Elementary Latin, beginning 7 October, meeting Saturdays 10 am – 12 pm.

Taught by MU graduate student Paul Quesnel

We will be walking through Wheelock’s Latin textbook once a week on Saturday 10:00-12:00 US central time. Prior experience in Latin is not required. Our intended pace is two chapters per meeting, to be adjusted based on complexity and density of material as needed. Meetings will be held on Teams (link forthcoming). Any further questions may be sent to paul-herve.quesnel@marquette.edu.

There are no fees for this course but enrollees are expected to be seriously engage and committed to moving along at the pace indicated above.

To enroll, contact Paul ( paul-herve.quesnel@marquette.edu).

Arabic Classes

A number of AAIWG members are studying Classical Arabic with Issam Marjani online from Pisa. Fees vary depending on the number of students enrolled.

Some AAIWG students have been working with Issam for over a year and some others will be enrolling soon.

Here is information from Issam:

Lecturer: Issam Marjani (University of Pisa/AIAS) Institution: Abjadiyya Institute for Arabic Studies, Fes, Morocco. Website: http://www.abjadiyya-institute.com/ Type of course: Classical Arabic. Levels: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced 1, Advanced 2. Duration: 40 or 80 h.

Period: courses will be held throughout the year and the calendar will be agreed with the lecturer. Material: free teaching materials (in pdf) will be provided by the lecturer. Costs: individual: 80 hours = 2400 euros (1 hour = 30 euros) 40 hours = 1200 euros (1 hour = 30 euros); two students: 80 hours = 1760 euros (1 hour = 22 euros) 40 hours = 880 euros (1 hour = 22 euros); small group (3-5): 80 hours = 1440 euros (1 hour = 18 euros) 40 hours = 720 euros (1 hour = 18 euros); class group (6-9): 80 hours = 1280 euros (1 hour = 16 euros) 40 hours = 640 euros (1 hour = 16 euros) 

To enroll:contact: info@abjadiyya-institute.com. More information: issam.marjani@unipi.it

About the Lecturer: Issam Marjani, PhD, is a lecturer of Arabic at the University of Pisa. His research interest includes Arabic linguistics and Dialectology. He holds his PhD on Linguistics from the University of Pisa. He currently working on the description of bedouin/rural dialects of Morocco. He has published contributions in Arabic Linguistics and history of Medieval Islamic Philosophy.