2021, 2:00 PM (CET). NEOPLATONISM AND ABRAHAMIC TRADITIONS. Online Medieval Thought in Context: Convergent Approaches’, Series: “L’étude des manuscrits à travers l’exemple du ms. Bn Flat. 14726”, led by Dr. Amandine Postec. Organized by Dragos Calma and Iulia Székely. See: https://www.neoplat.eu/ . For registration contact Prof. Olga Lizzini, liz.curry@ucd.ie .

24 MARCH 2021, 6 PM (GMT+2). AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT. Webinar: “On the Discovery of Isḥāq b. Ḥunayn’s Lost Translation of Aristotle’s De anima I-II” by Jawdath Jabbour (CNRS, Centre Paul-Albert Février / PhASIF (DIM Région Île-de-France). See: https://aub.edu.lb/jabre/Pages/default.aspx   Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kduitrjksE9ZEkgd5g8cPwAoC8lVYe1b1

24 MARCH 2021, 10 PM. ISTANBUL MEDENIYET UNIVERSITY. “The History of Science Nights”, led by Prof. Jamil Ragep. See: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3090444721277986&id=1532333953755745 or https://twitter.com/imubilimtarihi/status/1367120379341385729

25 MARCH 2021, 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM (EUROPEAN TIME). THE WARBURG INSTITUTE. “Neoplatonic Studies Seminar: Proclus Theology of Plato, Book V, chapters 17 and 18 – Demiurge and his juniors”. The seminar is organized by Sara Miglietti (Warburg), Tim Addey (Prometheus Trust), Harold Tarrant (University of Newcastle, Australia), Dilwyn Knox (UCL), Daniel Samuel (Warburg PhD), and Peter Singer. See: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/event/23650 . For registration contact Daniel Samuel: daniel.samuel@postgrad.sas.ac.uk

25 MARCH 2021, 4:15-6:45 PM (BELGIAN TIME). UCLOUVAIN, INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR DE PHILOSOPHIE. Seminar via TEAMS. Module de philosophie médiévale latine: „Albert le Grand et son De Causis et processu universitatis”. See: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/isp/evenements/module-de-philosophie-arabe-proclus-arabus-seance-1.html . For registration contact Jean-Michel Counet: jean-michel.counet@uclouvain.be

26 MARCH 2021, 1:00-2:30 PM (US and CANADA TIME). GLOBAL ISLAMIC STUDIES CENTER, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies Seminar Lecture Series: “The Qur’an in the Roman Empire: a New Approach to its Meaning”, led by Prof. Juan Cole. See: https://ii.umich.edu/islamicstudies/news-events/events.detail.html/82739-21171571.html Registration: https://umich.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUlce2urTwvEtR1oQLFA6ioBJ_BQsfTlLzx

26 MARCH 2021. Medieval Logic and Ontology Seminar 2021: A Virtual Discussion. “Duality and Lexicalization: A logico-Linguistic Thought Experiment in Medieval Logic”, led by Lorenzo Demey. Organized by Christophe Geudens & Nicole Polloni. See: https://meloseminar.wordpress.com/meetings/ . For registration contact christophe.geudens@kuleuven.be or nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be

29-30 MARCH 2021, 4:30 PM (HELSINKI TIME). EUROPEAN RESEARCH COUNCIL, UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ. Online Workshop: “Theory of Science and the Sciences in the Post-Avicennian Period”. Speakers Hannah C. Erlwein (“Analogy and scientific reasoning in post-Avicennan kalām”), Michael Noble (“The role of astrology in Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s scientific soteriology”), Dimitri Gutas (“Parallel scientific epistemologies after Avicenna: Remarks on the how, why, and whither”), Matthew Melvin-Koushki (“Panpsychism and mathematical humanism in Arabic and Persian classifications of the sciences”), Nahyan Fancy (“What kind of ʿilm is medicine? Reflections of Canon and Epitome commentators on Avicenna’s definition of medicine”), Jane Murphy (“Al-‘Ulūm al-gharība: Mapping the sciences in al-Jabartī”). See: https://islamicepistemology.com/2021/03/12/theory-of-science-and-the-sciences-in-the-post-avicennian-period/ .

30 MARCH 2021, 3:00 PM (CENTRAL TIME). ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY SOCIETY. Book Panel via Zoom: “Plato and the Invention of Life”. See: http://www.ancientphilosophysociety.org/plato-and-the-invention-of-life-book-panel/ . For registration contact: Walter Brogan (walter.brogan@villanova.edu) or Michael Shaw (michael.shaw@uvu.edu).

31 MARCH 2021 (GMT). UNIVRSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Funding Opportunities: Small Project Grants (deadline: 30 April 2021) Translation Grants (deadline: 31 March 2021) English Language Support Grants (deadline: 31 March 2021) See: https://www.global-philosophy.org/grants .


LANGUAGE COURSES – SUMMER 2021. CLASSICAL LANGUAGES INSTITUTE. Language Courses: “The Christendom Classical Languages Institute offers courses in Latin, Ancient Greek, and Arabic this summer. Students may attend in-person classes for either three or six weeks. The Institute is open to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as hard-working high school students. No previous study of these languages is required.” See: https://graduate.christendom.edu/academics/classical-languages-institute/.  Register for Ancient Greek: https://www.polisjerusalem.org/program/virginia-ancient-greek-summer-2021/#ancient-greek-level-ii. Register for Latin: https://www.polisjerusalem.org/program/virginia-latin-summer-2021/. For Arabic see: https://graduate.christendom.edu/academics/classical-languages-institute/.

CALL FOR PAPER: DEADLINE 1 MAY 2021. ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY SOCIETY. Call for Paper: All topics related to ancient philosophy. For more information see: http://www.ancientphilosophysociety.org/ancient-philosophy-society-call-for-papers/ .

1 APRIL 2021, 10:00 AM- 12:00 (CET). ERC PROJECT EUQU (The European Qur’ān, 1150-1850). Webinaire Prométhéd: “Problèmes et méthodes de l’édition des textes médiévaux”. See: https://euqu.eu/2021/03/02/webinaire-promethed-problemes-et-methodes-de-ledition-des-textes-medievaux/ . Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSejbNFLhdRMNU83HqL4azCLpKyh8S9hJ8GkFNfJ1NhQFKWk4g/viewform

1 APRIL 2021, 05:00 PM – 07:00 PM (EUROPEAN TIME). THE WARBURG INSTITUTE. “Neoplatonic Studies Seminar: Proclus Theology of Plato, Book VI, chapters 1 and 2 – The Ruling, Liberated and Cosmic Gods”. The seminar is organized by Sara Miglietti (Warburg), Tim Addey (Prometheus Trust), Harold Tarrant (University of Newcastle, Australia), Dilwyn Knox (UCL), Daniel Samuel (Warburg PhD), and Peter Singer. See: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/event/23651 . For registration contact Daniel Samuel: daniel.samuel@postgrad.sas.ac.uk

1 APRIL 2021: Deadline for Submissions. The Existence and Nature of God and Other Deities – ONLINE EVENT. Call for abstracts. See: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/ptr/departments/philosophy/events/2021/global-philosophy-of-religion-project-conference.aspx

4-6 APRIL 2021. UNIVERSITY OF SHARJAH (UAE), SHARJAH INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR THE HISTORY OF ARAB AND MUSLIM SCIENCES (SIFHAMS). 4th International Conference on Arabs’ and Muslims’ History of Sciences (ICHS21): “Scientific Legacy and its Contemporary Impacts”. Chairman of the conference: Prof. Hamid Al Naimiy. See: https://www.sharjah.ac.ae/en/Media/Conferences/ICHS21/Pages/default.aspx . For submitting a paper see: www.sharjah.ac.ae/en/Media/Conferences/ICHS21/Pages/cp.aspx

7-9 APRIL 2021. ISTANBUL MEDENIYET UNIVERSITY. Symposium: “Ottoman Ego-Documents”. See: https://benanlatilari.medeniyet.edu.tr/en/symposium/home-page-sempozyum

8-9 APRIL 2021, 08:00 AM (GMT). MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, INTERNATIONAL CENTER, EAST LANSING. Online Conference: 14th Annual Conference of the Michigan State University Muslim Studies on “Global Islamophobia and the News Media, Entertainment Media, and Social Media”. See: https://muslimstudies.isp.msu.edu/about/conference/ . Registration: https://msu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7yAKBF9xQqSWX5LO7EY1bA

9 APRIL 2021. Medieval Logic and Ontology Seminar 2021: A Virtual Discussion. “Reshaping the boundaries of the possible in 14th-century discussions on modalities”, led by Irene Binini. Organized by Christophe Geudens & Nicole Polloni. See: https://meloseminar.wordpress.com/meetings/ . For registration contact christophe.geudens@kuleuven.be or nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be

11 APRIL 2021, 6:00 PM (KUWAIT TIME, 5 PM FRENCH TIME, 11 AM EASTERN US TIME). GUST (GLOBAL STUDIES CENTER), CEFREPA (CENTRE FRANÇAIS DE RECHERCHE DE LA PÉNINSULE ARABIQUE). A discussion with Ismail Lala Zoom: “HUWIYYA.” Identity in classical Arab philosophy. Arabic translators of Greek philosophical texts used huwiyya to denote the essence of a thing, or its identity. This talk will provide a brief history of this term, and then elaborate on how the term was adopted and expanded by the influential Sufi thinker, Ibn ‘Arabi (d. 638/1240), and those of his Sufi order. Ismail Lala’s discussant will be Jean-Baptiste Brenet, professor of philosophy at the Sorbonne (Paris I). Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/91336702388 .

12 APRIL 2021, 09:30 AM – 06:00 PM (EUROPEAN TIME). THE WARBURG INSTITUTE. “Medieval Jewish Thought and the Italian Renaissance”. Speakers: Giovanna Cifoletti (Centre Alexandre-Koyré – EHESS), Michael Engel (Hamburg University), Francesca Gorgoni (University of Haifa), Yehuda Halper (Bar-Ilan University), Zev Harvey (Hebrew University), Jill Kraye (Warburg Institute), Yossef Schwartz (Tel Aviv University), Cedric Skalli Cohen (University of Haifa), Joanna Weinberg (University of Oxford). Organised by Hanna Gentili and Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute). For Programme Information See: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/event/23904 . For Registration: https://sas.sym-online.com/registrationforms/warburg-booking40963/done/

12-13 APRIL 2021, 1:00 PM (CET). NEOPLATONISM AND ABRAHAMIC TRADITIONS, AUSTRIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Online Conference: “Nicholas of Methone: Between Neoplatonism and The Byzantine Tradition”, led by Dr. Amandine Postec. Organized by Joshua Robinson, Jonathan Greig, Dragos Calma. See: https://www.neoplat.eu/news-events/ . For registration contact: robinsonj@doaks.org , Jonathan.greig@oeaw.ac.at , dragos.calma@ucd.ie .

14 APRIL 2021, 9:30 AM (EDT). MCGILL SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES and THE INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES. Online Lecture Series: Reorienting the Global Study of Religion, History, Theory, and Society: “Ibn Khaldun and Autonomous Knowledge Production”, led by Syed Farid Alatas, National University of Singapore. See: https://www.mcgill.ca/islamicstudies/files/islamicstudies/reorienting_lecture_series_fall_20_and_winter_21_final.pdf

14 APRIL 2021, 1:00-2:30 PM (US and CANADA TIME). GLOBAL ISLAMIC STUDIES CENTER, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies Seminar Book Workshop Series: Book Workshop with Professor Aiyub Palmer. “Sainthood and Authority in Early Islam: Al-Ḥakīm al-Tirmidhī’s Theory of wilāya and the Reenvisioning of the Sunnī Caliphate”. See: https://ii.umich.edu/islamicstudies/news-events/events.detail.html/83565-21428642.html Registration: https://umich.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIldeugpjkqGdH8DlDmEUC3-FqLIhk6ZRCF

14 APRIL 2021, 7:00 PM (CET). ANGELICUM THOMISTIC INSTITUTE. Online Conference: “Penser Dieu: La philosophie peut-elle parler de la nature de Dieu?”, led by Thierry-Dominique Humbrecht, Institut Catholique de Toulouse. See: https://angelicum.it/event/penser-dieu-la-philosophie-peut-elle-parler-de-la-nature-de-dieu/ . Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdiS2OCiyjI_Aju8o37SErMLgsQwbRUqRtEzC6WdULzeHWsTw/viewform

15 APRIL 2021, 13:45 – 17:30 (CET). LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Visioconférence: Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité à L’Âge Classique, “Nouvelles recherches sur l’intentionnalité au Moyen Âge”. Organized by Veronique Decaix. See: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr or http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/IMG/pdf/sem_chspam_15-04-2021_sphere-umr7219.pdf Registration: contact: veronique.decaix@univ-paris1.fr . Deadline for registration: 13 April 2021.

16 APRIL 2021, 4 PM (PARIS TIME). PHYSIS KAI PHUTA. On Nature and Plants in Ancient Greece. Online seminar: “A City for Pigs: The Plant-based Diet of Republic 369b-376e”, led by Mark Usher. See: https://classicalassociation.org/events/phusis-kai-phuta-webinar-mark-usher-on-plant-based-dietetics-in-the-city-for-pigs-republic-69b-376e/ or https://voices.uchicago.edu/phusiskaiphuta/program/ . For registration contact: abuccheri@chs.harvard.edu , lwash@uchicago.edu , or amace@univ-fcomte.fr .

16 APRIL 2021, 2:00-6:30 PM (European Time). UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 1 PANTHÉON SORBONNE, UMR SPHERE, G.R.A.M.A.T.A. Séminaire Graminaire 2021: “Passions sensibles et progrès intellectuel: Albert le Grand vs Thomas d’Aquin” led by C. Masson; “La bonne mémoire, une affaire de complexion?” led by V. Decaix; “A l’épreuve du temps avec Augustin: de la dilatio à la dilatation” led by A. Fouquet; “La notion de symbole et son usage orientaliste: la construction historiographique d’un Avicenne mystique” led by C. Réquillart. See: https://gramata.univ-paris1.fr/fileadmin/gramata/Affiches/20210127_Graminaire.pdf or https://gramata.univ-paris1.fr/actualites/seminaires-et-colloques/?no_cache=1 . For registration contact: ulysse.chaintreuil@hotmail.fr or pierre-marie.morel@univ-paris1.fr

19-20 APRIL 2021. MCGILL UNIVERSITY, ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY POZNAN, KU LEUVEN. Online Symposium: “The Passions in the Platonic Tradition, Patristics, and Late Antiquity”. See: https://theo.kuleuven.be/apps/press/theologyresearchnews/files/2021/04/7.04.2021-Passions-Program.pdf or https://mcgill.academia.edu/PabloIrizar . For registration contact Pablo Irizar: pablo.irizar@mcgill.ca

20 APRIL 2021, 2:00-4:30 PM (BELGIAN TIME). UCLOUVAIN, INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR DE PHILOSOPHIE. Seminar via TEAMS. Module de philosophie arabe: „Le Proclus Arabus à travers le Kitab al-Fusus fi l-ma’alim al-ilahiyya d’al-‘amiri“. See: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/isp/evenements/module-de-philosophie-arabe-proclus-arabus-seance-1.html . For registration contact Cécile Bonmariage: cecile.bonmariage@uclouvain.be . SESSION POSTPONED TO JUNE 29.

20 APRIL 2021, 2:00-4:00 PM (EST). ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY SOCIETY. Seminar via Zoom: “Plato’s Republic for Today”. Speakers Jill Frank, Tae-Yeoun Keum, Marina McCoy, Jonny Thakkar. Organized by Christopher Moore. See: http://www.ancientphilosophysociety.org/2139-2/ . For registration contact: c.moore@psu.edu

20 APRIL 2021, 12:00 PM (EST). ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA (ASMEA). Webinar, “The Jews of the Islamic World in Modern Times: Transformation and Transplantation”, led by Prof. Noam (Norman) Stillman. See: https://asmea.memberclicks.net/webinar-series . Registration: https://asmea.memberclicks.net/index.php?option=com_mcform&view=ngforms&id=2081753#/

21 APRIL 2021, 4 PM (PARIS TIME). Classical Association in Northern Ireland lecture: “Freud, the Greeks, and the Invention of Personality”, led by Dr. John Curran. See: https://classicalassociation.org/events/classical-association-in-northern-ireland-lecture-dr-john-curran-on-freud-the-greeks-and-the-invention-of-personality/ . Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87512759050?fbclid=IwAR2vgu5XRU2cMlthBc99rzptNk8_Fypz8s7sW69QC2oW4nmh4m9nb6v4FG4&utm_source=Classical+Association+in+Northern+Ireland&utm_campaign=56de3fbe99-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_02_18_10_43_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b428197070-56de3fbe99-183918201#success

21-23 APRIL 2021. BRITISH SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. Online Conference: Women in the History of Philosophy. See: https://bshp.org.uk/events/bshp-annual-conference/

22 APRIL 2021, 3:00-4:30 PM (BERLIN TIME). MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Max Planck Research Group (Experience in the Premodern Sciences of Soul & Body ca. 800–1650): “The Eye and the Art of Medicine in Early Modern Germany, 1500-1700”, led by Wenrui Zhao. Organized by Hannah Erlwein. See: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/eye-and-art-medicine-early-modern-germany-1500-1700 . For registration contact: herlwein@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de

22 APRIL 2021, 4:15-6:45 PM (BELGIAN TIME). UCLOUVAIN, INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR DE PHILOSOPHIE. Seminar via TEAMS. Module de philosophie médiévale latine: „Le Commentaire au Liber De Causis de Siger de Brabant”. See: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/isp/evenements/module-de-philosophie-arabe-proclus-arabus-seance-1.html . For registration contact Jean-Michel Counet: jean-michel.counet@uclouvain.be

22 APRIL, 4-5 PM (EST). SOCIETY FOR ANCIENT MEDICINE. “Re-orienting Ancient Medicine Courses”, led by Aileen Das & Jay Crisostomo. See: https://www.societyancientmedicine.org/events . Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1H0P6oxelCWvmq1A_nrCfF__B-16PRyb-N7PAbrFPSqc/viewform?edit_requested=true#response=ACYDBNhAClv8IiRnI_OBa4UJeItDmqhOHyIURdPamvEgQViWyoefgXIgb9UUAq7HSux6iZw

22 APRIL 2021, 1:00-3:00 PM (CET). NEOPLATONISM AND ABRAHAMIC TRADITIONS, AUSTRIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Online Conference: “The Reception of Proclus’ Commentary on Euclid in the Renaissance”, led by Alvaro Campillo Bo. See: https://www.neoplat.eu/news-events/

23 APRIL 2021. Medieval Logic and Ontology Seminar 2021: A Virtual Discussion. “Naturalized Intentionality in Thomas Aquinas and Robert Kilwardby”, led by Elena Baltuta. Organized by Christophe Geudens & Nicole Polloni. See: https://meloseminar.wordpress.com/meetings/ . For registration contact christophe.geudens@kuleuven.be or nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be

26 APRIL 2021, 5:30-7:00 PM (ISRAEL TIME). THE ISRAEL INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN JERUSALEM. Seminar of the Research Group “Cultural Brokerage in Pre-modern Islam”: “Non-Mālikīs in al-Andalus: the evidence from the bio- and bibliographical tradition”, led by Prof. Camilla Adang. See: https://iias.huji.ac.il/event/non-m%C4%81lik%C4%ABs-al-andalus-evidence-bio-and-bibliographical-tradition-seminar

28 APRIL 2021, 7:30 PM (AHMEDABAD)/ 6:30 PM TEHRAN/ 10 AM WASHINGTON, D.C. AHMEDABAD UNIVERSITY. Webinar: “The Importance of Non-Western Philosophy: The Case of Islamic Philosophy”, led by Prof. Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1t3eN_HTqiDCcD0AlZqLug7eV5FbHzAFzvhnC0ZaqhCc/viewform?edit_requested=true

28 APRIL 2021, 5:00 PM (TURKEY TIME)/ 10 AM (EST). MCGILL UNIVERSITY, BOĞAZİÇİ UNIVERSITY. Online Seminar: “The Language(s) of Heaven: Persianate Islam in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire”, led by Aslıhan Gürbüzel. See: https://www.mcgill.ca/islamicstudies/news-events or http://takvim.boun.edu.tr/bu/?q=node/2497 . Registration: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErdOGtqTgvHtUJ7dhB90kJOn97rq3lP1od

30 APRIL 2021, 2:00-3:30 PM (CDT). DEPAUL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY. The Ancient Philosophy Society presents: “Plato and Aristotle on the Polis and Xenoi”. See: https://www.facebook.com/events/729273977954136/ or https://www.facebook.com/DePaulPhilosophy/photos/gm.729274247954109/4182536198423924 . Registration: https://depaul.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJApdeutrDsjGtxArqC1h8lqe9FMFcxU_y9h?fbclid=IwAR17OyNmqxs4i2Z–nqf_HFMrSo_TnmI50W0b-u2h771e-wf7KwB0H9urN4

30 APRIL-2 MAY, 7:00 AM (PACIFIC TIME). STANDFORD UNIVERSITY. The 4th Annual Standford Philosophy Conference: Ancient Metaphysics and Epistemology. Speakers: Michael Peramatzis, David Sedley, Emily Katz, Toomas Lott, Thomas Kjeller Johansen, Oliver Primavesi, David Bronstein, M.L.Gill. Organized by Chris Bobonich, Thomas Slabon, Rupert Sparling. See: https://philevents.org/event/show/86814 . Registration: https://stanford.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArcOCqrz8vGdUsRDFmTHLqJJZxMv_FWlqV


LANGUAGE COURSES – SUMMER 2021. CLASSICAL LANGUAGES INSTITUTE. Language Courses: “The Christendom Classical Languages Institute offers courses in Latin, Ancient Greek, and Arabic this summer. Students may attend in-person classes for either three or six weeks. The Institute is open to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as hard-working high school students. No previous study of these languages is required.” See: https://graduate.christendom.edu/academics/classical-languages-institute/.  Register for Ancient Greek: https://www.polisjerusalem.org/program/virginia-ancient-greek-summer-2021/#ancient-greek-level-ii. Register for Latin: https://www.polisjerusalem.org/program/virginia-latin-summer-2021/. For Arabic see: https://graduate.christendom.edu/academics/classical-languages-institute/.

