AAIWG Simple Index Page

This webpage contains a bibliography of bibliographies for the study of Medieval Philosophy in the Latin and Arabic Traditions. The two parts were compiled by AAIWG members Ismail Kurun (Arabic tradition) and Nicoletta Nativo (Latin tradition).

At the bottom of this page is information on Thomistic bibliography added by Richard Taylor.

Members who have suggestions of additions should contact Ismail or Nicoletta directly.

A Bibliography of Bibliographies on Medieval Philosophy


i) Bibliographies of Medieval Latin Philosophy

1) Medioevo Latino, Bibliographical Bulletin of European Culture from Boethius to Erasmus (VI–XV Century). Medioevo Latino is a bibliography focusing on texts written in Latin between 475 and the beginning of the 16th century. It is regularly published yearly, since 1980. Medioevo Latino also contains a wide range of historical and cultural topics. It offers the result of systematic analysis and selection of monographs and journals devoted to medieval Latin culture and medieval history in general with information of authors, texts, and manuscripts. The bibliographic entries also include in large part the abstracts of content. https://www.sismelfirenze.it/index.php/banche-dati/medioevo-latino

2) CALMA. As part of its scholarly activity, S.I.S.M.E.L. (The International Society for the Study of the Latin Middle Ages) produces C.A.L.M.A., the Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi, a comprehensive bibliography of the Latin writings of medieval and Renaissance authors. The bibliography of CALMA is available in print and online. https://www.sismelfirenze.i t/index.php/banche-dati/compendium-auctorum#english

3) BISLAM (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Recentiorisque Aevi).  Bio-bibliographic and onomastic index, providing cards about authors writing (or translated) in latin until 1536. All the information stored in the database are taken from the printed edition of: BISLAM. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Recentiorisque Aevi – Repertory of Medieval and Renaissance Latin Authors. II. Onomastic and Literary Census of Medieval Latin Authors. Identification, Classification by Literary Genre and General Bibliography, ed. by Roberto Gamberini, Firenze, Sismel-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2010, 2 voll., pp. CLXII-840, VI-841-1872.

4) TE.TRA, Medieval Latin Texts and their Transmission. It covers manuscript tradition and the transmission of the Latin works in the Middle Ages within five volumes: La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo. Mediaeval Latin Texts and Their Transmission. TETRA I, Lucia Castaldi – Paolo Chiesa, Firenze, SISMEL. Edizioni del Galluzzo 2004 (Millennio medievale 50. Strumenti e studi. N.S. 8); La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo. Mediaeval Latin Texts and Their Transmission. TETRA II, Paolo Chiesa – Lucia Castaldi, Firenze, SISMEL. Edizioni del Galluzzo 2005 (Millennio medievale 57. Strumenti e studi. N.S. 10); La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo. Mediaeval Latin Texts and Their Transmission. TETRA III, Paolo Chiesa – Lucia Castaldi, Firenze, SISMEL. Edizioni del Galluzzo 2008 (Millennio medievale 75. Strumenti e studi. N.S. 18); La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo. Mediaeval Latin Texts and Their Transmission. TETRA IV, Paolo Chiesa – Lucia Castaldi, Firenze, SISMEL. Edizioni del Galluzzo 2012 (Millennio medievale 94. Strumenti e studi. N.S. 32); La trasmissione dei testi latini del Medioevo. Mediaeval Latin Texts and Their Transmission. TETRA V, Paolo Chiesa -Lucia Castaldi, Firenze, SISMEL. Edizioni del Galluzzo 2013 (Millennio medievale 98. Strumenti e studi. N.S. 35).

5) TraMP. Database of Latin patristic manuscripts available at MIRABILE.

6) MIRABILE, Digital Archives for Medieval Culture. It contains the online database of MEL, CALMA, BISLAM, TE.TRA, TRAMP and many others as part of its Medieval Latin DB, providing bibliographical references along with abstracts of content. Hagiographic DB, Italian DB, Miscellanea, Journals, Open Access publications and Lexicon are also available. http://www.mirabileweb.it/index.aspx?lingua=en

7) Annotated Bibliography of the Medieval Theories of Supposition and Mental Language. https://www.historyoflogic.com/biblio/supposition-biblio-one.htm; https://www.historyoflogic.com/biblio/supposition-biblio-two.htm

8) Repertorium edierter Texte des Mittelalters aus dem Bereich der Philosophie und angrenzender Gebiete, ed. Rolf Schoenberger et al., 2nd. ed. (Berlin, 2012).

9) BIBP, Bibliografici Information Base in Patristics. Provided by Université Laval, available in printable version and online http://www4.bibl.ulaval.ca/bd/bibp/english.html

10) BAMAT, Bibliographie du Moyen Âge Tardif. http://apps.brepolis.net/bamat/search

11) Bibliographia Thomistica. http://www.corpusthomisticum.org/bt/

12) Medieval Philosophy Online, by Jean-Luc Solère. http://capricorn.bc.edu/siepm/bios.html; http://capricorn.bc.edu/siepm/table.html

14) The International Medieval Bibliography (IMB-O 20, 2021). http://www.brepols.net/Pages/ShowProduct.aspx?prod_id=IS-9782503591797-1; https://about.brepolis.net/databases/imb/

15) DARE. Provided by the Thomas-Institute at the University of Cologne, DARE (Digital Averroes Research Environment) includes, besides the original Arabic texts written by Averroes, also their Hebrew and Latin translations produced between the early 13th and the late 16th century. It provides a vast bibliography on Averroes and Averroism. https://dare.uni-koeln.de/app/bib?categories

ii) Bibliographies of Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology

1) Brief Bibliographic Guides in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology, by Therese-Anne Druart: A comprehensive bibliography of medieval Islamic philosophy and theology. It covers all work done in Western languages in this area between 1998 and 2020 and continues to be published biannually by Prof. Druart. https://philosophy.catholic.edu/faculty-and-research/publications/dr.-druarts-bibliographic-guide.html

