AAIWG Simple Index Page

Members: Aquinas and ‘the Arabs’ International Working Group

Interested in joining our group? Please send a current CV and a statement of interest to our Membership Committee consisting of Prof. Rosabel Ansari (rosabel.ansari@stonybrook.edu) and Dr Jacob Andrews (jacobandrews@sbcglobal.net).


Member Officers

· Prof. Richard C. Taylor, Philosophy Department, Marquette University & Philosophy Institute, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Project Director & Founding Member,  (Ancient, Medieval & Arabic/Islamic Philosophy) Email: Richard.Taylor@Marquette.edu. Executive Committee member ex officio

· Prof. Luis Xavier López Farjeat, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, Project Associate Director & Member. (Ancient, Medieval & Arabic/Islamic Philosophy) Email: llopez@up.edu.mx. Executive Committee member ex officio 

· Prof. Brett Yardley (philosophy, transmission, testimony & translation), DeSales University, Special Organizational Assistant to the Director and to the Associate Director

· Prof. Rahim Acar, Marmara University, Istanbul, Executive Committee member

· Prof. Fouad Ben Ahmed, Dar el-Hadith el-Hassania, Rabat, Morocco, Executive Committee member (Ibn Rushd, philosophical logic in Arabic)

· Prof. Therese Cory, University of Notre Dame, Member (Aquinas, epistemology in the Latin and Arabic traditions) Executive Committee member

· Prof. Yehuda Halper, Bar Ilan University, Israel (Medieval Philosophy in Hebrew and Arabic)

· Dr. Katja Krause, Max Planck Institut, Berlin, Germany. European events coordinator, Executive Committee member

· Prof. Olga Lizzini, Islamic Studies and Philosophy in Islam, Aix-Marseille University, France, Executive Committee member

· Prof. Jon McGinnis, University of Missouri at St. Louis, Member (Avicenna, Aquinas, Arabic/Islamic Philosophy) Executive Committee member

· Dr. Nicola Polloni, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Executive Committee member

· Prof. Francisco Romero Carrasquillo, Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara, Mexico. Americas events coordinator  Email: fromero@up.edu.mx (Aquinas, Averroes, Medieval Latin Philosophy) Executive Committee member

· Prof. Catherine Peters, member and Summer Conference Committee Co-Chair. Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, (Ancient, Medieval & Arabic/Islamic Philosophy)

· Dr. Tracy Wietecha, member and Summer Conference Committee Co-Chair. LMU Munich and Max Planck Institut, Berlin (Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas, al-Farabi)

· Prof. David Cory, University of Notre Dame, coordinator for sessions at the annual American Catholic Philosophical Association meeting

· Dr. Nicholas Oschman, Harpeth Hall, Nashville, TN, USA, coordinator for AAIWG sessions at the annual International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University

· Ismail Kurun, University of Ankara & Vanderbilt University and Nathaniel Taylor, Marquette University, Communications & Graduate Student Welcoming Committee

· Seth Kreeger, Ph.D. candidate & student member and co-editor of the Philosophy & Theology in Medieval Europe: Events AAIWG webpage. Philosophy Department, Marquette University (Aquinas and the Arabic philosophical tradition)

Nicoletta Nativo, graduate student member and co-editor of the Philosophy & Theology in Medieval Europe: Events AAIWG webpage. MA Università degli Studi di Catania. (Latin Averroism and the Arabic philosophical tradition)

· Esra Işık, Ph.D. candidate & graduate student member, co-editor of the Philosophy in the Lands of Islam AAIWG webpage. Ankara University (Classical Arabic Philosophy, Abstraction)

· Abdussamet Özkan, Ph.D. candidate & graduate student member, co-editor of the Philosophy in the Lands of Islam AAIWG webpage. Ankara University (Dissertation Project: Averroes’ Interpretation of De Anima as A Science: A Methodological and Doctrinal Analysis)

· Prof. Rosabel Pauline Ansari, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY (al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, later Philosophy in the Lands of Islam) Membership Committee

· Dr Jacob Andrews, Ph.D, Loyola University of Chicago, Membership Committee

· Paul-Hervé Quesnel, Ph.D. candidate, Marquette University (Aquinas, the Arabic tradition and more). Editor, AAIWG Members’ Recent Publications webpage

· Prof. David B. Twetten, Philosophy Department, Marquette University,  Founding Member and advisor to the AAIWG Executive Committee, (Ancient, Medieval & Arabic/Islamic Philosophy) .