AWARD. DEADLINE: 1 JUNE 2021. KU LEUVEN. Life SIEPM Life-Time Achievement Award: The SIEPM Life-Time Achievement Award recognizes the outstanding achievement and the significant and sustained contributions of research and/or teaching in the broad field of medieval philosophy throughout the recipient’s career. It is awarded every five years during the SIEPM World Congress. See: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/siepm/awards .

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 31 MAY 2021. NAZARIYAT: JOURNAL FOR HISTORY OF ISLAMIC PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCES. Call for Paper: “Special Issue on Shams al-Dīn al-Samarqandī”. For more information see: http://www.ancientphilosophysociety.org/ancient-philosophy-society-call-for-papers/ .

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 1 JUNE 2021. THE SOCIETY FOR MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE PHILOSOPHY. Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy Founder’s Prize. See: http://smrpphil.org/ . Entries should be submitted to Dr. Thomas Osborne at osborntm@stthom.edu by June 1.

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 24-27 MARCH 2022. THE METHAPHSICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. “Metahphysical Traditions Dialogue”. See: https://www.metaphysicalsociety.org/ . For questions contact Owen Goldin: owen.goldin@marquette.edu

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 5 SEPTEMBER 2021. SYMPOSIUM 13-15 MAY 2022, ANKARA. IDUSEM. “International Symposium in Kemalpaşazâde (Ibn Kemal)”. See: https://idusem.com/ . For questions contact: kemalpasazade2022@gmail.com

MAY 2021 – MARCH 2022. INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE, KU LEUVEN. Online Panel: “Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China.” See: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ . Download the Program: https://potestasessendi.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/tes-programme-1.pdf .

MAY-JUNE 2021. THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES. Online Conference: “Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions: Structures of Being, World and Mind”. For more information see: http://richardctaylor.info/annual-international-meeting-11-13-june-2020-institute-of-ismaili-studies-london-uk/ . Contact information: richard.taylor@marquette.edu

5-6 MAY 2021. ERC PROJECT EUQU (The European Qur’ān, 1150-1850). Workshop: “The Iberian Qur’ān / El Coran en Iberia”, See: https://euqu.eu/2021/03/29/2800/ .

6 MAY 2021, 10:00 AM- 12:00 (CET). ERC PROJECT EUQU (The European Qur’ān, 1150-1850). Webinaire Prométhéd: “Problèmes et méthodes de l’édition des textes médiévaux”. See: https://euqu.eu/2021/03/02/webinaire-promethed-problemes-et-methodes-de-ledition-des-textes-medievaux/ . Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSejbNFLhdRMNU83HqL4azCLpKyh8S9hJ8GkFNfJ1NhQFKWk4g/viewform

6 MAY 2021, 3:00-4:30 PM (BERLIN TIME). MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Max Planck Research Group (Experience in the Premodern Sciences of Soul & Body ca. 800–1650): “The Experience of Laypeople and Experts in Premodern Islamic Science”, led and organized by Hannah Erlwein. See: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/experience-laypeople-and-experts-premodern-islamic-science . For registration contact: herlwein@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de

6 MAY 2021, 4:15-6:45 PM (BELGIAN TIME). UCLOUVAIN, INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR DE PHILOSOPHIE. Seminar via TEAMS. Module de philosophie médiévale latine: „Thomas d’Aquin et son commentaire au Liber De Causis”. See: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/isp/evenements/module-de-philosophie-arabe-proclus-arabus-seance-1.html . For registration contact Jean-Michel Counet: jean-michel.counet@uclouvain.be

6 MAY 2021. LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Visioconférence: Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité à L’Âge Classique, “Le terme de ma‘na (intention) dans la tradition arabe –entre kalâm, falsafa, et grammaire”. Organized by Miriam Rogasch & Lucie Tardy. See: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr . For registration contact: miriam.rogasch@etu.univ-paris1.fr

6 MAY 2021, 10:30 (ITALY). UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA. Online Seminar : “Immaginazione, verità e società umana: note sulla concezione della profezia in Avicenna (e nella falsafa)”, led by Olga Lizzini. See: https://www.dissgea.unipd.it/seminario-immaginazione-verit%C3%A0-e-societ%C3%A0-umana-note-sulla-concezione-della-profezia-avicenna-e-nella or https://www.dissgea.unipd.it/sites/dissgea.unipd.it/files/2020.05.06.pdf

11 MAY 2021, 2:00-4:30 PM (BELGIAN TIME). UCLOUVAIN, INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR DE PHILOSOPHIE. Seminar via TEAMS. Module de philosophie arabe: „Le Proclus Arabus à travers les propositions publiées par Endress sous le titre “Proclus Arabus”. See: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/isp/evenements/module-de-philosophie-arabe-proclus-arabus-seance-1.html . For registration contact Cécile Bonmariage: cecile.bonmariage@uclouvain.be

11 MAY 2021, 6:00 PM (CEST). UNIVERSITÄT KÖLN, THOMAS-INSTITUTE. Research Colloquium: „Willing What I Want: Duns Scotus’s Account of Divine Foreknowledge”, led by Prof. Dr. Giorgio Pini. See: https://thomasinstitut.uni-koeln.de/fileadmin/uzk2015/fodoko/21_foko.pdf . Registration: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcqd-6vrz8iGd1vfQCeIL_-VetEsnq7_F9y

12 MAY 2021, 6:00 PM (GMT+2). FAROUK JABRE CENTER FOR ARABIC AND ISLAMIC SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT. Webinar: “Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq: A Translator of Galen’s Works or One of his Critical Interlocutors?”, led by Georgia Saliba. See: https://aub.edu.lb/jabre/Pages/default.aspx or https://aub.edu.lb/jabre/PublishingImages/conference%20poster.png.

13 MAY 2021, 12:30 (ITALY). UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA. Online Seminar : “La logica in Avicenna: un’introduzione”, led by Olga Lizzini. See: https://www.dissgea.unipd.it/seminario-la-logica-avicenna-un%E2%80%99introduzione

14 MAY 2021. Medieval Logic and Ontology Seminar 2021: A Virtual Discussion. “Discussions on dominium at the Council of Constance (1414-1418)”, led by Serena Masolini. Organized by Christophe Geudens & Nicole Polloni. See: https://meloseminar.wordpress.com/meetings/ . For registration contact christophe.geudens@kuleuven.be or nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be

14 MAY 2021. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China. “Roman Preludes”, led by Daryn Lehoux, John Wynne, Peter Singer. Chaired by Charles Brittain. Organized by Nicole Polloni. See: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ . For registration contact nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be .

14 MAY 2021, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM (EST). ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY SOCIETY. Seminar via Zoom: “The Persistence of the Sophists”. Organized by Christopher Moore. See: http://www.ancientphilosophysociety.org/2142-2/ . For registration contact: c.moore@psu.edu

18 MAY 2021, 6:00 PM (CEST). UNIVERSITÄT KÖLN, THOMAS-INSTITUTE. Research Colloquium: „Das ‘Haus der Wissenschaft’ der Karäer vom 9. Bis zum 11. Jahrhundert und seine Bedeutung für die Ausbildung der judäo-arabischen Literatur”, led by Prof. Dr. Ronny Vollandt. See: https://thomasinstitut.uni-koeln.de/fileadmin/uzk2015/fodoko/21_foko.pdf . Registration: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMrce2pqTwjHtxBR41kCLuTr-MkKLXh39an

18-20 MAY 2021. HMML STAFF AND SCHOLARS, ERFURT UNIVERSITY. Online workshop: Schedule-MIDA Training Gotha 2021, “Manuscripts Meet Digital Humanities: Present Approaches from Digitisation and Cataloguing up to Online Presentation and Textrecognition.” Topic: Examining Manuscripts through a Cataloger’s Lenses, led by Dr. des Vevian Zaki (Cataloger of Arabic Manuscripts). See: https://hmml.org/programs/hmml-presents/ and  https://www.uni-erfurt.de/forschungsbibliothek-gotha/bibliothek/aktuelles/tagungen-und-workshops/workshops .

18-20 MAY 2021. HMML STAFF AND SCHOLARS, ERFURT UNIVERSITY. Online workshop: Schedule-MIDA Training Gotha 2021, “Manuscripts Meet Digital Humanities: Present Approaches from Digitisation and Cataloguing up to Online Presentation and Textrecognition.” Topic: From Print to Digital Catalogues: Gains and Losses in the Study of Arabic Manuscripts, led by Dr Celeste Gianni (Cataloger of Arabic Manuscripts). See: https://hmml.org/programs/hmml-presents/ and https://www.uni-erfurt.de/forschungsbibliothek-gotha/bibliothek/aktuelles/tagungen-und-workshops/workshops .

19 MAY 2021, 8:30 AM (CST). THE AQUINAS AND “THE ARABS” INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP MAY/JUNE 2021 INTERNATIONAL MEETING. “Ismaili Thought: Between Neoplatonism and Aquinas” and“Metaphysics of Being in Aquinas and the Arabic Tradition”. See: http://richardctaylor.info/the-aquinas-and-the-arabs-international-working-group-aaiwg-may-june-2021-international-meeting/

19 MAY 2021, 5:00-6:30 PM. UNIVERSITY OF EXETER. Arabic Text Seminar: “Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam of Ibn ʿArabī (d. 1240)”, led by Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmed (HRF, Exeter). See: https://www.exeter.ac.uk/news/events/details/index.php?event=11254 . For registration contact: s.a.wood2@exeter.ac.uk

20 MAY 2021, 1:00-3:00 PM (CET). NEOPLATONISM AND ABRAHAMIC TRADITIONS. Online Presentation: “On the Latin Edition of the Liber de causis”, led by Iulia Székely Calma. See: https://www.neoplat.eu/news-events/

20-21 MAY 2021. ERC PROJECT EUQU (The European Qur’ān, 1150-1850). Workshop: “European Visions of the Qur’ān in the Middle Ages (9th-15th centuries)”, See: https://euqu.eu/2021/03/29/workshop-european-visions-of-the-quran-in-the-middle-ages-9th-15th-centuries/ or https://euqu.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Affiche-20-mai-2021-Nantes-Ve.pdf .

24 MAY 2021. DIGITALMEDIEVALIST, THE MEDIEVAL ACADEMY OF AMERICA . “The Past, Present, and Future of Digital Medieval Studies – A Global Digital Medievalist Symposium”. For information and registration see: https://digitalmedievalist.wordpress.com/the-past-present-and-future-of-digital-medieval-studies-a-global-digital-medievalist-symposium/

26 MAY 2021, 8:30 AM (CST). THE AQUINAS AND “THE ARABS” INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP MAY/JUNE 2021 INTERNATIONAL MEETING. “New Readings of Avicenna” and “The Nature of the “Intellect that Becomes All”. See: http://richardctaylor.info/the-aquinas-and-the-arabs-international-working-group-aaiwg-may-june-2021-international-meeting/

28 MAY 2021. Medieval Logic and Ontology Seminar 2021: A Virtual Discussion. “A way out of radical skepticism: Aquinas’ treatment of the brains in a vat hypothesis”, led by Shahab Khademi. Organized by Christophe Geudens & Nicole Polloni. See: https://meloseminar.wordpress.com/meetings/ . For registration contact christophe.geudens@kuleuven.be or nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be


1 JUNE 2021, ASG III, The third international meeting of the Avicenna Study Group “Surveying the summae: Comparisons and Contrasts among Avicenna’s Eight Main Works”. Session One, Time Slot A (8am PST/11am EST/4pm GMT/5pm CEST/6pm EEST/7.30pm IRST/midnight JST), welcome address by Prof. Dr. Michael Jäckel (President of Trier University), introduction by Andreas Lammer; Jon McGinnis (University of Missouri – St. Louis): “Elementary Physics: Exploratory Thoughts on Avicenna’s Theory of the Elements”; Time Slot B (9.30am PST/12.30pm EST/5.30pm GMT/6.30pm CEST/7.30pm EEST/9pm IRST/1.30am JST) + 15 minutes, Silvia Di Vincenzo (IMT Lucca): “Bigger Books on Logic: A Comparative Analysis of Avicenna’s Šifāʾ, Naǧāt, and Išārāt”. See: http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/programme/ . Registration: http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/registration/ .

1-2 JUNE 2021, 1:30 PM. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. 10th International Lectio Conference Imagining the Future of Premodern Intellectual History. Online Dialogue on Innovation in the Study of Ideas, Texts and Images from Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. See: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/events/agenda/10th-international-lectio-conference-imagining-the-future-of-premodern-intellectual-history . For registration contact lectio@kuleuven.be

2 JUNE 2021, 8:30 AM (CST). THE AQUINAS AND “THE ARABS” INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP MAY/JUNE 2021 INTERNATIONAL MEETING. Title of Meeting: “Intellectual Felicity and Conjunction with the Agent Intellect in Greek, Arabic, and Medieval Latin Philosophy and Theology” and“Medieval and Renaissance Testimony on When to Trust Authority”. See: http://richardctaylor.info/the-aquinas-and-the-arabs-international-working-group-aaiwg-may-june-2021-international-meeting/

2 JUNE 2021, 12:00 PM (HELSINKI TIME). EUROPEAN RESEARCH COUNCIL, UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ. Online conference: “After Avicenna”. Organized by the project Epistemic Transitions in Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science.See: https://islamicepistemology.com/2021/05/18/after-avicenna/ . For more information contact Kutlu Okan: kutluokan@gmail.com

2-3 JUNE 2021. University of Jyväskylä  – ISLAMICEPISTEMOLOGY. Online Conference on post-Avicennian Islamic Philosophy and Theology: “After Avicenna.” See: https://islamicepistemology.com/2021/05/18/after-avicenna/

3-4 JUNE 2021. UNIVERSITY OF CORDOBA. Eleventh International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society. See: https://religioninsociety.com/2021-conference?utm_source=N21C_danV&utm_medium=N21C_danV&utm_campaign=N21C_danV#block-1 and http://www.newsletter.illinois.mx3a.com/vo/religion_N21CVg.html . Deadline for Proposals and Registration: 3 May 2021.

4 JUNE 2021, 2:30-5:00 PM (European Time). UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 1 PANTHÉON SORBONNE. “Le rôle de la prudence dans l’anticipation des choses futures chez Albert le Grand et Thomas d’Aquin”, led by VÉRONIQUE DECAIX (Université de Paris I) and “Réceptions de la divination assyro-babylonienne dans la philosophie hellénistique et romaine”, led by VICTOR GYSEMBERGH (CNRS, Centre Léon Robin). See: https://philosophie.pantheonsorbonne.fr/evenements/seminaire-philosophie-hellenistique-et-romaine-dire-et-penser-futur or . For registration contact: jean-baptiste.gourinat@sorbonne-universite.fr or juliette.dross@sorbonne-universite.fr

6 JUNE, 6:00 PM (Kuwait Time). GUST GLOBAL STUDIES CENTER. Online Discussion: “One State or Two: An Exploration of Hannah Arendt’s Solution to the Palestinian-Israeli Problem” by Dr. Mohammad Ahmad Alsayyed. See: https://gsc.gust.edu.kw/content/mohammad-alwahaib-talks-about-hannah-arendt-and-jewish-palestinian-question

7-12 JUNE APRIL, 16:30-19:00 (SIRACUSA TIME).FONTE ARETUSA. Sixth Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Heritage of Western Greece with special emphasis on ἀρετή aretē: virtue, excellence, goodness. See: https://fontearetusa.wordpress.com/2020-interdisciplinary-symposium/ and https://fontearetusa.wordpress.com/program/ . Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfHmkYrvdt_slqhslqbQ5vlpmeCCBpLhFmy41AyipxnIiIdbA/viewform

7-9 JUNE 2021. KU LEUVEN,INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM. “Dialectic in the Middle Ages: Between Debate and the Foundation of Science”. See: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/siepm/SIEPM2021 or https://hiw.kuleuven.be/siepm/annual-colloquia . For registration and information contact: siepm@kuleuven.be.

8 JUNE 2021, ASG III. The third international meeting of the Avicenna Study Group “Surveying the summae: Comparisons and Contrasts among Avicenna’s Eight Main Works”. Session Two, Time Slot A (8am PST/11am EST/4pm GMT/5pm CEST/6pm EEST/7.30pm IRST/midnight JST), Olga Lizzini (Université Aix-Marseille): “The Book of the Guidance: Doctrinal Points and Communicational Methods – Introducing Avicenna’s Kitāb al-Hidāya”; Time Slot B (9.30am PST/12.30pm EST/5.30pm GMT/6.30pm CEST/7.30pm EEST/9pm IRST/1.30am JST), Yuta Komura (Waseda University, Tokyo): “Avicenna on Divine Providence and its Relationship to the Problem of God’s Knowledge of Particulars”. See: http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/programme/ . Registration: http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/registration/ .

8 JUNE 2021, 6 PM (CEST). UNIVERSITÄT KÖLN, THOMAS-INSTITUTE. Cologne Lectures in Ancient and Medieval: “The Place of Cynicism in the History of Philosophy”, led by Prof. Dr. Christian Wildberg. See: https://colognelectures.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/sites/colognelectures/poster/2021_wildberg_poster.pdf . Registration: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0uc-mrqjkrE9wbT9wgzWn_1-1wqLnX6ENu

8 JUNE 2021, 3:00-4:30 PM (BERLIN TIME). MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Max Planck Research Group (Experience in the Premodern Sciences of Soul & Body ca. 800–1650): “Know Thy Experience”, led by Katja Krause and organized by Hannah Erlweil. See: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/know-thy-experience-0 . For registration contact: herlwein@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de

9-25 JUNE 2021. AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF MUSLIM CIVILISATIONS. Online Short Course: “Introduction to the Study of Islam and Muslims”.  See: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/7626008/introduction-study-islam-and-muslims-online-short-course Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/introduction-to-the-study-of-islam-and-muslims-online-short-course-tickets-142719703475

9 JUNE 2021, 8:30 AM (CST). THE AQUINAS AND “THE ARABS” INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP MAY/JUNE 2021 INTERNATIONAL MEETING. “Alexander, Avicenna and Averroes on mixis: cosmological and ontological stakes of an ongoing debate”, led by Cristina Cerami.“Cosmology and Psychological Concepts in Ibn as-Sīd al-Baṭalyausī’s Kitāb al-Ḥadāi’q”, led by Beate Ulrike La Sala. “God, Celstial Soul and Providence: Thomas Aquinas’ De caelo et mundo and His Use of Greek and Arabic Commentators”, led by Adam Takahashi. See: http://richardctaylor.info/the-aquinas-and-the-arabs-international-working-group-aaiwg-may-june-2021-international-meeting/

9-11 JUNE 2021. MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Max Planck Research Group (Final Theory Program): “Approximations in Physics: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives”, organized by Pablo Ruiz de Olano. See: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/approximations-physics-historical-and-philosophical-perspectives . For registration contact: pdolano@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de

10-12 JUNE 2021, 11:00 AM. ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY SOCIETY. Ancient Philosophy Society 20th Annual Independent Meeting via Zoom. For more information and Zoom link and Meeting ID see: http://www.ancientphilosophysociety.org/ancient-philosophy-2021-program/

11 JUNE 2021, 2:00-6:30 PM (European Time). UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 1 PANTHÉON SORBONNE, UMR SPHERE, G.R.A.M.A.T.A. Séminaire Graminaire 2021: “Usages des catégories dans le commentaire d’Alexandre d’Aphrodise au livre Γ de la Métaphysique d’Aristote” led by A. Jaulin; “La valeur épistémologique des sensations propres chez Aristote” led by A. Avcan; “Bénéfices et difficultés de la lecture “fonctionnaliste” de l’inclusion de la matière dans la forme aristotélicienne” led by U. Chaintreuil; “Penser comme on voit la nuit” led by J.-B. Brenet. See: https://gramata.univ-paris1.fr/fileadmin/gramata/Affiches/20210127_Graminaire.pdf or https://gramata.univ-paris1.fr/actualites/seminaires-et-colloques/?no_cache=1 . For registration contact: ulysse.chaintreuil@hotmail.fr or pierre-marie.morel@univ-paris1.fr

11 JUNE 2021. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China. “Latin Philosophy in Late Antiquity”, led by Anna Marmodoro, Gretchen Reydams-Schils, Enrico Moro. Chaired by John Magee. Organized by Nicole Polloni. See: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ . For registration contact nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be .

