Simple Index of Course Web Pages

The Final Paper by MU students for this course constitutes 50% of the course grade.

Note Course Paper Requirement: All papers must be formatted in accord with the Style Sheet of the Revue de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévale (RTPM). Link Also see As long as you meet these stipulations, proceed as you prefer.

Although we will be working together, the course paper requirements and deadlines for MU and KUL are very different. This page concerns only MU.

MU papers should be 20+ pages and be indicative of strong professional graduate level research and writing.

Take special note of the paper requirements detailed below:

  1. Students must meet with me individually on 22, 25 or 26 October to discuss paper topics. You should already have developed ideas about paper possibilities.
  2. Students must make short presentations with a one page handout outline on 11 November at class. This outline must be posted on TEAMS and emailed to the instructor no later than 24 hours before the class presentation.
  3. Students may submit a full course paper on 17 or 21 November according to the schedule below. These papers will be commented and graded and then returned to students. Students may revise and resubmit a final version. These papers must also be submitted to Submission instructions will be provided in November. Note that this requirement has been changed to an option.
  4. The final submission due dates for the papers are staggered by student team number as indicated below. The team number is that of the students’ class presentation team.

These are the MU student teams: (1) LeMoine, Noonan, Cashman; (2) Kuhn, Miller, Hildeman; (3) McKevitt, Quesnel, Korchowsky; (4) Wimbly, Lang; (5) Plested, Paffenroth; (6) Friesner, Yang.

Course Paper Required Meetings with the Instructor
(Failure to comply may yield a reduction of the final paper grade by 1/2 letter grade)

Friday 22 October 9 am-11:30 & 1:30 pm-2:30
9-9:30 Clyde LeMoine
9:30-10 Edi Kuhn
10-10:30 Shannen Cashman
10:30-11 Eric Miller
11-11:30 Paul Quesnel
1:30-2 Jereniah Noonan

Monday 25 October 1 pm-2:30 and 3-5
1-1:30 Xuan Yang
3-3:30 break no meeting
3:30-4 Monique Wimby

Tuesday 26 October 1 pm-2:30 and 3-5
1-1:30 Jonathan Lang
1:30-2 Kevin McKevit
2-2:30 Heidi Hildeman
3-3:30 Mariamni Plested
3:30-4 Nicholas Korchowsky
4-4:30 Matthew Friesner
4:30-5 Damon Paffenroth

11 November MU students present course paper plan to MU class with one page handout

Course Paper Initial Submission Dates
(Failure to comply on time may yield a reduction of the paper grade by 1 full letter grade)

MU Teams 1-3: Full paper due 17 November

MU Teams 4-6: Full paper due 24 November

Final Course Paper Submission Deadlines
(Failure to comply on time may yield a reduction of the paper grade by 1 full letter grade)

Team 1 = 10 December or earlier
Team 2 = 11 December or earlier
Team 3 = 12 December or earlier
Team 4 = 13 December or earlier
Team 5 = 15 December or earlier
Team 6 = 16 December or earlier