Regular Members

· Prof. Yunus Emre Akbay, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta, Turkey (Philosophy in the Lands of Islam, human knowledge and intellectual abstraction)

· Prof. Justin Anderson, Immaculate Conception School of Theology, Seton Hall University (Aquinas, the Medieval Latin tradition of philosophy and theology, ethics)

· Dr. Jacob Andrews, PhD Loyola University Chicago). Covenant Classical School, Chicago. (William of Auxerre and Thomas Aquinas, medieval Latin philosophy and classical Chinese philosophy)

· Prof. Dr. Henryk Anzulewicz, Albertus-Magnus-Institut, Bonn   (Albert the Great)

· Armagan Atar, Ankara University, Turkey

· Alma Bahmanpour, MA in Sociology, The New School for Social Sciences & MA in Philosophy, KU Leuven. (Islamic Philosophy and theology, Influence of Avicenna’s philosophy on Shia Islam)

·Dr David Bennett, Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, (Islamic philosophy and theology)

· Prof. Amos Bertolacci, Professore Associato, Storia della Filosofia, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy Member (Avicenna, Albert the Great)

· Prof. Deborah Black, Philosophy Department, University of Toronto, Member (Aquinas, Arabic/Islamic Philosophy)

· Dr Nathan Blackerby (Ph.D. Marquette University 2017) University of Akron, Akron, OH (Aquinas, Avicenna, Averroes)

· Prof. Cécile Bonmariage, DeWulf Mansion Centre, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium (Avicenna, post-Avicennian thought, Aquinas) 

· Dr. Feriel Bouhafa (Ph.D. Georgetown University 2016) is an expert in philosophy, law, argumentation, political thought  and more in the lands of Islam is currently a visiting researcher in the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge.

· Prof. J.-B. Brenet, Université de Paris – Sorbonne,  (Aquinas, Jean of Jandun, Arabic/Islamic Philosophy)

· Prof. Charles E. Butterworth, Emeritus Professor, Department of Government & Politics, University of Maryland (al-Farabi, Ibn Rushd and more on Arabic/Islamic Philosophy)

· Dr. Celia Byrne, Ph.D. University of Toronto, MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

· Prof. Dragos Calma, Cambridge University  (Latin Neoplatonism, late Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy)

· Zack Candy, LMU-Munich (postclassical Islamic philosophy, especially logic and metaphysics; Late Antique philosophy — in both its pagan and Patristic iterations — and in mediaeval Latin Scholastic philosophy)

· Dr. Cristina Cerami, CNRS, Paris,  (Aristotle, Averroes, Arabic/Islamic Philosophy)

· Dr. Michael Chase, CNRS, Paris,  (Neoplatonism)

· Dr. Elisa Coda, researcher at the Centre Jéan Pepin, CNRS in Paris (Ancient and Mediæval transmission of Aristotelian philosophy in all of the domains of the Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin traditions; Themistius)

· Prof. Cristina D’Ancona, University of Pisa (Greek, Arabic, Latin Neoplatonism)

· Dr. Mateus Domingues da Silva, Institut Dominicain d’Études Orientales, Cairo (Suhrawardī; Metaphysics in Arabic/Islamic Philosophy)

· Ellen De Doncker, KU Leuven, Belgium

· Dr. Daniel DeHaan, University of Oxford, UK,  (Aristotle, Aquinas, Arabic/Islamic Philosophy)

· Prof. Therese-Anne Druart, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC Member (Arabic tradition, Latin tradition)

· Dr. Charles Ehret, PhD Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris

· Prof. Youssef El Amari / يوسف العماري Abdelmalek Essaadi University/جامعة عبد المالك السعدي Tetouan, Morocco/تطوان، المغرب

· Prof. Said El Bousklaui, Zayed University, CHSS, Department of Islamic World Studies, Abu Dhabi, UAE (Literature and Philosophy in the lands of Islam) 

· Atefeh Esmaeili, Ph.D. candidate, University of Tehran, Neoplotinian doctrines across cultures; the influence of Ibn Sīnā on Albertus Magnus and Aquinas.

· Dr Janis Esots, The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, UK, & Department of Asian Studies, University of Latvia, Riga Member (Philosophy, Mysticism, Ismaili Thought, Persian literature). This good friend and congenial and insightful colleague left this transitory world on 12 June 2021 due to a medical emergency during a walking holiday in Polperro, Cornwall. His presence at our meetings will be sadly missed.