11 JUNE 2021. Medieval Logic and Ontology Seminar 2021: A Virtual Discussion. “TBD”, led by Yehuda Halper. Organized by Christophe Geudens & Nicole Polloni. See: https://meloseminar.wordpress.com/meetings/ . For registration contact christophe.geudens@kuleuven.be or nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be

11 JUNE 2021. DIGITALMEDIEVALIST, THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. “The Past, Present, and Future of Digital Medieval Studies – A Global Digital Medievalist Symposium”. For information and registration see: https://digitalmedievalist.wordpress.com/the-past-present-and-future-of-digital-medieval-studies-a-global-digital-medievalist-symposium/

11 JUNE 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 (CET). THE EUROPEAN QUR’AN (The EuQu). Seminar Work in Progress: “The Holy Book of the Ishmaelites in the World of Greek Christianity (9th–18th Centuries)”. See: https://euqu.eu/2021/06/02/seminar-work-in-progress-the-holy-book-of-the-ishmaelites-in-the-world-of-greek-christianity-9th-18th-centuries/ . Registration: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/meeting/register/u50pdeGvrzIiHNCQAVBZr0bt-J8Lqqe7NwOw

14-15 JUNE 2021. KU LEUVEN,INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM. “Per cognitionem visualem. From the Visual Exegesis to the Visualization of Cognitive Processes in the Middle Ages and Beyond”. See: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/siepm/siepm-2020 or https://hiw.kuleuven.be/siepm/annual-colloquia . For registration and information contact: siepm@kuleuven.be

14th – 15th & 21st – 22nd JUNE 2021. SOCIÉTÉ INTERNATIONALE POUR L’ÉTUDE DE LA PHILOSOPHIE MÉDIÉVALE. Online Colloquium: “Per cognitionem visualem. The Visualization of Cognitive and Natural Processes in the Middle Ages.” See: https://ifilosofia.up.pt/activities/per-cognitionem-visualem-2020 .

15 JUNE 2021, 2:00-4:30 PM (BELGIAN TIME). UCLOUVAIN, INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR DE PHILOSOPHIE. Seminar via TEAMS. Module de philosophie arabe: „Le Proclus Arabus à travers le Kitab fi mahd al-khayr”. See: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/isp/evenements/module-de-philosophie-arabe-proclus-arabus-seance-1.html . For registration contact Cécile Bonmariage: cecile.bonmariage@uclouvain.be

15 JUNE 2021, ASG III, The third international meeting of the Avicenna Study Group “Surveying the summae: Comparisons and Contrasts among Avicenna‘s Eight Main Works”. Session Three, Time Slot A (8am PST/11am EST/4pm GMT/5pm CEST/6pm EEST/7.30pm IRST/midnight JST). Mohammad Saleh Zarepour (University of Birmingham): “Avicenna’s Treatment of the Mapping Argument in ʿUyūn al-ḥikma, al-Šifāʾ, al-Naǧāt, and Dānešnāme-ye ʿAlāʾī”; Time Slot B (9.30am PST/12.30pm EST/5.30pm GMT/6.30pm CEST/7.30pm EEST/9pm IRST/1.30am JST), Dustin Klinger (Harvard University): “The Analysis of Simple Categorical Statements across Avicenna’s Main Works”. See: http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/programme/ . Registration: http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/registration/ .

15 JUNE 2021, 3:00-4:30 PM (BERLIN TIME). MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Max Planck Research Group (Experience in the Premodern Sciences of Soul & Body ca. 800–1650): “Know “Thy” Experience”, led by Katja Krause and organized by Ohad Parnes. See: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/know-thy-experience . For registration contact: oparnes@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de

16-18 JUNE 2021. IFK, UAM, PAN. Online Conference: “The presence of Plotinus: the self, contemplation, and spiritual exercise in the Enneads.” See: https://classica-mediaevalia.pl/event/konferencja-the-presence-of-plotinus-the-self-contemplation-and-spiritual-exercise-in-the-enneads/

17 JUNE 2021, 14:30-18:00 (CET). CNRS, SPHERE, & MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE.Online Seminar: “The Principles of Demonstration in the Aristotelian Tradition. Greek, Arabic and Latin Interpretations of the Posterior Analytic.” See: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/IMG/pdf/anpost_17-06-2021_umr7219.pdf  & http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr

17 JUNE 2021, 3:00-4:30 PM (BERLIN TIME). MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Max Planck Research Group (Experience in the Premodern Sciences of Soul & Body ca. 800–1650): “The Structure of Zoological Theory: Medieval Latin Commentaries on Aristotle’s “De Animalibus” in Their Philosophical Context”, led by Dominic Dold. Organized by Hannah Erlwein. See: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/structure-zoological-theory-medieval-latin-commentaries-aristotles-de-animalibus-their . For registration contact: herlwein@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de

17 JUNE 2021. LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Visioconférence: Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité à L’Âge Classique: “Réception des Analyt. II arabe et latine Axiomatiques et indémontrables”. Organized by Vincenzo De Risi. See: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr . For more information: contact: vincenzo.derisi@gmail.com

17 JUNE 2021. LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Visioconférence: Science Et Mathématiques de l’Antiquité à l’Âge Classique: “The Principles of Demonstration in the Aristotelian Tradition Greek, Arabic and Latin Interpretations of the Posterior Analytic”. Organized by Vincenzo De Risi. See: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr . For more information contact: vincenzo.derisi@gmail.com

17-18 JUNE 2021, 11:00 AM. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. International Conference: “Platonic Categories”. For information and registration: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/conferences-lectures/platonic-categories/index.html .

18 JUNE 2021. PHYSIS KAI PHUTA. On Nature and Plants in Ancient Greece. Online seminar: “On φύσις in Parmenides”, led by Rose Cherubin. See: https://voices.uchicago.edu/phusiskaiphuta/program/ or https://logiquesagir.univ-fcomte.fr/seminaires-pensee-ancienne-mai-juin-2021/ . For registration contact: Arnaud Macé: amace@univ-fcomte.fr

21-23 JUNE 2021, 9 AM. MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY. Fifteenth Annual Marquette Summer Seminar on Aristotle and Aristotelianism: “Causes and Causation in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition”. See: http://richardctaylor.info/annual-aristotle-and-aristotelianism-conference-summer-2020/ or https://philevents.org/event/show/89390 . For registration contact Owen Goldin owen.goldin@marquette.edu

21-23 JUNE 2021. QATAR NATIONAL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF TÜBINGEN. “Arabo-Islamic Manuscript Culture: An Intensive Course”. See: https://events.qnl.qa/event/jeB91/EN . Registration: https://events.qnl.qa/attend/jeB91

21 JUNE 2021. DIGITALMEDIEVALIST, THE UNIVERSITY OF GRAZ. “The Past, Present, and Future of Digital Medieval Studies – A Global Digital Medievalist Symposium”. For information and registration see: https://digitalmedievalist.wordpress.com/the-past-present-and-future-of-digital-medieval-studies-a-global-digital-medievalist-symposium/

22 JUNE 2021, ASG III, The third international meeting of the Avicenna Study Group “Surveying the summae: Comparisons and Contrasts among Avicenna’s Eight Main Works” Session Four, Time Slot A (8am PST/11am EST/4pm GMT/5pm CEST/6pm EEST/7.30pm IRST/midnight JST). Dimitri Gutas (Yale University, emeritus): “‘The Qurʾān of the Elite’: Avicenna’s Išārāt as it Relates to his Earlier summae and Determines Later (Para-)Philosophy”; Time Slot B (9.30am PST/12.30pm EST/5.30pm GMT/6.30pm CEST/7.30pm EEST/9pm IRST/1.30am JST), Tommaso Alpina (LMU Munich): “One summa within Another? The Case of Ḥayawān between Qānūn and Šifāʾ”. See:http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/programme/ . Registration: http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/registration/ .

22-24 JUNE 2021. UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Online Conference:  The Existence and Nature of God and Other Deities. See: https://www.global-philosophy.org/conferences . Deadline for Abstracts: 1 April 2021. 

24 JUNE 2021, 10:00 AM- 12:00 (CET). ERC PROJECT EUQU (The European Qur’ān, 1150-1850). Webinaire Prométhéd: “Problèmes et méthodes de l’édition des textes médiévaux”. See: https://euqu.eu/2021/03/02/webinaire-promethed-problemes-et-methodes-de-ledition-des-textes-medievaux/ . Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSejbNFLhdRMNU83HqL4azCLpKyh8S9hJ8GkFNfJ1NhQFKWk4g/viewform

24 JUNE 2021, 2:30 PM-7:00 PM (CEST). CZECH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Online Conference: “Islamic Thought and the Epistemological Challenge of Modernity”. For more information see: http://cgs.flu.cas.cz/images/Muslim_religious_discourse_and_the_epistemological_challenge_of_modernity_June_24_.pdf

24-25 JUNE 2021. THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF ARABIC & UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS. Online Conference: “Teaching, Research and Scholarship Excellence in Arabic Language, Culture, Literature, Linguistics and Translation”. See: https://britisharabicteaching.org/bata-conference-24-25-june-2021/

25 JUNE 2021. Medieval Logic and Ontology Seminar 2021: A Virtual Discussion. “From sine qua non to occasional causes”, led by Zita Toth. Organized by Christophe Geudens & Nicole Polloni. See: https://meloseminar.wordpress.com/meetings/ . For registration contact christophe.geudens@kuleuven.be or nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be

29 JUNE 2021, ASG III, The third international meeting of the Avicenna Study Group “Surveying the summae: Comparisons and Contrasts among Avicenna’s Eight Main Works”. Session Five, Time Slot A (8am PST/11am EST/4pm GMT/5pm CEST/6pm EEST/7.30pm IRST/midnight JST) Amos Bertolacci (IMT Lucca): “The Doctrine of Causality in the Šifāʾ and in Avicenna’s Previous summae: Dynamics of Selection and Appropriation”; Time Slot B (9.30am PST/12.30pm EST/5.30pm GMT/6.3 pm CEST/7.30pm EEST/9pm IRST/1.30am JST), Shahrazad Irannejad (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz): “Avicenna’s Inner Senses and their Ventricular Localization in the summae”. See:http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/programme/ . Registration: http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/registration/ .

29 JUNE 2021, 2:00-4:30 PM (BELGIAN TIME). UCLOUVAIN, INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR DE PHILOSOPHIE. Seminar via TEAMS. Module de philosophie arabe:

„Métaphysique des causes dans le Proclus Arabe à travers le Kitab al-Fusus fi l-ma’alim al-ilahiyya d’al-‘Amiri“. See: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/isp/evenements/module-de-philosophie-arabe-proclus-arabus-seance-1.html . For registration contact Cécile Bonmariage: cecile.bonmariage@uclouvain.be

29 JUNE 2021, 13:00-15:00 (BERLIN TIME). MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Colloquium: “Visualization of Astronomical Knowledge in Hellenistic Times: Aratus, Urania, and the Celestial Globe”, led by Stamatina Mastorakou. See: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/visualization-astronomical-knowledge-hellenistic-times-aratus-urania-and-celestial-globe . For registration contact: event_dept3@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de

30 JUNE 2021, 18:00-20:00 (German Time). GIESSEN UNIVERSITY. Online Talk: “The Koran as a text of late antiquity – a European approach” by Dr. Angelika Neuwirth. See: https://www.uni-giessen.de/fbz/fb04/institute/islamtheo/DA


CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 16 JULY 2021. 3 MARCH – 2 APRIL 2022. THE SOCIETY FOR MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE PHILOSOPHY (SMRP). The Renaissance Society of America’s 2022 Annual Meeting: “Identity and Agency in Renaissance and Medieval Thought”. See: https://smrpblog.wordpress.com/2021/06/05/call-for-papers-rsa-dublin-2022/ .For more information contact Serwin@barry.edu

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: DEADLINE 22 JULY 2021. CONFERENCE 26-28 DECEMBER 2021. IRANIAN INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY. “International Conference on Philosophical Anthropology in Ibn Sina”. Chairman: Dr. Seyed Mahmoud Yousefsani. See: http://ibsic.irip.ac.ir/news_40_CFP+of+International+Conference+on+Philosophical+Anthropology+in+Ibn+Sina.html . For information: IBSIC2021@gmail.com

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 31 JULY 2021. UNIVERSITÄT ZU KÖLN. The 43rd Kölner Mediaevistentagung: “Consensus.” See: https://kmt.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/archiv/kmt-2022-consensus & https://kmt.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/sites/kmt/archiv/43_consensus/43-2022_CfP_en.pdf .

01 JULY 2021, RES PHILOSOPHICA. “Theological Dogma and Philosophical Innovation in Medieval Philosophy”, Special Editor: Susan Brower-Toland (Saint Louis University). Prize: $3,000. Deadline for submission July 1st. See: http://www.resphilosophica.org/calls/medieval/

5-9 JULY 2021. UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN. Summer school (online): “Methodology in the History of Philosophy”. See: https://www.rug.nl/education/summer-winter-schools/methodology-in-the-history-of-philosophy/ . For registration and information contact: summerschoolphilosophy@rug.nl

06 JULY 2021, ASG III, The third international meeting of the Avicenna Study Group “Surveying the summae: Comparisons and Contrasts among Avicenna’s Eight Main Works”. Session Six, Time Slot A (8am PST/11am EST/4pm GMT/5pm CEST/6pm EEST/7.30pm IRST/midnight JST), Jules Janssens (De Wulf–Mansion Centre, Leuven): “Avicenna on Dreams (Especially Visionary Dreams): A Doctrinal and Terminological Survey of his Major Works”; Time Slot B(9.30am PST/12.30pm EST/5.30pm GMT/6.30pm CEST/7.30pm EEST/9pm IRST/1.30am JST), Alexander Lamprakis (LMU Munich): “Avicenna’s View(s) on Dialectic”. See:http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/programme/ . Registration: http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/registration/ .

8-10 JULY 2021. KU LEUVEN,INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. “Women on Medieval Philosophy”. Organized by Alexandra Anisie, Lisa Devriese, Jenny Pelletier and Zita Toth. See: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/conferences-lectures/womedieval/index.html . Call For Paper: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/conferences-lectures/womedieval/cfp . Deadline 1 MARCH 2021.

09-10 JULY 2021. THE WARBURG INSTITUTE. Conference: “New Approaches to Cosmos and Spirit in the Premodern World”. For more information and registration see: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/event/24440

13 JULY 2021: ASG III, The third international meeting of the Avicenna Study Group “Surveying the summae: Comparisons and Contrasts among Avicenna’s Eight Main Works”. Seventh and last Session. Time Slot A (8am PST/11am EST/4pm GMT/5pm CEST/6pm EEST/7.30pm IRST/midnight JST) Mostafa Najafi & Nadja Germann (University of Freiburg) “Connecting Minds – Constructing Knowledge: Avicenna on Signification and Understanding”, Time Slot B (9.30am PST/12.30pm EST/5.30pm GMT/6.30pm CEST/7.30pm EEST/9pm IRST/1.30am JST), Wahid Amin (Al-Mahdi Institute, Birmingham): “Avicenna, the Soul, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. See:http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/programme/ . Registration: http://www.arabic-philosophy.com/index.php/asg/asg-iii/registration/ .

26-30 JULY 2021. UNIVERSITÄT WÜRZBURG. Summer Module Course “Affective Intentionality in Medieval Philosophy and Phenomenology”. Keynote speakers: Stefano Micali (KU Leuven), Martin Pickavé (University of Toronto, St. George Campus), Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) Sonja Schierbaum (Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg) Jan Slaby (Freie Universität Berlin). Registration deadline: March 31, 2021. For more information see: https://www.philosophie.uni-wuerzburg.de/studium/summer-module-course-affective-intentionality/


CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: DEADLINE 21 AUGUST 2021. 23-25 NOVEMBER. UTRECHT UNIVERSITY, LEIDEN UNIVERSITY. Conference: “What Makes a Philosopher Good or Bad? Intellectual Virtues and Vices in the History of Philosophy”, organized by Lukas M. Verburgt (l.m.verburgt@uu.nl). For more information see: https://philevents.org/event/show/91293 or https://www.uu.nl/en/news/call-for-abstracts-what-makes-a-philosopher-good-or-bad

6-10 AUGUST 2021. LEIDEN UNIVERSITY. Third International Ismaili Studies Conference (2021). For information see: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2021/07/third-international-ismaili-studies-conference-2021-program–registration . Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ozbUGeKSQ4mkdUYk9j3XNg?_x_zm_rtaid=OVpk6UEaR7KarfbePBV5HA.1627477267511.6138a4443aca140b45afbd73c13bdf1c&_x_zm_rhtaid=681

19 AUGUST 2021, 6:00 PM (CEST). UNIVERSITÄT KÖLN. Sommervorträge am Philosophischen Seminar: „Können wir unserer Vernunft vertrauen?”, led by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Speer. See: https://philosophie.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/veranstaltungen . Registration: https://scheduler.uni-koeln.de/

23-27 AUGUST 2021, 7:00 AM (PDT). UCLA CENTER FOR NEAR EASTERN STUDIES. Online Workshop: “An Introduction to Arabic Manuscripts”, organized by Marina Rustow and Luke Yarbrough. Application deadline: 22 April 2021. For more information see: https://www.international.ucla.edu/cnes/event/14962

30 AUGUST – 2 SEPTEMBER 2021. EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF RELIGION. Panel on: “European Islam and the Emergence of New Religious and Political Authorities between the Local Dimension and Transnationalities” during the “Annual Conference of the European Academy of Religion”. See:https://www.europeanacademyofreligion.org/euare2021 . Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2021. Information: Dr. Minoo Mirshahvalad (University of Turin), mmirshahvalad2@gmail.com

30 AUGUST 2021, 10 AM (TEHRAN TIME). International Conference on Philosophical Anthropology in Ibn Sina. An English talk on “Avicenna’s Empiricism, Revisited” by Pr. Mohammad Azadpur. No need to use password, enter through the guest option. Link: https://www.skyroom.online/ch/irip/ib


CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 15 SEPTEMBER 2021. May 9-14, 2022 Classical Philosophy in the Lands of Islam and its Influence. See: https://icms.confex.com/icms/2022am/cfp.cgi

RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP: DEADLINE 15 SEPTEMBER 2021. CONSORTIUM FOR HISTORY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE. For more information see: https://mailchi.mp/chstm/2018-19-fellowship-announcement-8039777?e=07d5e5fa54

06-08 SEPTEMBER 2021. VIII Congreso International de SOFIME: “De cognitione”. See: https://sofime.eu/de-cognitione/ . Register: https://sofime.sci-meet.org/register/8CIFM

7 SEPTEMBER 2021. UNIVERSITY SARAJEVO, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. Workshop and Publication: “Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Mediterranean (1350-1750). A Thesaurus under Discussion”. See:https://is-le.eu/calls/islamic-legacy-narratives-east-west-south-north-of-the-mediterranean-1350-1750-a-thesaurus-under-discussion/ . Deadline for abstracts: April 1, 2021. Information: Sophia Abplanalp, University of Vienna, sophia.abplanalp@gmail.com, Fatih Parlak, Boğaziçi University, Turkey. ofatihparlak@gmail.com

10 SEPTEMBER 2021. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China. “The High Middle Ages”, led by Clelia Crialesi, Charles Burnett, Magdalena Bieniak. Chaired by John Marenbon. Organized by Nicole Polloni. See: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ . For registration contact nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be.