2) Bibliography of Islamic Philosophy (3 vols.), by Hans J. Daiber: It “includes all known publications in western and non-western languages from the fifteenth century to [2007],” making up in total nearly 10,000 publications. https://brill.com/view/title/19902

3) Erkenntnistheorie und Logik im Islam, by Serdar Aslan: A thematic bibliography of theory of knowledge and logic in Islam. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/theologie-und-philosophie/920-erkenntnistheorie-und-logik-im-islam-bibliographie

4) Islamische Philosophie und Philosophie im Islam, by Serdar Aslan: A bibliography of Islamic philosophy. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/theologie-und-philosophie/1031-islamische-philosophie-und-philosophie-im-islam-bibliographie

5) Sufismus – Mystik und Spiritualität im Islam, by Serdar Aslan: A thematic bibliography of Sufism (mysticism) and spirituality in Islam. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/theologie-und-philosophie/996-sufismus-mystik-und-spiritualitaet-im-islam-bibliographie

6) Muslimische Theologen, Philosophen und Mystiker, by Serdar Aslan: A bibliography of Muslim theologians, philosophers, and mystics from the 7th century up to present. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/theologie-und-philosophie/286-muslimische-theologen-philosopen-und-mystiker-zeittafel

7) Islamische Glaubenslehre und systematische Theologie, by Fatih Yigit: A thematic bibliography of Islamic doctrine of faith and systematic theology. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/theologie-und-philosophie/231-systematische-theologie-kalam-bibliographie

8) Theologie und Philosophie, by Serdar Aslan and Fatih Yigit: Collection of bibliographies of Islamic philosophy and theology. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/theologie-und-philosophie

9) Recht, Ethik und Praxis, by Serdar Aslan: A thematic bibliography of works on law, ethics, and praxis. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/recht-und-ethik

10) Hadithwissenschaften, by Serdar Aslan: A thematic bibliography of works on hadith. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/hadithwissenschaften

11) Arabische Sprache und Philologie, by Serdar Aslan: A thematic bibliography of works on Arabic language and philology. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/arabische-sprachwissenschaft

12) Bibliographie (Autoren), by Serdar Aslan: A bibliography of Islamicate thinkers from the 7th century up to present. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/bibliographie-terminologie

13) Orientalistik und Islamwissenschaft, by Serdar Aslan: A thematic bibliography of works on oriental and Islamic studies. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/orientalistik-und-islamwissenschaft

14) Koranwissenschaften, by Serdar Aslan: A bibliography of works on Qur’anic studies. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/koranwissenschaften

15) Prophet Muhammad, by Serdar Aslan: A bibliography of works on Muhammad. https://islam-akademie.de/index.php/prophetenbiographie-sira

16) Islam: Bibliography, by Patrick S. O’Donnell: An online, outdated, categorized bibliography of works on Islam. http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/ip/Bibliography.htm

iii) Bibliography of Medieval Jewish Philosophy

1) Jewish Mysticism: An Annotated Bibliography on the Kabbalah in English, by Shelia A. Spector, Scholarly Title, 1984: An outdated bibliography on the Kabbalah.

2) Bibliography on Medieval Jewish Philosophy, by Eliezer Segal:  An outdated bibliography on medieval Jewish philosophy. https://people.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal/RelS_365/MedPhilBibl.html


1) Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale (2021), International Bibliography of Monographs, aims to provide a comprehensive, current bibliography of monographs worldwide and listings of miscellaneous volumes (conference proceedings, essay collections or Festschriften). The disciplines to which the Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale is relevant include all aspects of History, Language and Literature, Philosophy and Theology, Art History, Archaeology, and so forth in the Western, Byzantine and Islamic worlds.

2) Brepolis Medieval Bibliographies Online (BMB-O). Brepolis Medieval Bibliographies gathers together the International Medieval Bibliography and the Bibliographie de civilisation médiévale. Published by: Brepols; Publishing Manager: C. VandenBorre.

Thomistic Bibliographies

Note the following on https://thomistica.net/thomistic-bibliography:

From the short article, “The Future of Thomistic Bibliography,” Doctor Angelicus 2 (2002), 193-98:

Note 1: “. . . See: for the years 1270-1900, L. A. Kennedy, A Catalogue of Thomists, 1270-1900 (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1987); for the years 1800-1940, P. Mandonnet, J. Destrez, M. D. Chenu, Bibliographie thomiste 1800-1940 (Paris: J. Vrin, 1960); for the years 1920-1940, Vernon J. Bourke, Thomistic Bibliography 1920-1940 (St. Louis [Missouri]: The Modern Schoolman, 1945); for the years 1940-1978, T. L. Miethe and V. J. Bourke, Thomistic Bibliography, 1940-1978 (Westport [Connecticut]: Greenwood Press, 1980); and for the years 1977-1990, Richard Ingardia, Thomas Aquinas International Bibliography 1977-1990 (Bowling Green [Ohio]: Philosophy Documentation Center, 1993)—the latter, despite its title, focuses on philosophical bibliography.”

More Suggested Bibliographical Links from Bob Pasnau and others.

In Medias Phil website with archives

Dr. Thérèse-Anne Druart’s Brief Bibliographic Guides in Mediecal Islamic Philosophy and Theology

Prof. Jean-Luc Solères Table of Tables: an overview of journal publications in medieval philosophy 2004-22

From DailyNous: The Philosophy Journal Insight Project (PJIP) “aims to provide philosophy researchers with practical insights on potential venues for publication.”

New Books in Medieval Philosophy (by Tobias Hoffmann et al.)