· Michael Fatigati, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Prof. Gloria Frost, University of St Thomas, St . Paul, MN (13-14th century Latin philosophy, early modern philosophy, metaphysics, natural philosophy and philosophy of religion)

· Alfonso Ganem, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City

· Dr. Ann Giletti, Adjunct Professor, University of California, Rome Campus, Italy, (Aquinas, Ramon Martí, Medieval Latin Spain)

· Prof. Owen Goldin, Philosophy Department, Marquette University,  (Ancient Philosophy, Maimonides)

· Dr. David González Ginocchio, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain

· Prof. Anto Gavrić, Associate Professor, University of Zagreb (Arabic Philosophy, Metaphysics, Thomas Aquinas and the first Thomistic School in Italy).

· Dr Jonathan Greig, Postdoctoral Researcher, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Neoplatonism, Byzantine Thought, Aquinas)

· Prof. Jeremiah Hackett, Philosophy Department, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina  (Roger Bacon)

· Prof. Steven Harvey, Bar Ilan University, Israel (Medieval Philosophy in Hebrew and Arabic)

· Seyed Mohammad Pooya Heybatollahi, doctoral student, Shadid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

· Joshua Hinchie, Philosophy Department, Loyola University Chicago

· Prof. Tobias Hoffmann, Université de Paris – Sorbonne, Latin medieval philosophy and the Arabic sources of later medieval Latin thinkers

· Prof. R. E. Houser, Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St Thomas, Houston Member (Aquinas, Avicenna)

· Prof. Jules Janssens, DeWulf Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance, Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Member (Arabic tradition, Latin tradition)

· Prof. Mark Johnson, Theology Department, Marquette University, Consultant, (Catholic Moral Theology, Thomas Aquinas)

· Rachel Katz, Divinity School, University of Chicago

· Prof. Jari Kaukau, Jyväskylä University, Jyväskylä, Finland,  (Avicenna, Philosophy in the Lands of Islam, theories of knowledge)

· Chi Fo Kim, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Latin Medieval Philosophy, Giles of Rome

· Prof. Terence Kleven, Central College, Pella, Iowa,  (Arabic/Islamic Philosophy, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina,Organon)

· Dr. Lisa-Maria Knothe, Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Jena, Germany (Albertus)

· Prof. Dr. Aicha Lahdhiri, History of Philosophy, Al-Zeitouna University, Tunis, Tunisia, (Arabic/Islamic Philosophy)

· Prof. Andreas Lammer, Arabische Philosophie, Kultur und Geschichte, Universität Trier, Germany (Ibn Sina, Natural Philosophy)

· Dr Edmund Lazzari, PhL, PhD, Duquesne University (Aquinas, Bonaventure, the Ash’arite tradition / الأشعريةֽ, the Dionysian tradition, medieval and contemporary Islamic and Catholic metaphysics and theology of nature)

· Prof. E. M. Macierowski, Philosophy Department, Benedictine College, Atchison, Kansas, (Arabic tradition, Latin tradition, metaphysics)

· Prof. Pedro Mantas, Universidad de Córdoba, Spain  (Transmission of texts and ideas from Arabic to Latin)

· Prof. Jack Marler, Jack Marler, St Louis University (Aquinas, Aristotle, Logic, Latin & Greek Paleography) See https://www.slu.edu/arts-and-sciences/philosophy/faculty/marler-jack.php and https://slu.academia.edu/JackMarler

· Prof. Cecilia Martini Bonadeo, Università degli Studi di Padova (Greek into Arabic, al-Farabi, ‘Abd al-Laṭīf al-Baghdādī, Arabic traditions of Aristotle’s Metaphysics and Plotinus’s Enneads)

· Prof. Anthony Minnema, Sanford University (premodern Christian-Muslim relations; the works of al-Ghazali, particularly in Latin translation) See https://samford.academia.edu/AnthonyMinnema and https://www.samford.edu/arts-and-sciences/directory/Minnema-Anthony.

· Dr Stephen M. Metzger, Vatican Library, Rome (Medieval European Intellectual History) 

· Prof. Edward Moad, Philosophy, Qatar University, Qatar (Islamic philosophy)

· Prof. Mousa Mohammadian, Ahmedabad University, Gujarat, India (Avicenna’s metaphysical psychology, Islamic classical natural philosophy)

· Hashem Morvarid, July 2021, graduate student at the University of Illinois at Chicago (Classical Islamic Philosophy and Kalām Theology, analytic metaphysics; dissertation topic: Avicenna on Common Natures)

· Prof. Isabelle Moulin,  Institut Catholique de Paris,  (Ancient & Medieval Latin Philosophy)

· Giulio Navarra, PhD Università del Salento/Universität zu Köln, Research Fellow – Università degli Studi di Foggia/CETEFI, Editorial Office – Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale (SIEPM), History of Medieval Philosophy / Arabic Aristotelianism / Cosmology and Astrology in the Middle Ages.