13-16 SEPTEMBER 2021. THEISLAMIC MANUSCRIPT ASSOCIATION. Islamic Manuscript Association Conference on Arabic-Script Manuscripts in Africa. Topic: HMML’s Model for Standardized Metadata of West African Manuscripts, led by Dr. Ali Diakite, Dr. Paul Naylor, and Dr. David Calabro. Location: Alexandria, Egypt. See: https://hmml.org/programs/hmml-presents/ and https://asmiaconference.org/ .

13-18 SEPTEMBER 2021, 13:45 (EUROPEAN TIME). KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE FOR ANCIENT, MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE PHILOSOPHY. Conference: “Aristotle’s De Sensu In The Latin Tradition, 1150-1650”. For information see: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/events/agenda/aristotle-de-sensu or contact mattia.mantovani@kuleuven.be .

15-17 SEPTEMBER 2021. UNIVERSITIES OF BIRMINGHAM, GRAZ AND ERFURT. Online Workshop: “Rewiring the House of God: Religious Self-World Relations in the Digital Environment (Including Islam)”. Deadline for abstracts: 1 March 2021. See: https://www.uni-erfurt.de/en/max-weber-kolleg/kolleg/recent-news/translate-to-english-veranstaltungen/eventdetail/rewiring-the-house-of-god-religious-self-world-relations-in-the-digital-environment

16-17 SEPTEMBER 2021. UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL. International Conference: “From Fragment to Whole: Interpreting Medieval Manuscript Fragments”. For more information see: https://themedievaldrk.wordpress.com/2021/04/07/cfp-from-fragment-to-whole/

23 SEPTEMBER 2021, 3 PM – 5 PM (TORONTO). UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. “Language, Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Mind Research Interest Group Talk”, led by Kourken Michaelian (University of Grenoble). For more information see: https://philosophy.utoronto.ca/event/lemm-interest-group-talk-kourken-michaelian-grenoble/

23-25 SEPTEMBER 2021, 9:00 AM. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. Conference: “Part and Whole in Antiquity”, led by Christian Pfeiffer. For information and registration: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/events/agenda/conference-part-and-whole-in-antiquity

23-25 SEPTEMBER 2021, 9:00-18:00, UTRECHT. UTRECHT UNIVERSITY. “Galen Conference 2021”. For information see: https://www.uu.nl/en/events/galen-conference-2021 or https://projectgalen.sites.uu.nl/2019/12/22/galen-conference-2020/ . For registration contact Nikè van Wijck: n.vanwijck@uu.nl

24 SEPTEMBER 2021. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China. “Islamicate Roots”, led by Emma Gannagé, Andreas Lammer, Matteo Di Giovanni. Chaired by Peter Adamson. Organized by Nicole Polloni. See: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ . For registration contact nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be .

24 SEPTEMBER 2021, 10:00 – 13:00 (CET). LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Visioconférence: Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité à L’Âge Classique, “Nouvelles recherches sur l’intentionnalité au Moyen Âge”. Organized by Veronique Decaix. See: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr or http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/IMG/pdf/sem_chspam_15-04-2021_sphere-umr7219.pdf Registration: contact: veronique.decaix@univ-paris1.fr . Deadline for registration: 13 April 2021.

24 SEPTEMBER- 20 NOVEMBER 2021. THE SOCIETY FOR ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHY (SAGP). The 2021 SAGP Annual Meeting via Zoom. Contact Anthony Preus (apreus@binghamton.edu) to attend via Zoom, indicating which event(s) by day and time. All times are current “New York” (Eastern) time.

· Friday, September 24, 11-1 EDT: Work in Progress: “Early Greek Philosophy”

11: Gina Zavota, Kent, “Elemental: The Status of the Four Roots in Empedocles’ Ontology”

12: Max Robitzsch, University of Greifswald, “Democritus’ Social and Political Thought”

· Saturday, September 25, 12 noon EDT: Panel: “The Household in the Platonic Dialogues”

12: J. J. Mulhern (Organizer), University of Pennsylvania, “Oikesis and Oikia in Plato’s Republic”

1: Thanasis Samaras, U of Georgia “The Household in Plato’s Political Philosophy”

· Saturday, September 25, 3-4: Classic Presentation: “Hippocrates”

3: Kevin Cales, SIU, “Ontological Reasoning. The Argument from the Sciences, and the Objects of Science in the Hippocratic Treatise ‘On the Art’”

· Monday, September 27, 10-11: Classic Presentation: “Aristotle”

10: Ian McCready-Flora, U Virginia, “Precision, Perception, and First Principles in Aristotle.”

· Friday, October 1, 11-1: Work in Progress: “Aristotle on Women”

11: Myrna Gabbe, University of Dayton, “Aristotle on the Perils of Being a Woman” (HA 7)

12: Dana Munteanu, Ohio State, “Aristotle on Sophocles’ Antigone in the Rhetoric”

· Saturday, October 2, 10-12: Work in Progress: “Aristotle Logic and Physics”

10: Nathan Elvidge, Oxford, “Assessing Aquinas’ interpretation of Aristotle’s account of change in Physics III.1-3.

11: Ludmila Dostalova, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, “Tree of Porphyry: A Semantics for Aristotelian Logic?”

· Saturday, October 2, 12 noon EDT: Panel: “Gods and the Divine in Greek and Roman Philosophy”

Organizer: Eve Browning, UT San Antonio

Chase Saladino, “Images of the Dionysian: An Ancient Philosophy for the Future”

Jack Kent, “Gods: Personal and Impersonal”

[Bianca Pulido, “Divi Filius: An exploration of 1st century ethical systems as described by Augustus’ Res Gestae and the Beatitudes in the Gospel of Matthew”]

Eve Browning, “Xenophon’s Practical Piety”

· Monday, October 4, 10-11: Work in Progress: “Early Greek Philosophy”

10: Radim Kočandrle, “The Conception of Earth and Space of the Universe in Ionian Cosmologies of 6th Century BCE”

· Saturday, October 9, 9-11 EDT: Panel “Platonic Orchesis beyond Plato”

Anna Lazou, Athens University, “The Dance of the stars metaphor in Plato’s Timaeus”

Aikaterini Lefka, University of Liege, “Gods dancing with us: a reinterpretation of the dance in Plato’s Laws”

Xenophon Moussas, Athens University, “Dance of the planets before Plato”

Sotiris Bekakos, Athens University, “Orchesis Choros Choreia: ancient dance vocabulary”

Giannis Spyridis, “Socrates and the dance of the soul”

· Saturday, October 9, 12-3 EDT: Work in Progress: “Aristotle’s Ethical Theory”

12: Erica Holberg, Utah State, “Getting Mad and Getting Even: How Aristotelian Anger Can be Good”

1 p.m.: Harlan Duane Long, U Buffalo, “Deliberation and Aristotle’s Metaphysics of Chosen Action.”

2: Victor Saenz, Houston Institute, “Self-Love and common goods: Aristotle on absolute moral prohibitions”

· Friday, October 15, 11-1: Work in Progress, “Aristotle’s Biological Philosophy”

11: Andrey Darovskikh, Binghamton U., “Eidos as Species in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Zeta”

12: Dimitris Galanis, U. of Patras, “Aristotle and Biological Naturalism”

· Saturday, October 16, 10-12 EDT: Work in Progress: “Aristotle’s Moral Psychology”

10: Jay Elliott, Bard College, “Aristotle on Voluntariness in Humans and Other Animals.”

11: Samuel Baker, U of South Alabama, and Patricio Fernandez, UC Santa Barbara, “Aristotle on the Unity of Practical Cognition”

· Saturday, October 16, 12-3 EDT: Panel: “Plato on Maintaining a Proper Relationship to Logos”

12: Ryan Brown, U. of Utah, “Writing, Images, and Love for Reality in Plato’s Phaedrus”

1: Lydia Winn, Boston College, “Philosophy, Misanthropy, and Misology: Socrates’ Recourse to Logos as Pharmakon for Soul-Blindness”

2: Sean Driscoll, U. of Utah (Panel Organizer) “Misology, Misanthropy, Heraclitus, and Heracliteans in Plato’s Phaedo”

· Sunday, October 17: Work in Progress: “Xenophon, Socrates, and Plato”

10: Lindsay Hachey, U of Western Ontario, “Xenophon and the Art of Horse Maintenance: Interpreting Xenophon’s Equine Treatise Philosophically”

11: Joyce Mullan, Stevens Institute, “The Political Meaning of Work in Plato and Xenophon’s Socrates”

12: Alan Pichanick, Villanova, “Thumos and Self-Dissolution in Republic 4.439d-440e”

· Friday, October 29, 3-5 p.m. EDT: William Altman: Author Meets Critics: Ascent to the Beautiful (2020)

Organizer: Mateo Duque, Binghamton U.

Maicon Reus Engler (Brazil)

Anne-Marie Schultz (Baylor)

John Ferrari (Berkeley)

William Altman

· Saturday, October 30, 11 a.m.: SAGP Distinguished Lecturer. David Sedley, “Divine Anonymity”

Comments by Rachel Barney and Alex Long. See separate flier.

· Saturday, November 6, 10-12: Work in Progress: “Theodicy”

Casey Hall, CUNY Graduate Center “Arguments from Necessity: A Platonic Theodicy in Stoic Clothes?”

Jonathan Buttaci and Sean Foley, Catholic U. “What is the Most Divine Thing in Us? A criterion for interpreting De Anima 3.4-5”

· Saturday, November 6, 12-2: Panel, “Plato’s Later Dialogues and Contemporary Philosophy”

Richard Neels, McMaster, “Fundamentality and Forms in Plato’s Parmenides”

Colin Smith, Penn State, “Two Platonic Senses of the Unlimited Continuum in Philebus 16b-27c”

Christopher Buckels, Junipero Serra High School, (Organizer) “The Particulars of Philebus 15b”

· Monday, November 8, 12 p.m. EST: Classic Presentations:

12: Chrysoula Gitsoulis, CUNY, “What do Hippocrates’ doctor and Aristotle’s poet share in common?”

1: Claudia Luchetti, Tübingen, “The Divine Fire of Prometheus (Phil. 16c). Philolaus and Plato: On Ideas, Soul and Principles.”

· Friday, November 12, 11 a.m. EST: Panel: “Plato’s Metaphysics in Parmenides and Sophist.”

Daniel Vazquez, U. Barcelona, “Plato’s Greatest Difficulty (Parmenides 133a11-135c4)”

Pauline Sabrier, FAU, “Are the Five Great Kinds of the Sophist Plato’s Categories?”

Michael Wiitala, Cleveland State (Panel Organizer) “The Nature, Ousia, and Form of Non-Being: Sophist 258a11-e2”

· Saturday, November 13, 10-1 EST: Classic Presentations: “Ancient Pedagogy”

10: Martin Sitte, IS, “Political Self-Knowledge: Introduction to reading Plato’s Alcibiades”

11: Reid Comstock, University of Notre Dame, “The Pedagogical Purpose of Aristotle’s Ethical Treatises”

12: Deepa Majumdar, Purdue Northwest “Defining and transfiguring the self in Plotinus’ Enneads and Advaita Vedānta”

· Saturday, November 20, noon to 2: Panel, “Poetic Imagination”

Marina Marren (Organizer), “State Violence and Weaving: Implications of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata for Plato’s Statesman”

Jill Frank, “Weaving Politics: Poetic Justice in Plato’s Statesman”

Mateo Duque, “Socratic Mimesis: The Poetic Imagining of the Laws in the Crito”

Alex Priou, “The Beautiful and the False: An Introduction to Plato’s Hippias”

Collective question and answer session follows

24-25 SEPTEMBER 2021. ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY GROUP, TORONTO COLLOQUIUM IN MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY. See: https://philosophy.utoronto.ca/event/toronto-colloquium-medieval-philosophy-2020-2/

29 SEPTEMBER 2021, 10:00 – 17:30 (CET). LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Visioconférence: Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité à L’Âge Classique, “Nouvelles recherches sur l’intentionnalité au Moyen Âge”. Organized by Veronique Decaix. See: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr or http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/IMG/pdf/sem_chspam_15-04-2021_sphere-umr7219-2.pdf . For registration contact: veronique.decaix@univ-paris1.fr

28 SEPTEMBER – 01 OCTOBER 2021. UNIVERSITY OF JENA. Internationale Meeting: “The Methods of Philosophy in its Diff erent Disciplines A Comparative View on Syro-Arabic and Latin Philosophy (6.-13th cent.).” See: https://www.philosophie.uni-jena.de/philmedia/institut+f%C3%BCr+philosophie/ressourcen+zu+aktuelles/tagung_perkams+29_09_-01_10_21.pdf


3-6 OCTOBER 2021. THE SOCIETY FOR MEDIEVAL AND PHILOSOPHY (SMRP), UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. SMRP Inaugural Conference at the University of Notre Dame, McKenna Hall Conference Center. For more information see: https://philosophy.nd.edu/news/events/society-for-medieval-and-renaissance-philosophy-inaugural-conference/ or https://smrpblog.wordpress.com/2021/08/27/smrp-inaugural-conference/ . Registration: https://web.cvent.com/event/81625ce3-d044-4f90-806d-14d53c405ef7/summary

5 OCTOBER – 30 NOVEMBER 2021. THE WARBURG INSTITUTE. Online Course: “Classical Greek Texts”. For more information & registration see: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/classical-greek-texts

6 OCTOBER – 24 MARCH 2022. THE WARBURG INSTITUTE. Online Course: “Specialised French for Reading Renaissance Texts (Beginners and Intermediate) & Advanced Renaissance French”. For more information & registration see: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/specialised-french-reading-renaissance-texts-beginners-and-intermediate-advanced-renaissance

6 OCTOBER – 24 MARCH 2022. THE WARBURG INSTITUTE. Online Course: “Late Medieval and Renaissance Latin (Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced)”. For more information & registration see: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/specialised-french-reading-renaissance-texts-beginners-and-intermediate-advanced-renaissance

7-8 OCTOBER 2021. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. Workshop: Truth and Objectivity in Cassirer’s Philosophy of Culture and Philosophy of Science”. Organized by Simon Truwant & Tobias Endres. For more information see: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/cmprpc/events/agenda/workshop-truth-and-objectivity-in-cassirer2019s-philosophy-of-culture-and-philosophy-of-science or https://hiw.kuleuven.be/cmprpc/events/workshop-cassirer/index.html .

8 OCTOBER – 2 DECEMBER 2021. THE WARBURG INSTITUTE. Online Course: “Classical Greek (for complete beginners)”. For more information & registration see: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/classical-greek-beginners

8 OCTOBER 2021, 3 PM – 5 PM (TORONTO). UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. “Language, Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Mind Research Interest Group Talk”, led by J. Dmitri Gallow (Australian Catholic University). For more information see: https://philosophy.utoronto.ca/event/lemm-interest-group-talk-dmitri-gallow-acu/

8-10 OCTOBER 2021. BERLIN INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC THEOLOGY, HUMBOLDT-UNIVERSITÄT ZU BERLIN. Online Conference: “Canon and Censorship in the Islamic Intellectual and Theological History”. See: https://www.islamische-theologie.hu-berlin.de/de/professuren/islamische-ideengeschichte-1200-1800/medien/call-canon-and-censorship-1.pdf . Deadline for abstracts: 15 January 2021

09, OCTOBER (9-11 EDT). SAGP Annual Meeting Panel: Platonic Orchesis beyond Plato. Anna Lazou, Athens University, “The Dance of the stars metaphor in Plato’s Timaeus”; Aikaterini Lefka, University of Liege, “Gods dancing with us: a reinterpretation of the dance in Plato’s Laws”; Xenophon Moussas, Athens University, “Dance of the planets before Plato”; Sotiris Bekakos, Athens University, “Orchesis Choros Choreia: ancient dance vocabulary”; Giannis Spyridis, “Socrates and the dance of the soul”.Contact apreus@binghamton.edu to participate

09, OCTOBER (12-3 EDT). SAGP Annual Meeting Work in Progress: Aristotle’s Ethical Theory. 12: Erica Holberg, Utah State, “Getting Mad and Getting Even: How Aristotelian Anger Can be Good”; 1 p.m.: Harlan Duane Long, U Buffalo, “Deliberation and Aristotle’s Metaphysics of Chosen Action.”; 2: Victor Saenz: “Self-Love and common goods: Aristotle on absolute moral prohibitions”. Contact apreus@binghamton.edu to participate.

14 OCTOBER 2021, 5 PM (EDT). THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE, THE MARCO INSTITUTE FOR LECTURE AND RENAISSANCE STUDIES. “Annual Riggsby Lecture on Medieval Mediterranean History and Culture”, led by Marina Rustow. For more information see: https://marco.utk.edu/riggsby-lecture/ or contact: marco@utk.edu

15 OCTOBER 2021 (11-1 EDT). SAGP Annual Meeting Work in Progress: Aristotle’s Biological Philosophy. 11: Andrey Darovskikh, Binghamton, “Eidos as Species in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Zeta”; 12: Dimitris Galanis, U. Of Patras,“Aristotle and Biological Naturalism” . Contact apreus@binghamton.edu to participate.

16 OCTOBER 2021 (10-12 EDT). SAGP Annual Meeting Work in Progress: Aristotle’s Moral Psychology. 10: Jay Elliott, Bard College, “Aristotle on Voluntariness in Humans and Other Animals”; 11: Samuel Baker, U of South Alabama, and Patricio Fernandez, UC Santa Barbara, “Aristotle on the Unity of Practical Cognition”. Contact apreus@binghamton.edu to participate.

16 OCTOBER 2021 (12-3 EDT). SAGP Annual Meeting Panel: “Plato on Maintaining a Proper Relationship to Logos”. 12: Ryan Brown, U. of Utah, “Writing, Images, and Love for Reality in Plato’s Phaedrus”; 1: Lydia Winn, Boston College, “Philosophy, Misanthropy, and Misology: Socrates’ Recourse to Logos as Pharmakon for Soul-Blindness”; 2: Sean Driscoll, U. of Utah (Pane Organizer) “Misology, Misanthropy, Heraclitus, and Heracliteans in Plato’s Phaedo”. Contact apreus@binghamton.edu to participate

17 OCTOBER 2021 (10-12 EDT). SAGP Annual Meeting Work in Progress: Xenophon, Socrates, and Plato. 10: Lindsay Hachey, U of Western Ontario, “Xenophon and the Art of Horse Maintenance: Interpreting Xenophon’s Equine Treatise Philosophically” ; 11: Joyce Mullan, Stevens Institute, “The Political Meaning of Work in Plato and Xenophon’s Socrates” ; 12: Alan Pichanick, Villanova, “Thumos and Self-Dissolution in Republic 4.439d-440e”. Contact apreus@binghamton.edu to participate

20 OCTOBER 2021. Thomistic Institute, Lost in Thought: Pleasures of an Intellectual Life. A lecture by Prof. Zena Hitz, 7:00pm-8:45pm. Location: University of Texas at Austin. Information: https://thomisticinstitute.org/upcoming-events/lost-in-thought-the-hidden-pleasures-of-an-intellectual-life

21-22 OCTOBER 2021. UNIVERSITY OF PARIS.Online Conference: “Le statut ontologique des couleurs en philosophie ancienne et médiévale.” See http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/IMG/pdf/couleurs_v5-1.pdf

22-23 OCTOBER 2021, 12:00 PM-5:30 PM (CET). ANGELICUM THOMISTIC INSTITUTE. Online Conference: “Esse et operari. Introduzione alla metafisica e all’etica di Tommaso d’Aquino; Introduction to Metaphysics and Ethics of Saint Thomas Aquinas (in Italian)”. See: https://angelicum.it/event/introduzione-metafisica-tommaso/ . Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-RteiolMZTr7ignnz6XYUKSFPGGfp3egI2ku5GD_P5vusaA/viewform

27-29 OCTOBER 2021. LEIDEN UNIVERSITY. Workshop: “Expectations of Justice and Political Power in the Islamicate World (ca. 600-1500 CE)”. See: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2021/01/call-for-papers-expectations-of-justice . Deadline for abstracts: 1 March 2021

28 OCTOBER 2021. THOMISTIC INSTITUTE. Providence and Free Will: Can they be Reconciled? A lecture by Prof. W. Matthews Grant, 12:00-1:00 pm. Location: University of Florida. Information: https://thomisticinstitute.org/upcoming-events/providence-and-free-will-can-they-be-reconciled

28 OCTOBER 2021, 17:00-19:00 BST (LONDON TIME). THE MUHYIDDIN IBN ‘ARABI SOCIETY. Online Seminar: “Ibn ‘Arabi’s Creative Imagination”. For more information see: https://ibnarabisociety.org/events/ . Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ibn-arabis-creative-imagination-tickets-160427700571

29 OCTOBER 2021, 14:30-16:30 UTC+1. Physiologies médicales et philosophiques (Ve s.AEC-Ve s.EC) (Sorbonne University). Online Conference: Véronique Boudon-Millot (CNRS – SU) : Penser le vieillissement : “Physiologie de la vieillesse dans les écrits médicaux de tradition hippocratique.” See: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/initiative-sciences-de-l-antiquit%C3%A9/304-initiative-sciences-de-l-antiquit%C3%A9-s%C3%A9minaire-physiologies-m%C3%A9dicales-et-philosophiques

29 OCTOBER 2021, 12:30-14:30 PM (CET). NEOPLATONISM AND ABRAHAMIC TRADITIONS. Online Presentation: “Did Eriugena Influence Aquinas? About the Theory of the Two Senses of Being”, led by Rodrigo Ballon Villanueva. See: https://www.neoplat.eu/news-events/


CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: DEADLINE 1 NOVEMBER 2021. 22-26 AUGUST 2022. SIEPM. The XVth International Congress of SIEPM: “Radical Thinking in the Middle Ages/La pensée radicale au Moyen Age”. See: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/siepm/international-congresses or https://siepm2022paris.com/

CALL FOR LANGUAGE SCHOLARSHIP: DEADLINE 16 NOVEMBER 2021. Critical Language Scholarship. See: https://clscholarship.org/apply

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 30 NOVEMBER 2021. 21-23 APRIL 2022. BRITISH SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. Annual Conference 2022. For more information contact: bshp2022@ed.ac.uk and see: https://bshp.org.uk/events/bshp-annual-conference/

3 NOVEMBER 2021. MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE.Online Meeting: “Scientific Questions Then and Now.” See: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/scientific-questions-then-and-now


International Colloquium: «al-Istidlâl ‘inda al-Mutakallimîn».  See: http://www.fod.ac.ma/ar/content/%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%83%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D9%86%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%A9-%D8%AF%D9%88%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A8%D9%83%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A3%D8%B5%D9%88%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%86-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%85%D9%88%D8%B6%D9%88%D8%B9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%AF%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%84-%D8%B9%D9%86%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AA%D9%83%D9%84%D9%85%D9%8A%D9%86-%D8%A8%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%AE-03-%D9%8804-%D9%86%D9%88%D9%86%D8%A8%D8%B1

3-4 NOVEMBER 2021. UNIVERSITA DI TRENTO. “Prospettive mediche e filosofiche sulla malattia nel medioevo.” See: https://webmagazine.unitn.it/evento/lettere/99185/prospettive-mediche-e-filosofiche-sulla-malattia-nel-medioevo

5 NOVEMBER 2021. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China. “Hylomorphic Turns”, led by Neil Lewis, Nicola Polloni, Jeffrey Brower. Chaired by Rega Wood. Organized by Nicole Polloni. See: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ . For registration contact nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be .

05 NOVEMBER 2021. Workshop: The Concept of Motion in Late Medieval Philosophy (5 November 2021) – Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) – LMU Munich. Program: 09:15 – 09:30 Daniel A. Di Liscia (München): Welcome and introduction to the meeting; 09:30 – 10:10 Cristina Cerami (Paris): Alteratio substantialis: Averroes’ theory of substantial generation as a kind of motion; 10:10 – 10:50 Elżbieta Jung (Łódź): Why alteration is strictly speaking not a motion. Richard Kilvington on qualitative changes; 10:50 – 11:10 Coffee Break; 11:10 – 11:50 Robert Podkoński (Łódź): Non-standard conditions in Richard Swineshead’s theory of local motion: potentia debilitabilis, medium non resistens; 11:50 – 12:30      Edit Anna Lukács (Vienna): Robert of Halifax on the Velocity of Moving Bodies that Follow Shadows; 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break; 14:00 – 14:40 Sabine Rommevaux-Tani (Paris): De sex inconvenientibus and the problem of determining the speed in different kinds of motion; 14:40 – 15:20 Aurora Panzica (Leuven): An apparent exception in the Aristotelian physics: antiperistasis as concentration by the contrary quality and its interpretation in the medieval commentary tradition; 15:20 – 15:40 Coffee Break; 15:40 – 16:20 Valérie Cordonier (Paris): The contribution of [Pseudo-]Aristotle’s Liber de bona fortuna to the Latin debates on motion between Paris and Oxford (1310-1360); 16:20 – 17:00 Daniel A. Di Liscia (München): The Concept of Motion in Jacques Legrand´s Compendium utriusque philosophie; 17:00 – 18:00 Final discussion; 19:30 Dinner. The meeting is organized by the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy in collaboration with the Laboratoire SPHère (Université de Paris; CNRS). In order to register for the conference, please send an email to: office.leitgeb@lrz.uni-muenchen.de; Information: https://www.mcmp.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/events/workshops/container/motion/index.html

5-6 NOVEMBER 2021. NEOPLATONISM AND ABRAHAMIC TRADITIONS.Online Conference:”Being, the First Created Thing. Sources and Reception of the Book of Causes, Prop. IV”. Organized by Dragos Calma Calma (University College Dublin) and Maria Evelina Malgieri (Università di Torino). on Zoom – registration free, please contact liz.curry@ucd.ie or dragos.calma@ucd.ie. For more information see :https://www.neoplat.eu/

24 SEPTEMBER- 20 NOVEMBER 2021. THE SOCIETY FOR ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHY (SAGP). The 2021 SAGP Annual Meeting via Zoom. Contact Anthony Preus (apreus@binghamton.edu) to attend via Zoom, indicating which event(s) by day and time. All times are current “New York” (Eastern) time.

· Saturday, November 6, 10-12: Work in Progress: “Theodicy”

Casey Hall, CUNY Graduate Center “Arguments from Necessity: A Platonic Theodicy in Stoic Clothes?”

Jonathan Buttaci and Sean Foley, Catholic U. “What is the Most Divine Thing in Us? A criterion for interpreting De Anima 3.4-5”

· Saturday, November 6, 12-2: Panel, “Plato’s Later Dialogues and Contemporary Philosophy”

Richard Neels, McMaster, “Fundamentality and Forms in Plato’s Parmenides”

Colin Smith, Penn State, “Two Platonic Senses of the Unlimited Continuum in Philebus 16b-27c”

Christopher Buckels, Junipero Serra High School, (Organizer) “The Particulars of Philebus 15b”

· Monday, November 8, 12 p.m. EST: Classic Presentations:

12: Chrysoula Gitsoulis, CUNY, “What do Hippocrates’ doctor and Aristotle’s poet share in common?”

1: Claudia Luchetti, Tübingen, “The Divine Fire of Prometheus (Phil. 16c). Philolaus and Plato: On Ideas, Soul and Principles.”

· Friday, November 12, 11 a.m. EST: Panel: “Plato’s Metaphysics in Parmenides and Sophist.”

Daniel Vazquez, U. Barcelona, “Plato’s Greatest Difficulty (Parmenides 133a11-135c4)”

Pauline Sabrier, FAU, “Are the Five Great Kinds of the Sophist Plato’s Categories?”

Michael Wiitala, Cleveland State (Panel Organizer) “The Nature, Ousia, and Form of Non-Being: Sophist 258a11-e2”

· Saturday, November 13, 10-1 EST: Classic Presentations: “Ancient Pedagogy”

10: Martin Sitte, IS, “Political Self-Knowledge: Introduction to reading Plato’s Alcibiades”

11: Reid Comstock, University of Notre Dame, “The Pedagogical Purpose of Aristotle’s Ethical Treatises”

12: Deepa Majumdar, Purdue Northwest “Defining and transfiguring the self in Plotinus’ Enneads and Advaita Vedānta”

· Saturday, November 20, noon to 2: Panel, “Poetic Imagination”

Marina Marren (Organizer), “State Violence and Weaving: Implications of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata for Plato’s Statesman”

Jill Frank, “Weaving Politics: Poetic Justice in Plato’s Statesman”

Mateo Duque, “Socratic Mimesis: The Poetic Imagining of the Laws in the Crito”

Alex Priou, “The Beautiful and the False: An Introduction to Plato’s Hippias”

Collective question and answer session follows

6 NOVEMBER 2021, 17:00 (GMT). THE MUHYIDDIN IBN ‘ARABI SOCIETY. Understanding Ibn ‘Arabi Online Seminar Series. “Ahmad Avni Bey’s Understanding of Ibn ‘Arabi”, led by Mahmud Erol Kılıç. The moderator of the series will be Hasan Kerim Güç The event will be run on the Zoom Webinar platform. Seminars 1 and 3 will be given in English. Seminar 2 will be given in Arabic. Simultaneous translation will be available for all seminars, and the plenary session, in English and Turkish. For those attendees not familiar with the ‘translation function’ in Zoom, guidance will be given. For more information see: https://ibnarabisociety.org/events/ . Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/understanding-ibn-arabi-tickets-177918177057

9-11 NOVEMBER 2021. HIGHER INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION, ZAYTUNA UNIVERSITY. International Conference. The Third International Conference on “ʿilm al-kalām ʿinda al-mutaʾakhirīn (Science of Kalām and the Late Mutakallimūn). See: https://www.diae.events/events/94058 . Deadline for Abstracts: 30 June 2021.

12-13 NOVEMBER 2021. “Islamic and Jewish Studies around the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Ignaz Goldziher and his Correspondents”. For more information see: https://networks.h-net.org/node/28655/discussions/6713024/call-abstracts-islamic-and-jewish-studies-around-turn-twentieth .

12 NOVEMBER 2021, 14:30-16:30 (UTC+1). Physiologies médicales et philosophiques (Ve s.AEC-Ve s.EC) (Sorbonne University). Online Conference: Sean Coughlin (Académie tchèque des sciences) : “Athenaeus of Attalia as a Reader of Hippocrates.” See: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/initiative-sciences-de-l-antiquit%C3%A9/304-initiative-sciences-de-l-antiquit%C3%A9-s%C3%A9minaire-physiologies-m%C3%A9dicales-et-philosophiques

13 NOVEMBER 2021, 17:00 (GMT). THE MUHYIDDIN IBN ‘ARABI SOCIETY. Understanding Ibn ‘Arabi Online Seminar Series. “Ibn ‘Arabi in Spiritual Fiqh and Gnostic Knowledge”, led by Laila Khalifa. The moderator of the series will be Hasan Kerim Güç The event will be run on the Zoom Webinar platform. Seminars 1 and 3 will be given in English. Seminar 2 will be given in Arabic. Simultaneous translation will be available for all seminars, and the plenary session, in English and Turkish. For those attendees not familiar with the ‘translation function’ in Zoom, guidance will be given. For more information see: https://ibnarabisociety.org/events/ . Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/understanding-ibn-arabi-tickets-177918177057

13-15 NOVEMBER 2021. ASMEA. Conference: “Fourteenth Annual ASMEA Conference”. See: https://asmea.memberclicks.net/assets/Conf-Flyer-Images/2021%20Grant%20Flyer.pdf and https://asmea.memberclicks.net/upcoming-conference. Grant Opportunities Available. The Application Deadline: 30 April 2021.


ONLINE Book Launch: “Muslim Masculinities in Literature and Film” by Peter Cherry (Bilkent and MENACS). See: https://www.sussex.ac.uk/broadcast/read/56558

16 NOVEMBER 2021, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM GMT. SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON.ONLINE Lecture: “Creative Radicalism in the Middle East: Culture and the Arab Left After the Uprisings” by Caroline Rooney (University of Kent). See: https://www.soas.ac.uk/smei/events/cme/16nov2021-creative-radicalism-in-the-middle-east-culture-and-the-arab-left-after-the-uprisings.html

16 NOVEMBER 2021, 19:00 PM (CET). ANGELICUM THOMISTIC INSTITUTE. Online Conference: “St. Albert the Great: Medieval Wisdom for Modern Science”, led by Fr. Thomas Davenport. See: https://angelicum.it/event/st-albert-the-great-medieval-wisdom-for-modern-science/ . Registration: https://3cf6a642.sibforms.com/serve/MUIEAPS7lvPSnC8cyKGt7Sb_QK18s2BoNIBSNuNnTFs9VPzacaTvcBsq_Pb7lJFFxQ0uYLFNtD1nhxE8jNJB0WiDtx_EPFwh387za6wXRoQ4lbIbin00shGZntpQTiY-2a3cx5QHTUglA1CvzAAzXPfYLpWkiPxrQGENp95FuU9yoNdqs9aQgGwroIBSfWvqyV7MlZoL97yriL8D

17 NOVEMBER 2021, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST. ONLINE: “6th Conference of the Islamicate Digital Humanities Network.” See: https://idhn.org/conferences/

17 NOVEMBER 2021, 5:00 AM – 6:30 PM SGT. Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore.ONLINE Webinar: “Perfect Imperfection: Socio-cultural and Religious Reforms in Saudi Arabia” by Dr Stéphane Lacroix (Science Po Paris). See: https://mei.nus.edu.sg/event/perfect-imperfection-socio-cultural-and-religious-reforms-in-saudi-arabia/

18-21 NOVEMBER 2021, San Antonio. INTERNATIONAL QUR’ANIC STUDIES ASSOCIATION. Annual Meeting: “IQSA Annual Meeting 2021.” See: https://iqsaweb.wordpress.com/2021/02/12/call-for-papers-iqsa-annual-meeting-2021/ . Deadline for proposals: 23 March 2021.

18-19 NOVEMBER 2021. ONLINE Conference: “Framing Narratives. New Perspectives on Pre-modern Textual Production in Arabic”, Free University of Berlin. See: https://www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de/en/e/semiarab/arabistik/Seminar/Termine/stephan_framing_2021.html

18-19 NOVEMBER 2021. HYBRID Colloque international : « Les disputes théologiques entre ašʿarites et ḥanbalites et leurs représentations du XIe/Ve siècle jusqu’au wahhabo-salafisme contemporain.” See: https://www.soas.ac.uk/smei/events/cme/16nov2021-creative-radicalism-in-the-middle-east-culture-and-the-arab-left-after-the-uprisings.html

18-19 NOVEMBER 2021, 10:00 -16:00 CET. 5e journée d’études sur le chiisme contemporain », Laboratoire d’études sur les mono-théismes (LEM) Paris. See: https://www.ephe.psl.eu/agenda/5e-journee-d-etudes-sur-le-chiisme-contemporain

19-20 NOVEMBER 2021. L’INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE DE PARIS. Colloque : “Islam et altérité : Quelle théologie islamique du pluralisme religieux ?” See: https://www.icp.fr/a-propos-de-licp/agenda/islam-et-alterite-quelle-theologie-islamique-du-pluralisme-religieux-colloque

19 NOVEMBER 2021, 10:00 AM (CET). KU LEUVEN COLLOQUIA IN MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY. “Anselm’s Conception of Modality and His Contemporaries”, led by Keqi Chen. For more information see: https://kulecomp.wordpress.com/schedule-2021-22/ . For registration contact zita.toth@kuleuven.be

20 NOVEMBER 2021, 10:00 AM GMT. ONLINE Workshop: “Digital Humanities and Islamic Studies”, Organized by Dagmar Riedel (OCIS & Columbia University) and Talal Al-Azem (OCIS & University of Oxford).

20 NOVEMBER 2021, 17:00 (GMT). THE MUHYIDDIN IBN ‘ARABI SOCIETY. Understanding Ibn ‘Arabi Online Seminar Series. “Dawud al-Qaysari’s Muqaddima: The Essential Introduction to Ibn ‘Arabi”, led by Mukhtar Ali. The moderator of the series will be Hasan Kerim Güç The event will be run on the Zoom Webinar platform. Seminars 1 and 3 will be given in English. Seminar 2 will be given in Arabic. Simultaneous translation will be available for all seminars, and the plenary session, in English and Turkish. For those attendees not familiar with the ‘translation function’ in Zoom, guidance will be given. For more information see: https://ibnarabisociety.org/events/ . Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/understanding-ibn-arabi-tickets-177918177057

22 NOVEMBER 2021 – 13 MAY 2022, 11:00-17:00. APTODAY(ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY TODAY), ALMA MATER STUDIORUM UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA. Inter-University Seminar Bergamo-Bologna-Venice (curated by Maddalena Bonelli, Carlotta Capuccino, Francesca Masi and Giulia Mingucci): “Leggere la “Retorica” di Aristotele”. For more information see: https://centri.unibo.it/aptoday-ancient-philosophy-today/it/agenda/leggere-la-retorica-di-aristotele

23-25 NOVEMBER 2021, 9:30-18:00 (CET). UTRECHT UNIVERSITY, LEIDEN UNIVERSITY. Conference: “What Makes a Philosopher Good or Bad? Intellectual Virtues and Vices in the History of Philosophy”, organized by Lukas M. Verburgt (l.m.verburgt@uu.nl). For more information see: https://philevents.org/event/show/91293 or https://www.uu.nl/en/news/call-for-abstracts-what-makes-a-philosopher-good-or-bad

25-26 NOVEMBER 2021. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China. “Hylomorphic Turns”, led by Neil Lewis, Nicola Polloni, Jeffrey Brower. Chaired by Rega Wood. Organized by Nicole Polloni. See: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ . For registration contact nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be .

26 NOVEMBER 2021, 14:30-16:30 (UTC+1). Physiologies médicales et philosophiques (Ve s.AEC-Ve s.EC) (Sorbonne University). Teun Tieleman (Université d’Utrecht) : “The Stoics and Ancient Physiology: Witnesses or Influencers?.” See: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/initiative-sciences-de-l-antiquit%C3%A9/304-initiative-sciences-de-l-antiquit%C3%A9-s%C3%A9minaire-physiologies-m%C3%A9dicales-et-philosophiques

27 NOVEMBER 2021, 17:00 (GMT). THE MUHYIDDIN IBN ‘ARABI SOCIETY. Understanding Ibn ‘Arabi Online Seminar Series. A panel discussion between the speakers of themes arising during the seminars chaired by Mahmud Erol Kılıç. The moderator of the series will be Hasan Kerim Güç The event will be run on the Zoom Webinar platform. Seminars 1 and 3 will be given in English. Seminar 2 will be given in Arabic. Simultaneous translation will be available for all seminars, and the plenary session, in English and Turkish. For those attendees not familiar with the ‘translation function’ in Zoom, guidance will be given. For more information see: https://ibnarabisociety.org/events/ . Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/understanding-ibn-arabi-tickets-177918177057

29 NOVEMBER 2021, 6:00 PM (Kuwait Time). GUST (GLOBAL STUDIES CENTER), CEFREPA. Online Discussion: “Translations of the Quran in Europe between the 12th and 17th centuries” led by Dr. Oliver Hanne. The discussant of Dr Hanne will be Dr. Makram Abbès, director of the CEFREPA, Kuwait. See: https://gsc.gust.edu.kw/content/olivier-hanne-translations-quran-europe-between-12th-and-17th-centuries


CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 1 DECEMBER 2021. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. Conference: “Medieval Philosophy and Theology Conference”. See https://ethicscenter.nd.edu/programs/medieval-philosophy-and-theology-conference/?fbclid=IwAR1ZOqQ81Hzp4T8uEWTBkwUQr0hk7ODDU1vlzN3LQAONbiTOOxFRFc37GGk

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: DEADLINE 10 DECEMBER 2021. Doctoral Fellowships, Postdoctoral Fellowships, Senior Fellowships. Universität Hamburg-The Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies. See: https://www.maimonides-centre.uni-hamburg.de/news-container/research-and-publications/2021-cfa-fellowships-2022-23.html

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 22 DECEMBER 2021. THE DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY AT TARBIAT MODARES UNIVERSITY (TMU). The 8th Iranian Student Philosophy Conference. See: http://en.jphil.ir.domains.blog.ir/post/1

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 22 DECEMBER 2021. THE BRITISH SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. The BSHP Annual Conference. See: https://bshp.org.uk/events/bshp-annual-conference/

3 DECEMBER 2021. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China. “Scholasticism and Matter”, led by Silvia Donati, Russell Friedman, Cecilia Trifogli. Chaired by William Duba. Organized by Nicole Polloni. See: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ . For registration contact nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be .

3 DECEMBER 2021, 8:00 PM (MOROCCO TIME), 2:00 PM (EST TIME). FOUNDATION FOR PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCES IN MUSLIM CONTEXTS. Online lecture “Al-Fārābī on Dialectic: its Promise and Limits”, led by Charles Butterworth. For more information see: https://www.facebook.com/Philosmus/ . For registration contact Fouad Ben Ahmed benahmedf@gmail.com

3 DECEMBER 2021, 8:00 PM (Morocco Time).  FOUNDATION FOR PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCES IN MUSLIM CONTEXT. Online Lecture: “Al-Farabi on Dialectic: its Promise and Limits” by CHARLES BUTTERWORTH. See: https://www.facebook.com/Philosmus/photos/a.111911394282255/277450731061653/?type=3&theater

3-5 DECEMBER 2021. HARVARD AND BRANDEIS UNIVERSITIES. HYBRID “3rd Annual Islamic Philosophy Conference of the American Society of Islamic Philosophy & Theology”. See: https://asipt.org/conferences/

6-8 DECEMBER 2021. UNIVERSITY OF LEIDEN,THE ERC PROJECT. International Conference: “Ties of Kinship and the Early Islamic Empire.” See: https://emco.hcommons.org/events/event/call-for-papers-ties-of-kinship-and-the-early-islamic-empire/. Deadline for abstracts: 31 March 2021.

9 DECEMBER 2021. LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Visioconférence: Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité à L’Âge Classique, “La terme de ma’na (intention) dans la tradition arabe – entre kalâm, falsafa, et grammaire”. Organized by M. Rogasch, L. Tardy. See: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr.

9-10 DECEMBER 2021. UNIVERSITY OF LEIPZIG.International Workshop: “The Relationship between State and Religion in the Arab and Islamicate Contexts. Civil State, Secular State, Religious/Islamic State.”See: https://www.multiple-secularities.de/events/event/cfp-workshop-the-relationship-between-state-and-religion-in-the-arab-and-islamicate-contexts-civil-state-secular-state-religious-islamic-state/

9-11 DECEMBER 2021. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. “Apuleius and the Aristotelian De Mundo – Workshop”, organized by George Boys-Stones. For more information see: https://philosophy.utoronto.ca/event/apuleius-and-the-aristotelian-de-mundo-workshop/

11 DECEMBER 2021. THE MUHYIDDIN IBN ‘ARABI SOCIETY (MIAS). A one-day Symposium held in Turin/Italy: “Dante e Ibn ‘Arabi: mondi simbolici e metodi spirituali”. For more information see https://ibnarabisociety.org/events/ or https://ibnarabisociety.org/wp-content/uploads/PDFs/Programma_Simposio.pdf or https://ibnarabisociety.es/ . Registration is required, please contact miasitalia@ibnarabisociety.es

14 DECEMBER 2021, 19:00 PM (ROME/STOCKHOLM). ANGELICUM THOMISTIC INSTITUTE. Online Conference: “Existerar Gud? Thomas Av Aquinos Gudsbevis I Samtida Belysnıng – Does God Exist? Aquinas’s Theistic Proofs in Contemporary Perspective”, led by Mats Wahlberg. See: https://angelicum.it/event/existerar-gud/ . Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSci4Kaxzvw4hvKL9vWmNdSBKB93TXL8D65WHgHkbTByLDbwxw/viewform

14 DECEMBER 2021, 6 PM (CET). UNIVERSITÄT KÖLN, THOMAS-INSTITUTE. Cologne Lectures in Ancient and Medieval: “Dante, die Philosophie und die Antike”, led by Prof. Dr. Loris Sturlese. See: https://colognelectures.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/sites/colognelectures/poster/2021-22_sturlese_poster.pdf or https://colognelectures.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/ . Registration: https://colognelectures.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/register

17-18 DECEMBER 2021, ISAR. Symposium: “Logic and Argumentation Theory in the Ottoman Period.” See: https://www.isar.org.tr/en/duyuru-haberler/osmanlida-ilm-i-mantik-ve-munazara-sempozyumu-teblig-cagrisi and https://www.isar.org.tr/en/sempozyum-calistaylar/osmanlida-ilm-i-mantik-ve-munazara-sempozyumu. Deadline for abstracts: 24.05.2021.

26-28 DECEMBER 2021. IRANIAN INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY. “International Conference on Philosophical Anthropology in Ibn Sina”. Chairman: Dr. Seyed Mahmoud Yousefsani. See: http://ibsic.irip.ac.ir/news_40_CFP+of+International+Conference+on+Philosophical+Anthropology+in+Ibn+Sina.html . For information: IBSIC2021@gmail.com




CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE JANUARY 2022. The Eleventh Annual Cambridge Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy ‘Perspectives on Agency and Philosophy of Mind in Ancient Philosophy’, March 18th-19h 2022.

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 15 JANUARY 2022. CILE INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR (IN COLLABORATION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE). “The Conceptual Ground of Good and Evil in Islamic Discourse: A Fecund Domain for Ethical Reflections” 5-7 October 2022. See: https://www.cilecenter.org/resources/news/call-research-papers-conceptual-ground-good-and-evil-islamic-discourse-fecund-domain

CALL FOR PAPERS: 31 JANUARY 2022. Marco Arosio Award – 11th edition. Cash prize €2000,00 for a short essay (40 pages max.) or an article on Medieval Philosophy and Theology written by lecturers or scholars (40 years old max.). Accepted languages are English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Contestants should submit published or unpublished works by e-mail (word or pdf) to Marco Martorana at premio.arosio@upra.org or marco.martorana@upra.org.  Two paper copies must be sent to: Cattedra Marco Arosio di Alti Studi Medievali, Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, Roma 00163, Italy. The winner and all the contestants will be invited to present their work on April 7th, 2022. Information: www.upra.org

10 JANUARY 2022. UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG. Online Lecture Series: Maimonides Lectures on Scepticism. “Religious Freedom and Land Rights: On Legal Language and Ethical Scepticism”, led by Dana Lloyd. For registration and more information contact maimonides-centre@uni-hamburg.de and see: https://www.maimonides-centre.uni-hamburg.de/events/lecture-series/maimonides.html or https://www.maimonides-centre.uni-hamburg.de/dokumente/2021/mlos-ay7-2-dana-lloyd.pdf

14 JANUARY 2022. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China. “The Later Middle Ages”, led by Aurélien Robert, Clyde Lee Miller, Salvatore Carannante. Chaired by Gabriele Galluzzo. Organized by Nicole Polloni. See: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ . For registration contact nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be .

18 JANUARY 2022. KU LEUVEN. Institute of Philosophy De Wulf – Mansion Centre, The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China: Towards a New Notion of Matter. Chaired by Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado). Speakers: Han Thomas Adriaenssen (University of Groningen), Pomponazzi on Matter and Quantity, Dominik Perler (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Real Stuff: Suárez on Prime Matter Silvia Manzo (Universidad Nacional de La Plata). Meeting times will be established in accordance with the panelists’ locations and time zones. Details will be communicated in advance via email and on the website. Participation: All speakers and respondents are invited to participate in the meetings. Further attendees are required to contact the organiser by email (nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be) at least one week in advance. Information: http://potestas.essendi.com/elusivesubstrate

19 JANUARY 2022, 19:00 (ROMA), 18:00 (LISBOA). ANGELICUM THOMISTIC INSTITUTE. Online Conference: “O que é a pessoa humana? Imago Dei em São Tomás de Aquino”, led by P. André Luís Tavares. See: https://angelicum.it/event/o-que-e-a-pessoa-humana/ . Registration: https://3cf6a642.sibforms.com/serve/MUIEAF9Dd2dFZI5AuOEiVZRMvJajGaZdqt_p28Ev_AF454OKXFpLFVDmuphqaEUBlQkOj5nVxqbAdKo5_vBMdZWYGlAxeJglfjbiTKYXJ7bYpnGBtoQtGLIX1-hXOgAUTLCx-1fD8KPORMR8vMeNFTo6ZWyaW2TixK6OHsZCRuFprGImzt6IxgCLphFDD1OuVSgE0yvYkaB75NLE

19 JANUARY 2022, 19:00 (PARIS). ANGELICUM THOMISTIC INSTITUTE. Online Conference: “La relation de l’homme à Dieu dans la tradition philosophique platonicienne et postplatonicienne”, led by Anne Baudart (Société française de philosophie). See: https://angelicum.it/event/la-relation-de-lhomme-a-dieu/ . Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfXq1Z-LuPP91TUxSJD9loGqr4U_T8khvlcSXjupZwDn2sPrg/viewform

20 JANUARY 2022, 19:00 (CET). ANGELICUM THOMISTIC INSTITUTE. Online Series: “What is Just and Unjust is Usually in Dispute: How Can Aquinas Help?”, led by Fr. Robert Ombres (Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas). See: https://angelicum.it/event/what-is-just-and-unjust-is-usually-in-dispute/ . Registration: https://3cf6a642.sibforms.com/serve/MUIEAF9zAjcnHkRfi4woPB1WwmyI8_j6EyQ0JdQqkce_aKty1Ntj41YnoPe1_tgvY-kpXsF2Oh0nTbucBuZ60Zy9RPyqy8Iv5bPP4yy00Qw0HmY-TH4zlmiPT3DasRFsIZWBbZDy0lUXpo1LgmMsRP_As_1xfyXQX9f6BFTdY0PSzjC8eoX8uOO6QlYft-qeCBBH4ATHuHZHuRam

20 JANUARY 2022, 6:30-8:00 PM (EDT). ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY SOCIETY. Online Panel: Recent Books on Plato’s Socrates. “The Way of Platonic Socrates”, led by Shane Ewegen (Trinity College, Hartford,CT). “Socratic Ignorance and Platonic Knowledge”,led by Sara Ahbel-Rappe (University of Michigan). For more information see: http://www.ancientphilosophysociety.org/upcoming-aps-zoom-panels/ or contact Marina McCoy: marina.mccoy@bc.edu 

27 JANUARY 2022, 14:30-18:30. CENTER LÉON ROBIN. Seminare Series: L’héritage philosophique de l’Antiquité à l’époque tardo-antique et médiévale. Triades et Trinité: Structures ontologiques et cognitives, organized by Anca Vasiliu.

 “Un, deux, trois ? Combien de principes dans le Timée”, led by Francesco Fronterotta (Univ. Roma 1 La Sapienza). “La triade ontologique du Sophiste”, led by Anca Vasiliu (Centre Léon Robin, CNRS/ Sorbonne Univ.). For more information see: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/l%E2%80%99h%C3%A9ritage-philosophique-de-l%E2%80%99antiquit%C3%A9-%C3%A0-l%E2%80%99%C3%A9poque-tardo-antique-et-m%C3%A9di%C3%A9vale-ousia


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: DEADLINE 1 FEBRUARY 2022. Research Fellowships. The American Center of Research Fellowships. See: https://mailchi.mp/mediterraneanseminar/apply-acor-fellowships-2022-23

GRANTS& FELLOWSHIPS: DEADLINE 1 NOVEMBER 2021 – 1 FEBRUARY 2022. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. An annual Mellon Fellowship in medieval studies that allows a junior faculty member to spend a year at Notre Dame working on his or her own research. An annual Byzantine Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship. A two-year Public Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship. Stipends to consult the Institute’s Ambrosiana microfilm or photographic collection. An internal prize, The Olivia R. Constable Prize for Summer Study in Oxford and Europe, for Notre Dame faculty members. For more information see: https://medieval.nd.edu/research/grants-fellowships/

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 13 FEBRUARY 2022. THEGLOBAL PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION, UNIVRSITY OF BIRMINGHAM, JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION. Global Philosophy of Religion Project Conference 2022: “Death and Immortality” held on 28-30 June 2022. For more information see: https://www.global-philosophy.org/conferences or https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/ptr/departments/philosophy/events/2022/global-philosophy-of-religion-conference.aspx .

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 15 FEBRUARY 2022. Sixteenth Marquette Summer Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. “Intellect, Divinity, and the Good in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Traditions” to be held on 20-22 June 2022. Send application to Owen.Goldin@Marquette.edu . For more information see: https://philevents.org/event/show/94489 or http://richardctaylor.info/sixteenth-annual-marquette-summer-seminar-on-aristotle-and-the-aristotelian-tradition-20-22-june-2022-in-person/

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 20 FEBRUARY 2022. AQUINAS&ARABS INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP, MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY.10th Annual Online International Live Video Graduate Student Workshop held on 18-19 MARCH 2022. Topic Areas: Thomas Aquinas, Medieval Jewish Philosophy, Medieval Islamic Philosophy, Intersections between any of these, Related topics. For more information see: https://philevents.org/event/show/96786

3 FEBRUARY 2022, 5:00-6:00 PM (GMT). THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES. Online Conference: “The Metaphysical Dimension of the Prophet in Avicenna’s Thought”. Speaker Dr. Meryem Sebti. Discussants: Dr. Toby Mayer, Dr. Fârès Gillon,  For more information see: https://www.iis.ac.uk/events/metaphysical-dimension-prophet-avicenna-s-thought?utm_source=FG&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=IHTLS&fbclid=IwAR2PePuaiKRDdioIcuWlpdFGlONVFMilh7j4yFTZ2mE64DGdnfm4B22aon4 . For registration: https://iis-ac-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-J13hNYVSCSC-RBQ20vRsw

3 FEBRUARY 2022, 21:00 (GMT+3). Online Seminar: “Güncel Kelam Tartışmaları: Niçin? Anlam Arayışı Tanrı Arayışı mıdır?”, led by Prof. Dr. Latif Tokat. Moderator: Prof. Dr. Rahim Acar). For more information see: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKfboOFFVZ11AZtCE57s__EWZKGPu8YFanviCtlym2ovKMuQ/viewform

4 FEBRUARY 2022, 14 :30-17 :00. CENTRE LÉON ROBIN.Séminaire de philosophie hellénistique et romaine: La politique dans la philosophie hellénistique et romaine organized by Juliette Dross, Charlotte Murgier, Christelle Veillard. “Les fragments d’Hermarque in Porphyre De Abst. I, 7-12 : la pharmacologie politique épicurienne”, led by Julie Giovacchini (CNRS, Center Jean Pépin) and “Epicurean justice and law”, led by Jan Maximilian Robitzsch (Universität Greifswald). For more information see: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/philosophie-hell%C3%A9nistique-et-romaine

11 FEBRUARY 2022, 12:00-2:00 PM (ET). ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY SOCIETY. Online Panel: Active and Passive Dunamis. “Powers in Parmenides and Hippocrates”, led by Arnaud Macé (Université de Franche-Comté). “Causes as Difference-makers in Plato’s Metaphysics”,led by Anna Marmodoro (Durham University). For more information see: http://www.ancientphilosophysociety.org/upcoming-aps-zoom-panels/ or contact Michael Shaw: michael.shaw@uvu.edu

11 FEBRUARY 2022, 5:00 PM (CET). KU LEUVEN COLLOQUIA IN MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY. “Avicenna’s theory of universal predicables at the crossroads of logic and ontology”, led by Silvia di Vincenzo (University of Lucca). For more information see: https://kulecomp.wordpress.com/schedule-2021-22/ . For registration contact zita.toth@kuleuven.be

26 FEBRUARY 2021, 1:00-2:30 PM (US and CANADA TIME). GLOBAL ISLAMIC STUDIES CENTER, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies Seminar Lecture Series: “The Spatial Rationality of Ibn Taymiyya’s Rejection of God’s Incorporeality”, led by Prof. Jon Hoover. See: https://ii.umich.edu/islamicstudies/news-events/events.detail.html/90575-21671706.html

16 FEBRUARY, 18:00 2022. UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG, MAIMONIDES CENTRE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES. Online Lecture Series: Maimonides Lectures on Scepticism. “Intentional Ambiguity in the Pentateuch’s Revelation Narratives: Doubt as a Religious Value in the Lawgiving in Exodus”, led by Ben D. Sommer (Jewish Theological Seminary, New York). For registration and more information contact maimonides-centre@uni-hamburg.de and see: https://www.maimonides-centre.uni-hamburg.de/news-container/events-and-workshops/2022-mlos-ay7-3.html or https://www.maimonides-centre.uni-hamburg.de/dokumente/2022/mlos-ay7-3-ben-sommer.pdf

17 FEBRUARY 2022, 14:30-18:30. CENTER LÉON ROBIN. Seminare Series: L’héritage philosophique de l’Antiquité à l’époque tardo-antique et médiévale. Triades et Trinité: Structures ontologiques et cognitives, organized by Anca Vasiliu.

 “Proclus, la fonction de la triade imparticipable / participé / participant dans les Éléments de Théologie”, led by Laurent Lavaud (ENS Lyon). “Triades dans les Éléments de théologie (titre à préciser)”, led by Alain Lernould (CNRS / Univ. de Lille). For more information see: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/l%E2%80%99h%C3%A9ritage-philosophique-de-l%E2%80%99antiquit%C3%A9-%C3%A0-l%E2%80%99%C3%A9poque-tardo-antique-et-m%C3%A9di%C3%A9vale-ousia

18 FEBRUARY 2022. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China. 8th Meeting: “Early Modern Matters”, led by Han Thomas Adriaenssen, Dominik Perler, Silvia Manzo. Chaired by Robert Pasnau. Organized by Nicole Polloni. See: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ . For registration contact nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be .


CALL FOR APPLICATION: DEADLINE MARCH 15, 2022. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. The 2022-2023 Call for Applications is now open for the Small Grants Program at the History of Philosophy Forum at the University of Notre Dame.  This program supports international scholars with research projects in the history of philosophy that could benefit from a stay at the University of Notre Dame during the academic year 2022-2023. See: https://historyofphilosophy.nd.edu/grants/

CALL FOR APPLICATION: DEADLINE MARCH 15, 2022. UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG, THE MAIMONIDES CENTRE. The Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies (MCAS) at Universität Hamburg invites researchers to apply for its junior and senior fellowship program for the academic year 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023. For more information see: https://www.maimonides-centre.uni-hamburg.de/news-container/research-and-publications/2022-2cfa-fellowships-2022-23.html

CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 7-8 MARCH 2022. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CHICAGO. Conference on Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy.For more information see: https://rels.uic.edu/academics/jewish-studies/jewish-muslim-studies-initiative/call-for-papers-conference-on-medieval-islamic-and-jewish-philosophy/?fbclid=IwAR1hjyj-f4OOcorbpI2CLM5KBBQUWPTHdmjW_kaRhwMwc4rh-ojWmO2sSbo  contact Serwin@barry.edu

3 MARCH – 2 APRIL 2022. THE SOCIETY FOR MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE PHILOSOPHY (SMRP). The Renaissance Society of America’s 2022 Annual Meeting: “Identity and Agency in Renaissance and Medieval Thought”. See: https://smrpblog.wordpress.com/2021/06/05/call-for-papers-rsa-dublin-2022/ .For more information contact Sean Erwin: Serwin@barry.edu

3 MARCH 2022. MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Premodern Islamic Science: “Demarcating Experiential Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge in the Premodern Islamic Context (ca. 9th-14th century CE)”. Organized by Hannah Erlwein. For registration contact herlwein@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de . For more information see: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/premodern-islamic-science-demarcating-experiential-knowledge-and-scientific-knowledge-0 .

10 MARCH 2022. LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Conférence: Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité à L’Âge Classique, “L’homme dans le monde : Environnement, climat et constitution de l’homme entre philosophie et médecine”. Organized by C. Cerami, A. Robert, J. Chandelier. For more information see: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr .

11 MARCH 2022. CENTRE LÉON ROBIN.Séminaire de philosophie hellénistique et romaine: La politique dans la philosophie hellénistique et romaine organized by Juliette Dross, Charlotte Murgier, Christelle Veillard. “Les femmes dans la politique stoïcienne”, led by Jula Wildberger (American University of Paris) and“Sénèque, conseiller en communication ? L’empereur, la rumeur et la gloire dans le De Clementia”, led by Fabien Pepino (Sorbonne University). For more information see: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/philosophie-hell%C3%A9nistique-et-romaine

11 MARCH 2022, 10:00 AM (CET). KU LEUVEN COLLOQUIA IN MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY. “Is the essence of the soul its powers? On the genesis of a medieval debate in the twelfth century”, led by Can Laurens Löwe (HU Berlin). For more information see: https://kulecomp.wordpress.com/schedule-2021-22/ . For registration contact zita.toth@kuleuven.be

11 MARCH 2022, 4:00 PM (CET). KU LEUVEN, UNIVERSIDAD DE PLAYA ANCHA FACULTAD DE HUMANIDADES. International Workshop: Divergent Scholasticism – Philosophical Thought and Scholastic Tradition Between Europe and the Americas (1500-1700). “The King’s Power and the Power of the People: On a Conundrum in Suarez’s Political Philosophy”, led by Erik Åkerlund, “Seeking for Jesuit Psychology: Mapping Manuscripts and Common Places from the College de Clermont (1564-1580)”, led by Anna Tropia, “The Teaching of Logic in Latin American Scholasticism: Jeronimo Valera O.F.M. (1568-1625) and the Logic ad mentem Scoti”, led by Roberto Hofmeister Pich. For more information see: https://divergentscholasticism.wordpress.com/programme/?contact-form-id=25&contact-form-sent=174&contact-form-hash=2527d0e32697007f6589707bf77d841fcae2b5ea&_wpnonce=c650f5c1fd#contact-form-25 .

12-13 MARCH 2022. ILEM, TÜBITAK, ISTANBUL MEDENIYET UNIVERSITY. Online Symposium: “İslam Düşüncesinde Fiziksel Teoriler ve Bilimsel Yöntemler.” See: https://nitter.net/i/status/1493278519622778885

17 MARCH 2022, 14:30-18:30. CENTER LÉON ROBIN. Seminare Series: L’héritage philosophique de l’Antiquité à l’époque tardo-antique et médiévale. Triades et Trinité: Structures ontologiques et cognitives, organized by Anca Vasiliu. “Début, milieu et fin (arkhê kai mesa kai telos), de Platon à Damascius”, led by Daniela P. Taormina (Univ. Roma 2 Tor Vergata). “La triade dans le champ de l’âme : la structure triadique dans la psychologie de Jamblique”, led by Benedetto Neola (Centre Léon Robin / Univ. de Salerne). For more information see: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/l%E2%80%99h%C3%A9ritage-philosophique-de-l%E2%80%99antiquit%C3%A9-%C3%A0-l%E2%80%99%C3%A9poque-tardo-antique-et-m%C3%A9di%C3%A9vale-ousia

17 MARCH 2022, 3:15 PM-5:00 PM. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. “Philosophy Essay Writing Workshop”. Confused about how to write a philosophy paper? Then this workshop is for you. No background knowledge is required, and by the end of the workshop you’ll have all the tools you need to succeed in writing philosophy. Topics to be covered may include what an argument is, how to evaluate an argument, how to make arguments of your own, how to extract an argument from a text, and how to avoid common writing errors that we commonly see in philosophy. All are welcome, though students new to philosophy or students who want to freshen up their fundamentals will likely find the workshop most helpful. When: Thursday, March 17, 2022, 3:15pm Where: Room 100, Jackman Humanities Building (This event will also be livestreamed via Zoom). For more information see: https://philosophy.utoronto.ca/event/philosophy-essay-writing-workshop/

18 MARCH 2022. KU LEUVEN, DE WULF-MANSION CENTRE. The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China. “Hylomorphism East and West”, led by Roberto Hofmeister Pich, Anna Strob, Thierry Meynard. Chaired by Mario Carvalho. Organized by Nicole Polloni. See: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ . For registration contact nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be .

18 MARCH 2022. CENTRE LÉON ROBIN.Séminaire de philosophie hellénistique et romaine: La politique dans la philosophie hellénistique et romaine organized by Juliette Dross, Charlotte Murgier, Christelle Veillard. “Marc Aurèle kosmios. Le cosmopolitisme d’un empereur”, led by Angelo Giavatto (University of Nantes) andQue peut-on savoir de la politique de Marc Aurèle à la tête de l’Empire romain ?”, led byBenoît Rossignol (Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne).For more information see: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/philosophie-hell%C3%A9nistique-et-romaine

18-19 MARCH 2022. The Eleventh Annual Cambridge Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy ‘Perspectives on Agency and Philosophy of Mind in Ancient Philosophy.’. See: https://philevents.org/event/show/94289

18-19 MARCH 2022. AQUINAS & ARABS INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP, MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY.10th Annual Online International Live Video Graduate Student Workshop. Topic Areas: Thomas Aquinas, Medieval Jewish Philosophy, Medieval Islamic Philosophy, Intersections between any of these, Related topics. Deadline for papers 20 February 2022. For more information see: https://philevents.org/event/show/96786

18-19 MARCH 2022. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. The 13th Annual Toronto Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (ATWAP). The theme for the 2022 ATWAP conference is “The Reception of Plato: Then and Now”. Speakers: Dirk Baltzly (Tasmania), Mauro Bonazzi (Utrecht), Luc Brisson (Paris), John Finamore (Iowa), Michael Griffin (UBC), Jean-Marc Narbonne (Laval), Jan Opsomer (Leuven), Sara Ahbel-Rappe (Michigan), David Runia (Melbourne), Federico Petrucci (Turin). For more information see: https://philosophy.utoronto.ca/event/the-13th-annual-toronto-workshop-in-ancient-philosophy-atwap/

23 MARCH 2022. MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Premodern Islamic Science: “Demarcating Experiential Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge in the Premodern Islamic Context (ca. 9th-14th century CE)”. Organized by Hannah Erlwein. For registration contact herlwein@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de . For more information see: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/premodern-islamic-science-demarcating-experiential-knowledge-and-scientific-knowledge .

24 MARCH 2022, 6 PM. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT. Farouk Jabre Center Seminar: “Aristotelian Logic in a Nutshell: An Overview of Avicenna’s Concise Treatise on the Principles of Logic”, led by Silvia Di Vincenzo (History of Medieval philosophy, IMT School of Advanced Studies). For more information see: https://aub.edu.lb/jabre/Pages/monthly-seminar.aspx  

24 MARCH 2022, 17:30-19:00 PM. UNIVERSITY OF EXETER, MAQAM FOR ARABIC STUDIES. “Maqam for Arabic Studies Launch Event”. Maqam for Arabic Studies (MAS) is an interdisciplinary research and teaching centre established in 2020 to serve as a platform for activities related to teaching Arabic as a foreign language and developing teaching methods at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter. Maqam has expanded later to include research on Arabic Linguistics, Arabic Literature and Translation. The centre hosted the 3rd Biennial Arabic Language Teaching& Learning in the UK Higher Education Conference in April 2021 and will be hosting a workshop on Decolonising Arabic Teaching in the UK in September 2022. For more information see: https://www.exeter.ac.uk/news/events/details/index.php?event=12074

25-26 MARCH 2022. MUNICH SCHOOL OF ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY, LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN. “Medieval Arabic and Latin Conceptions of Spirit: Between Philosophy, Theology, and Medicine”. Organized by Tommaso Alpina, Michele Meroni, Bethany Somma, Sarah Virgi. For more information see: https://www.academia.edu/70326566/Conference_Medieval_Arabic_and_Latin_Conceptions_of_Spirit_Between_Philosophy_Theology_and_Medicine_25_26_March_2022_LMU_Munich_ . For registration contact: sarah.virgi@lrz.uni-muenchen.de

31 MARCH – 1 APRIL 2022. BARD COLLEGE. Conference: “Forms and Functions of Islamic Philosophy.” See. https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/8532192/cfp-forms-and-functions-islamic-philosophy


CALL FOR PAPERS: DEADLINE 15 APRIL 2022. MIDDLE EAST STUDIES ASSOCIATION. Conference: 30 years after Richard M. Frank: Al-Ghazali and Avicenna in Post-Classical Islam. Date of Conference 7-8 April 2023. For more information see: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2022/02/17/call-for-papers-30-years-after-richard-m.-frank-al-ghazali-and-avicenna-in-post-classical-islam?fbclid=IwAR1s9NZPC6it9elk66qDgLxz9OKDTxypf3blUDf8Rr3ZXy0LgT54mQojX-U

CALL FOR PAPER: DEADLINE 23 APRIL 2022. History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis: “The Facts Behind the Formulae: Revisionary Metaphysics in the Middle Ages”. For more information see: https://dbs-lin.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/philosophy/pla/cfp.html or contact Stephan Schmid (stephan.schmid@uni-hamburg.de) , Sonja Schierbaum (sonja.schierbaum@uni-wurzburg.de)

7 APRIL 2022, 14:30-18:30. CENTER LÉON ROBIN. Seminare Series: L’héritage philosophique de l’Antiquité à l’époque tardo-antique et médiévale. Triades et Trinité: Structures ontologiques et cognitives, organized by Anca Vasiliu. “Trois sens de la triade : Proclus et Denys”, led by Marilena Vlad (Centre d’études Sud-est européennes, Bucarest). “The notion of trias in Proclus and Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite: a comparison”, led by Michele Abbate (Univ. de Salerne). For more information see: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/l%E2%80%99h%C3%A9ritage-philosophique-de-l%E2%80%99antiquit%C3%A9-%C3%A0-l%E2%80%99%C3%A9poque-tardo-antique-et-m%C3%A9di%C3%A9vale-ousia

7 APRIL 2022, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. “Philosophy Career Night”. Are you wondering what to do with your philosophy degree? Then join us for our annual career panel event. The Department of Philosophy invites you to the Backpack to Briefcase (b2B) Philosophy Career Panel. This is a great opportunity to connect with Philosophy alumni who are now working in these fields. The program aims to engage students through a moderated Q & A session to discover the various career opportunities after graduation. This event will be hosted via Zoom. Undergraduate and graduate students welcome! For more information see: https://philosophy.utoronto.ca/event/philosophy-career-night/

7-8 APRIL 2022. KU LEUVEN, STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY. Online program via Zoom: “Hylomorphism into Pieces: Matter, Atoms, and Corpuscles in the Late Middle Ages”. Organized by Sylvain Roudaut, Nicole Polloni. See: https://potestas-essendi.com/2021/10/05/hylomorphism-into-pieces-cfa/ . For registration contact nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be or sylvain.roudaut@hotmail.com

7-8 APRIL 2022. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. Inaugural History of Philosophy Colloquium: “Philosophy throughout Its History”. Speakers will consider how philosophers at different historical times and places understood the project in which they were engaged. How did they conceptualize “philosophy”? What did they think distinguishes philosophical endeavors from other intellectual activities such as science or theology? What did they imagine the individual and social benefits of philosophy to be, and how did they critique the philosophical project itself? This colloquium will explore the self-understanding of a key humanities discipline throughout the ages. Speakers: André Laks (Universidad Panamericana / Université Paris-Sorbonne), Gretchen Reydams-Schils (University of Notre Dame), Rachana Kamtekar (Cornell University), John Marenbon (University of Cambridge), Therese Cory (University of Notre Dame), Christopher Celenza (Johns Hopkins University), Kris McDaniel (University of Notre Dame), Steven Nadler (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Paul Franks (Yale University), Stephen Ogden (University of Notre Dame). For more information see: https://historyofphilosophy.nd.edu/news-events/events/2022/04/07/colloquium-philosophy-throughout-its-history/ .

7-10 APRIL 2022. ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY SOCIETY. Ancient Philosophy Society 21th Annual Meeting Pennsylvania State University. Theme: “Nature and Culture”. For more information see:  http://www.ancientphilosophysociety.org/ancient-philosophy-society-call-for-papers-2/ or contact Christopher Moore: c.moore@psu.edu

8 APRIL 2022. CENTRE LÉON ROBIN.Séminaire de philosophie hellénistique et romaine: La politique dans la philosophie hellénistique et romaine organized by Juliette Dross, Charlotte Murgier, Christelle Veillard. “Les cyniques et la petite cité”, led by Suzanne Husson (Sorbonne University Center Léon Robin) and“Le cynisme ou la cité éphémère ”, led by Maxime Chapuis.For more information see: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/philosophie-hell%C3%A9nistique-et-romaine

8 APRIL 2022, 4:00-5:00 PM (WISCONSIN TIME). FOUNDATION FOR PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCES IN MUSLIM CONTEXTS. Online lecture: “Ibn Rushd and Averroes a Question of More Than a Name”, led by Richard Taylor. For more information see: https://www.facebook.com/Philosmus/photos/a.111911394282255/354261856713873/ . For registration contact Fouad Ben Ahmed benahmedf@gmail.com

8 APRIL 2022, 10:00-13:30. UNIVERSITÄT WIEN.Porphyry in Syriac – A Workshop on Porphyry’s Treatise: “On Principles and Matter”. Organized by Michael Chase, Sebastian Brock, Carlos Steel, John Watt. For more information see: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=949960242356449&set=a.167869210565560 . For registration: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/63355754422?pwd=NW9KeEIzSUVQRnVsS0JneHFoT2pCdz09&fbclid=IwAR1Xzh9RrQ62p6gGTIYE9Ml-UIwBaWa2_avJOly9Saz0hLAl4HsmE2PN8xA#success

11 APRIL 2022, 4:00-6:00 PM (CET). KU LEUVEN. Leuven Colloquia on Ancient Platonism (LCAP).  “Proclus on Providence and Agential Contro”, led by Ursula Coope (Oxford University). Organized by Giulia De Cesaris, Roberto Granieri and Jan Opsomer. The lecture will be held in person with an online streaming option. For either in person or remote participation registration is required. For more information see: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/not-another-history-of-platonism/events/LCAP or https://hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/not-another-history-of-platonism/events/agenda/lcap-ursula-coope-oxford-tba . For registration contact: lcap@kuleuven.be or https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtcO6hrT0jG9Lk3lW2QcjWhjA_HVxlchby

12 APRIL 2022, 5:15-6:45 PM. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. Workshop on Ancient Philosophy: “Is the Timaeus Plato’s On Nature?”.  The Notre Dame Workshop on Ancient Philosophy and the History of Philosophy Forum are excited to welcome visiting scholar Alexander Long from the University of St. Andrews. Please join us for his talk, which will be followed by a Q&A session. For more information see: https://historyofphilosophy.nd.edu/news-events/events/2022/04/12/wap-and-spring-forum-alexander-long-is-the-timaeus-platos-on-nature/ .

15 APRIL 2022, Call for Papers. ‘30 years after Richard M. Frank: Al-Ghazali and Avicenna in Post-classical Islam (7-8 April 2023)’. Keynote Speaker: Jon McGinnis, University of Missouri, St. Louis. The conference will host a special panel featuring leading scholars in the field to discuss the contribution of Richard M. Frank to the study of Islam in Western scholarship. Abstracts of no more than 350 words should be submitted to either Michael Lessman (michael.lessman@yale.edu) or Aseel Alfataftah (aseel.alfataftah@yale.edu) by April 15, 2022. Invitations for selected participants will be sent out by July 15, 2022. Information:

19 APRIL 2022, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. “Kant & Post-Kantian German Philosophy Group Talk”. Talk Title: The Foundation of Hegel’s Theory of Free Will. The Kant & Post-Kantian German Philosophy Research Interest Group is pleased to welcome Klaus Vieweg, a professor of Philosophy at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, who will give a talk about his recently published biography of Hegel: Hegel: Der Philosoph der Freiheit (the lecture will be in English). Dr. Vieweg’s areas of specialization include German Idealism and the history and theory of skepticism. He is internationally renowned for his research on Hegel’s philosophy as a way of thinking about freedom. For more information see: https://philosophy.utoronto.ca/event/kant-post-kantian-german-philosophy-group-talk-klaus-vieweg-university-of-jena/

21-23 APRIL 2022. BRITISH SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. Annual Conference 2022. For more information contact: bshp2022@ed.ac.uk and see: https://bshp.org.uk/events/bshp-annual-conference/

21 APRIL 2022, 4:00 PM (CET). KU LEUVEN, UNIVERSIDAD DE PLAYA ANCHA FACULTAD DE HUMANIDADES. International Workshop: Divergent Scholasticism – Philosophical Thought and Scholastic Tradition Between Europe and the Americas (1500-1700). “Una aproximación a la filosofía Novohispana en México (siglo XVI): colegios, fundación curricular y presentación de un caso especifico”, led by Virginia Aspe Armella, “Flemáticos y sanguíneos; los indios y la circulación del saber médico en la Historia del Nuevo Mundo de Bernabé Cobo (1651)”, led by Germán Morong,  “How Divergent Was Latin-American Scholasticism? A still unanswerable question. Brazil, and Maranhão as a Methodological Case-Study”, led by Mario Carvalho. For more information see: https://divergentscholasticism.wordpress.com/programme/?contact-form-id=25&contact-form-sent=174&contact-form-hash=2527d0e32697007f6589707bf77d841fcae2b5ea&_wpnonce=c650f5c1fd#contact-form-25 .

22 APRIL 2022, 5:00 PM (CET). KU LEUVEN COLLOQUIA IN MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY. “Forms of Carroll’s Paradox in Post-classical Arabic Logic”, led by Dustin Klinger (Harvard University). For more information see: https://kulecomp.wordpress.com/schedule-2021-22/ . For registration contact zita.toth@kuleuven.be

22 APRIL 2022, 12:00-13:30. MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Premodern Islamic Science: “The Senses in Science and the Sciences of the Senses I: Taste, Tasting, and Having Taste”. Organized by Hannah Erlwein, Katja Krause, Julia Reed, Tracy Wietecha. For registration contact twietecha@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de . For more information see: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/senses-science-and-sciences-senses-i-taste-tasting-and-having-taste 

22 APRIL 2022, 12:00-13:30. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. Panel: “Aristotle’s Psychology: Reflections from Contributors to the Cambridge Critical Guide to Aristotle’s On the Soul”.  Save the date for an event to celebrate the publication of The Critical Guide to Aristotle’s On the Soul (Cambridge University Press). Notre Dame will be hosting a panel featuring some of the contributors to the volume, who will each give a brief overview of their chapters. The panel will then have a discussion on Aristotle’s psychology, addressing issues such as common misconceptions, the current state of research, and future directions. For more information see: https://historyofphilosophy.nd.edu/news-events/events/2022/04/22/aristotles-psychology-reflections-from-contributors-to-the-cambridge-critical-guide-to-aristotles-on-the-soul/ .

25 APRIL 2022, 9:15 AM – 5:00 PM. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS. Workshop: “Philosophy and religion in ancient Greece and the Islamic world”. The workshop will be held in person (at School III, St Salvator’s Quad) and online (via MS Teams). Organisers: Olaf Almqvist (oha1@st-andrews.ac.uk) and Alex Long (agl10@st-andrews.ac.uk). For more information see: https://events.st-andrews.ac.uk/events/philosophy-and-religion-in-ancient-greece-and-the-islamic-world/ . To register please email classcon@st-andrews.ac.uk by the end of March and indicate whether you will attend in person or online.

28 APRIL 2022, 2:00-4:00 PM (GMT). THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES. Online Conference: “Soul’s Imaginal Motion in Abū Ya‘qūb al-Sijistānī’s (fl. 10th CE) Kitāb al-Maqālīd and Risālah al-Bāhirah”. Speaker Prof. Elizabeth Alexandrin (University of Manitoba). Discussants: Dr Fârès Gillon (The Institute of Ismaili Studies, UK), Dr Michele Petrone (Università di Napoli – L’Orientale). For more information see: https://www.iis.ac.uk/events/soul-s-imaginal-motion-in-abu-yaqub-al-sijistanis-kitab-al-maqalid-and-risalah-al-bahira . For registration: https://iis-ac-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lbFo-z55QBSDhVp2m9Mjsg


CALL FOR PAPER: DEADLINE 27 MAY 2022. UNIVERSIDAD DE GUADALAJARA. “The Ancient Greeks and their knowledge”. We invite individual papers on the above-mentioned topic. The papers will be presented in October 4-5, 2022 at a virtual or hybrid conference organized by the Departments of philosophy of the University of Guadalajara (México) and the University of Puerto Rico. Scholars who might be interested in participating at the event are invited to send an abstract of no more than 450 words and a short biographical note by May 27, 2022. Please send your submission to Pietro Montanari: pietro.montanari@academicos.udg.mx or pietromontanari@hotmail.it . For more information see: https://philevents.org/event/show/99514 or http://www.cucsh.udg.mx/actividades/convocatoria-para-participar-en-congreso-internacional-de-filosofia-antigua-los-griegos-

3 MAY 2022, 18:00 (Berlin Time). UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE, THOMAS INSTITUTE.Forschungskolloquium: “Philosophie nach Avicenna und ‘scholastische’ Theologie im Islam” by Prof. Dr. Heidrun Eichner (Tübingen). See: https://philosophie.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/veranstaltungen#c212330 Registration: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIuc-mrqjwjGteGsavfXEGMeKqASzVVcBW4

6 MAY 2022. KU LEUVEN. Institute of Philosophy De Wulf – Mansion Centre, The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China: Phase Two. Phase two will unfold during nine meetings to be held in May and July 2022. Please consider that the following dates may be subject to changes. 6 May 2022, Charles Brittain (Cornell University). 13 May 2022, John Magee (University of Toronto). 20 May 2022, John Marenbon (University of Cambridge). 27 May 2022, Peter Adamson (LMU Munich). 3 June 2022, William Duba (Université de Fribourg). 10 June 2022, Rega Wood (Indiana University Bloomington). 17 June 2022, Gabriele Galluzzo (University of Exeter). 24 June 2022, Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado). 1 July 2022, Mário Carvalho (Universidade de Coimbra. Meeting times will be established in accordance with the panelists’ locations and time zones. Details will be communicated in advance via email and on the website. Participation: All speakers and respondents are invited to participate in the meetings. Further attendees are required to contact the organizer by email (nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be) at least one week in advance. For more information: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ or https://potestasessendi.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/tes-programme-1.pdf

12 MAY 2022, 10:00. LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Conférence: Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité à L’Âge Classique, “ Philosophie et médecine au Moyen Âge arabe et latin”. Organized by Cristina Cerami, Aurélian Robert, Joel Chandelier. Speakers: Chiara Beneduce, Thibault Miguet, Anna Gili, Mehrnaz Katouzian-Safadi. For more information see: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr or http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/IMG/pdf/je_12-05-2022_chspam_umr7219.pdf

13 MAY 2022. KU LEUVEN. Institute of Philosophy De Wulf – Mansion Centre, The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China: Phase Two. Phase two will unfold during nine meetings to be held in May and July 2022. Please consider that the following dates may be subject to changes. 6 May 2022, Charles Brittain (Cornell University). 13 May 2022, John Magee (University of Toronto). 20 May 2022, John Marenbon (University of Cambridge). 27 May 2022, Peter Adamson (LMU Munich). 3 June 2022, William Duba (Université de Fribourg). 10 June 2022, Rega Wood (Indiana University Bloomington). 17 June 2022, Gabriele Galluzzo (University of Exeter). 24 June 2022, Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado). 1 July 2022, Mário Carvalho (Universidade de Coimbra. Meeting times will be established in accordance with the panelists’ locations and time zones. Details will be communicated in advance via email and on the website. Participation: All speakers and respondents are invited to participate in the meetings. Further attendees are required to contact the organizer by email (nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be) at least one week in advance. For more information: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ or https://potestasessendi.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/tes-programme-1.pdf

13 MAY 2022, 12:00-13:30. MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. Premodern Islamic Science: “The Senses in Science and the Sciences of the Senses II: Loss or Lack of Sense and Sensations”. Organized by Hannah Erlwein, Katja Krause, Julia Reed, Tracy Wietecha. For registration contact twietecha@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de . For more information see: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/senses-science-and-sciences-senses-ii-loss-or-lack-sense-and-sensations  

13 MAY 2022. CENTRE LÉON ROBIN.Séminaire de philosophie hellénistique et romaine: La politique dans la philosophie hellénistique et romaine organized by Juliette Dross, Charlotte Murgier, Christelle Veillard. “Culture et politique dans l’Empire à l’époque républicaine d’après les 2 premières lettres de Cicéron à son frère Quintus, gouverneur d’Asie”, led by François Prost (Sorbonne University, Rome and its Renaissance) and“Reconciling Cicero the politician and Cicero the philosopher: an impossible task? ”, led byCatherine Steele (Glasgow). For more information see: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/philosophie-hell%C3%A9nistique-et-romaine

13-15 MAY 2022, ANKARA. IDUSEM. “International Symposium in Kemalpaşazâde (Ibn Kemal)”. See: https://idusem.com/ . For questions contact: kemalpasazade2022@gmail.com

15-19 MAY 2022. THE ISRAEL INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN JERUSALEM. Research Group Conference: “Triangulating Towards Socrates: The Socratic Circle and Its Aftermath”. Organized by Gabriel Danzig, Tazuko van Berkel. Speakers: Chloe Balla, Emily Baragwanath, Fiorenza Bevilacqua, Richard Fernando Buxton, Bodil Due, Sarah Ferrario, Ricardo Gancz, Edward C. Halper, Lisa Hau, Fiona Hobden, Luuk Huitink, Rodrigo Illarraga, David Konstan, Milena Lozano, Ellen Millender, Francesca Pentassuglio, Florencia C. Possi, Frances Pownal, Melina Tamiolaki, Christopher Tuplin.

See: https://iias.huji.ac.il/event/triangulating-towards-socrates-socratic-circle-and-its-aftermath-research-group

16-17 MAY 2022. FATIH SULTAN MEHMET VAKIF UNIVERSITY. “Coexistence in Practice: Politics, Trade and Culture in the Late Medieval Anatolia and Iberia.” See: https://mailchi.mp/mediterraneanseminar/cfp-coexistence-in-practice-politics-trade-and-culture-in-the-late-medieval-anatolia-and-iberia-1-2-july-istanbul

19 MAY 2022, 14:30-18:30. CENTER LÉON ROBIN. Seminare Series: L’héritage philosophique de l’Antiquité à l’époque tardo-antique et médiévale. Triades et Trinité: Structures ontologiques et cognitives, organized by Anca Vasiliu. “La Trinité en prédication chez Basile de Césarée”, led by Arnaud Perrot (Univ. de Tours). “Trinités non-augustiniennes chez Jean Scot Erigène”, led by Alessandro Valsecchi (Sorbonne Univ.). For more information see: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/l%E2%80%99h%C3%A9ritage-philosophique-de-l%E2%80%99antiquit%C3%A9-%C3%A0-l%E2%80%99%C3%A9poque-tardo-antique-et-m%C3%A9di%C3%A9vale-ousia

19 MAY 2022, 15:30-17:00. MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE. The third session of the Visualizations of the Heavens Lecture Series 2022. “Science in Practice: Astronomical Instruments in the Islamic World”, led by Taha Arslan (Istanbul Medeniyet University). The meetings will take place on Zoom. The event is closed to the public, but MPIWG members are welcome and may register by emailing: brentjes@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de . For more information see: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/science-practice-astronomical-instruments-islamic-world   

19-20 MAY 2022. LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Conférence: Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité à L’Âge Classique, “Séminaire de lecture de De radiis”. Organized by G. Freudenthal, R. Leicht. For more information see: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr  

20 MAY 2022. KU LEUVEN. Institute of Philosophy De Wulf – Mansion Centre, The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China: Phase Two. Phase two will unfold during nine meetings to be held in May and July 2022. Please consider that the following dates may be subject to changes. 6 May 2022, Charles Brittain (Cornell University). 13 May 2022, John Magee (University of Toronto). 20 May 2022, John Marenbon (University of Cambridge). 27 May 2022, Peter Adamson (LMU Munich). 3 June 2022, William Duba (Université de Fribourg). 10 June 2022, Rega Wood (Indiana University Bloomington). 17 June 2022, Gabriele Galluzzo (University of Exeter). 24 June 2022, Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado). 1 July 2022, Mário Carvalho (Universidade de Coimbra. Meeting times will be established in accordance with the panelists’ locations and time zones. Details will be communicated in advance via email and on the website. Participation: All speakers and respondents are invited to participate in the meetings. Further attendees are required to contact the organizer by email (nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be) at least one week in advance. For more information: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ or https://potestasessendi.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/tes-programme-1.pdf

26 MAY 2022, 18:00 (Berlin Time). UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE, THOMAS INSTITUTE.Forschungskolloquium: “Wie verläuft die Philosophiegeschichte in der islamischen Welt nach Averroes (gest. 1198)?” by Prof. Dr. Frank Griffel (Yale University). See: https://philosophie.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/veranstaltungen#c212331 Registration: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pfu-urz4sHN3xQ6tnagLipA0ZJ1Fdql4a

20-22 MAY 2022. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. Conference: “Medieval Philosophy and Theology Conference”. See https://ethicscenter.nd.edu/programs/medieval-philosophy-and-theology-conference/?fbclid=IwAR1ZOqQ81Hzp4T8uEWTBkwUQr0hk7ODDU1vlzN3LQAONbiTOOxFRFc37GGk

23 MAY 2022, 4:00-6:00 PM (CET). KU LEUVEN. Leuven Colloquia on Ancient Platonism (LCAP).  “Becoming, Construction and the Infinite in the Timaeus”, led by Marwan Rashed (Université Paris-Sorbonne). For more information see: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/not-another-history-of-platonism/events/agenda/lcap-marwan-rashed-paris-iv-becoming-construction-and-the-infinite-in-the-timaeus . For registration contact: lcap@kuleuven.be

27 MAY 2022. KU LEUVEN. Institute of Philosophy De Wulf – Mansion Centre, The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China: Phase Two. Phase two will unfold during nine meetings to be held in May and July 2022. Please consider that the following dates may be subject to changes. 6 May 2022, Charles Brittain (Cornell University). 13 May 2022, John Magee (University of Toronto). 20 May 2022, John Marenbon (University of Cambridge). 27 May 2022, Peter Adamson (LMU Munich). 3 June 2022, William Duba (Université de Fribourg). 10 June 2022, Rega Wood (Indiana University Bloomington). 17 June 2022, Gabriele Galluzzo (University of Exeter). 24 June 2022, Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado). 1 July 2022, Mário Carvalho (Universidade de Coimbra. Meeting times will be established in accordance with the panelists’ locations and time zones. Details will be communicated in advance via email and on the website. Participation: All speakers and respondents are invited to participate in the meetings. Further attendees are required to contact the organizer by email (nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be) at least one week in advance. For more information: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ or https://potestasessendi.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/tes-programme-1.pdf

27 MAY 2022, 4:00 PM (CET). KU LEUVEN, UNIVERSIDAD DE PLAYA ANCHA FACULTAD DE HUMANIDADES. International Workshop: Divergent Scholasticism – Philosophical Thought and Scholastic Tradition Between Europe and the Americas (1500-1700). “La revisión gnoseológica del escolasticismo por el jesuita José de Acosta”, led by Francisco Castilla Urbano, “La circulación del cuerpo masculino hispano e indígena entre los saberes médicos, teológicos y jurídicos (España y América, siglos XVI y XVII)”, led by Álvaro Ojalvo, “Libertad académica y tradición en filosofía: Miguel de Viñas S.J., filósofo en Chile del siglo XVIII”, led by Roberto Marconi. For more information see: https://divergentscholasticism.wordpress.com/programme/?contact-form-id=25&contact-form-sent=174&contact-form-hash=2527d0e32697007f6589707bf77d841fcae2b5ea&_wpnonce=c650f5c1fd#contact-form-25 .


1-2 JUNE 2022. KU LEUVEN, NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY. 2nd Notre Dame University- KU Leuven Collaborative Workshop in Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy. Organized by Mareike Hauer, Jan Opsomer. Speakers: Therese Cory, Pieter d’Hoine, Gonzalo Gamarra Jordán, Jenny Pelletier, Andrew Radde-Gallwitz, Athanasios Rinotas, Andreas Waldstein. For more information see: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/not-another-history-of-platonism/events/2nd-notre-dame-university-ku-leuven-collaborative-workshop-in-ancient-medieval-and-renaissance-philosophy or

3 JUNE 2022. KU LEUVEN. Institute of Philosophy De Wulf – Mansion Centre, The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China: Phase Two. Phase two will unfold during nine meetings to be held in May and July 2022. Please consider that the following dates may be subject to changes. 6 May 2022, Charles Brittain (Cornell University). 13 May 2022, John Magee (University of Toronto). 20 May 2022, John Marenbon (University of Cambridge). 27 May 2022, Peter Adamson (LMU Munich). 3 June 2022, William Duba (Université de Fribourg). 10 June 2022, Rega Wood (Indiana University Bloomington). 17 June 2022, Gabriele Galluzzo (University of Exeter). 24 June 2022, Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado). 1 July 2022, Mário Carvalho (Universidade de Coimbra. Meeting times will be established in accordance with the panelists’ locations and time zones. Details will be communicated in advance via email and on the website. Participation: All speakers and respondents are invited to participate in the meetings. Further attendees are required to contact the organizer by email (nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be) at least one week in advance. For more information: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ or https://potestasessendi.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/tes-programme-1.pdf

3 JUNE 2022, 10:00 AM (CET). KU LEUVEN COLLOQUIA IN MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY. “Roger Bacon and Albert the Great on Atomism: The First Reception of the pseudo-Aristotelian De lineis indivisibilibus”, led by Clelia Crialesi (KU Leuven). For more information see: https://kulecomp.wordpress.com/schedule-2021-22/ . For registration contact zita.toth@kuleuven.be

9 JUNE 2022, 14:30-18:30. CENTER LÉON ROBIN. Seminare Series: L’héritage philosophique de l’Antiquité à l’époque tardo-antique et médiévale. Triades et Trinité: Structures ontologiques et cognitives, organized by Anca Vasiliu. “Plotin et la triade de la Lettre II, 312e de Platon”, led by Filip Karfik (Univ. de Fribourg). “Trinité chrétienne et triades des philosophes chez Cyrille d’Alexandrie”, led by Marie-Odile Boulnois (EPHE, Paris). “La trinité en Dieu, la trinité dans l’âme : Augustin, De Trinitate”, led by Lenka Karfikova (Univ. Charles de Prague). For more information see: http://www.centreleonrobin.fr/recherche/seminaires-2/l%E2%80%99h%C3%A9ritage-philosophique-de-l%E2%80%99antiquit%C3%A9-%C3%A0-l%E2%80%99%C3%A9poque-tardo-antique-et-m%C3%A9di%C3%A9vale-ousia

10-11 JUNE 2022. MUNICH SCHOOL OF ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY, LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN. Conference “Ciceros De officiis: Ein kooperativer Kommentar”. Organized by PD Dr. Philipp Brüllmann (LMU München) Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller (JMU Würzburg). For more information see: https://www.musaph.uni-muenchen.de/events/ciceros-de-officiis_-kommentar/index.html . For registration contact: Bruellmann@lrz.uni-muenchen.de

10 JUNE 2022. KU LEUVEN. Institute of Philosophy De Wulf – Mansion Centre, The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China: Phase Two. Phase two will unfold during nine meetings to be held in May and July 2022. Please consider that the following dates may be subject to changes. 6 May 2022, Charles Brittain (Cornell University). 13 May 2022, John Magee (University of Toronto). 20 May 2022, John Marenbon (University of Cambridge). 27 May 2022, Peter Adamson (LMU Munich). 3 June 2022, William Duba (Université de Fribourg). 10 June 2022, Rega Wood (Indiana University Bloomington). 17 June 2022, Gabriele Galluzzo (University of Exeter). 24 June 2022, Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado). 1 July 2022, Mário Carvalho (Universidade de Coimbra. Meeting times will be established in accordance with the panelists’ locations and time zones. Details will be communicated in advance via email and on the website. Participation: All speakers and respondents are invited to participate in the meetings. Further attendees are required to contact the organizer by email (nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be) at least one week in advance. For more information: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ or https://potestasessendi.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/tes-programme-1.pdf

10 JUNE 2022. LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Conférence: Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité à L’Âge Classique, “Les principes de la démonstration dans la tradition aristotélicienne. Interprétations grecque, arabe et latine des Seconds analytiques (II)”. Organized by V. De Risi. For more information see: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr  

15 JUNE 2022. THE WARBURG INSTITUTE. Warburg Work in Progress Seminar:  “Being Things with Words: Ibn ‘Arabī’s Theory and Practice of Language”. The seminar is held by Beatrice Bottomley (Warburg PhD). See: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/events/work-in-progress-beatrice-bottomley . For registration contact: warburg@sas.ac.uk

17 JUNE 2022. KU LEUVEN. Institute of Philosophy De Wulf – Mansion Centre, The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China: Phase Two. Phase two will unfold during nine meetings to be held in May and July 2022. Please consider that the following dates may be subject to changes. 6 May 2022, Charles Brittain (Cornell University). 13 May 2022, John Magee (University of Toronto). 20 May 2022, John Marenbon (University of Cambridge). 27 May 2022, Peter Adamson (LMU Munich). 3 June 2022, William Duba (Université de Fribourg). 10 June 2022, Rega Wood (Indiana University Bloomington). 17 June 2022, Gabriele Galluzzo (University of Exeter). 24 June 2022, Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado). 1 July 2022, Mário Carvalho (Universidade de Coimbra. Meeting times will be established in accordance with the panelists’ locations and time zones. Details will be communicated in advance via email and on the website. Participation: All speakers and respondents are invited to participate in the meetings. Further attendees are required to contact the organizer by email (nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be) at least one week in advance. For more information: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ or https://potestasessendi.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/tes-programme-1.pdf

20-22 JUNE 2022. MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY.Sixteenth Annual Marquette Summer Seminar On Aristotle and The Aristotelian Tradition, 20-22 June 2022 (In-Person). Topic: “Intellect, Divinity, and the Good in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Traditions.” See: http://richardctaylor.info/sixteenth-annual-marquette-summer-seminar-on-aristotle-and-the-aristotelian-tradition-20-22-june-2022-in-person/ . For registration contact owen.goldin@marquette.edu

21 JUNE 2022. UNIVERSITÄT KÖLN, THOMAS-INSTITUTE. Research Colloquium: „Wie verläuft die Philosophiegeschichte in der islamischen Welt nach Averroes (gest. 1198)?”, led by Prof. Dr. Frank Griffel. See: https://philosophie.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/veranstaltungen . Registration: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pfu-urz4sHN3xQ6tnagLipA0ZJ1Fdql4a

23 JUNE 2022, 10:00. LABORATOIRE SPHERE, UMR 7219. Conférence: Science Et Philosophie De L’Antiquité à L’Âge Classique, “Problemata de philosophie naturelle : l’imaginaire, le merveilleux, le quotidien”. Organized by S. Rommevaux, A. Panzica. For more information see: http://www.sphere.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article766&lang=fr

24 JUNE 2022. KU LEUVEN. Institute of Philosophy De Wulf – Mansion Centre, The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China: Phase Two. Phase two will unfold during nine meetings to be held in May and July 2022. Please consider that the following dates may be subject to changes. 6 May 2022, Charles Brittain (Cornell University). 13 May 2022, John Magee (University of Toronto). 20 May 2022, John Marenbon (University of Cambridge). 27 May 2022, Peter Adamson (LMU Munich). 3 June 2022, William Duba (Université de Fribourg). 10 June 2022, Rega Wood (Indiana University Bloomington). 17 June 2022, Gabriele Galluzzo (University of Exeter). 24 June 2022, Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado). 1 July 2022, Mário Carvalho (Universidade de Coimbra. Meeting times will be established in accordance with the panelists’ locations and time zones. Details will be communicated in advance via email and on the website. Participation: All speakers and respondents are invited to participate in the meetings. Further attendees are required to contact the organizer by email (nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be) at least one week in advance. For more information: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ or https://potestasessendi.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/tes-programme-1.pdf

28-30 JUNE 2022. THEGLOBAL PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION, UNIVRSITY OF BIRMINGHAM, JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION. Global Philosophy of Religion Project Conference 2022: “Death and Immortality”. For more information see: https://www.global-philosophy.org/conferences or https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/ptr/departments/philosophy/events/2022/global-philosophy-of-religion-conference.aspx .


1 JULY 2022. KU LEUVEN. Institute of Philosophy De Wulf – Mansion Centre, The Elusive Substrate: Prime Matter and Hylomorphism from Ancient Rome to Early Qing China: Phase Two. Phase two will unfold during nine meetings to be held in May and July 2022. Please consider that the following dates may be subject to changes. 6 May 2022, Charles Brittain (Cornell University). 13 May 2022, John Magee (University of Toronto). 20 May 2022, John Marenbon (University of Cambridge). 27 May 2022, Peter Adamson (LMU Munich). 3 June 2022, William Duba (Université de Fribourg). 10 June 2022, Rega Wood (Indiana University Bloomington). 17 June 2022, Gabriele Galluzzo (University of Exeter). 24 June 2022, Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado). 1 July 2022, Mário Carvalho (Universidade de Coimbra. Meeting times will be established in accordance with the panelists’ locations and time zones. Details will be communicated in advance via email and on the website. Participation: All speakers and respondents are invited to participate in the meetings. Further attendees are required to contact the organizer by email (nicola.polloni@kuleuven.be) at least one week in advance. For more information: https://potestas-essendi.com/elusivesubstrate/ or https://potestasessendi.files.wordpress.com/2021/03/tes-programme-1.pdf

7-8 JULY 2022. KU LEUVEN. Workshop ‘From Psuchê to Soul: Platonism’s Hard Road’. For more information see: https://hiw.kuleuven.be/dwmc/not-another-history-of-platonism/events/agenda/workshop-from-psuche-to-soul-platonism2019s-hard-road