· Jeremiah Noonan, PhD candidate Marquette University (Ancient & Medieval Philosophy)

· Prof. Timothy Noone, The Catholic University of America  (Ancient & Medieval Latin Philosophy)

· Prof. Marina Novina, Assistant Professor, University of Zagreb (Ancient, Medieval & Arabic philosophy of science; Cosmology, Psychology, Medicine; Therapeutic Function of Philosophy

· Prof. Stephen R. Ogden, The Catholic University of America  (Arabic-Islamic Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, Aristotle, Philosophy of Religion)

· Prof. Ayse Sadika Oktay, Divinity School, Suleyman Demirol University, Isparta, Turkey

· Dr. Nicholas Oschman (Ph.D. Marquette University 2020), Harpeth Hall, Nashville, TN (al-Farabi, Ethics, Political Philosophy)

· Cameron Pattison, MA, Boston College (Ancient Philosophy, Arabic/Islamic Philosophy)

Giovanni Patriarca, PhD Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, Rome. Post-doc University of Bayreuth in Germany. Medieval and Early Modern Social and Economic Thinking.

· Prof. Sarah Pessin, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado,  (Maimonides, Medieval Jewish and Arabic/Islamic Philosophy, Ibn Gabirol)

· Prof. Dr. Matthias Perkams, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Ancient and Medieval Latin and Arabic Philosophy)

· Prof. Traci Phillipson (Ph.D. Marquette University 2017)  (Aquinas, Averroes, Medieval Philosophy), Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa

· Mariamni Plested, PhD candidate, Marquette University, Milwaukee (Syriac-Arabic translation, Aristotle in Arabic Christian-Muslim dialogue, Avicenna)

· Robert Powers, Ph.D. candidate, Marquette University (Aquinas, universals and related issues)

· Prof. Josep Puig Montada,  Universidad Complutenses, Madrid (Averroes, Ibn Bajja, et al.)

· Prof. Jamal Rachak, Philosophy Department, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco, (Ibn Bajja, Arabic/Islamic Philosophy)

· Philip-Neri Reese, O.P., University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

· Prof. Andrea Robiglio, DeWulf Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance, Philosophy Institute, Kathholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (Aquinas, Medieval and Renaissance Latin Philosophy) 

· Prof. Matthew Robinson, University of St Thomas, Fredericton, NB Canada (Bonaventure, 13th century philosophy in the Latin tradition)

· Dr Mercedes Rubio, The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities (comparative Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Arabic Philosophy, theory of knowledge and philosophy of language and language pedagogy)

· Mark Schulz,  PhD candidate Marquette University, Milwaukee (Avicenna, Aquinas)

· Farzad Sharifzadeh, MA in Islamic philosophy & Kalam, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Peripatetic philosophy and transcendental philosophy in Arabic and Farsi; traditional philosophy of religion and contemporary analytic philosophy)

· Prof. Carl Still, President, St Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada  Member (Aquinas, Medieval philosophy & theology, philosophy of mind)

· Dr. Anna-Katharina Strohschneider, King’s College London, UK

· Nathaniel Taylor, PhD candidate, Marquette University, Milwaukee

· Dr. Adam Takahashi, Kwansei Gakuin University (Nishinomiya, Japan). Arabic Aristotelianism in the Latin West, particularly natural philosophy

· Prof. Karen Taliaferro, Hamilton Center, University of Florida, expert in political philosophy, Ibn Rushd, and more in the Lands of Islam is Assistant Professor in the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership at Arizona State University.

· Prof. Jörg Tellkamp, Philosophy Department, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City  (Albertus Magnus, Aquinas, Medieval Latin Philosophy)

· Prof. Fehrullah Terkan, Divinity School, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey,  (al-Ghazali, Averroes, Avicenna, traditional Arabic-Islamic philosophy)

· Mehran Torabi, Marquette University, History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity and early Medieval period

· Matthew Vanderkwaak, University College Dublin (History of Neoplatonism in the Greek and Latin traditions)

· Prof. Jennifer Hart Weed, Philosophy Department, The University of New Brunswick (Aquinas, Maimonides)

· Abigail Whalen, London. BPhil, Oxford. Classical Islamic and Latin Scholastic metaphysics

· Dr Tracy Wietecha, MPI, Berlin, Germany (Albertus, al-Farabi)

· Evan Williams, PhD candidate University of St Thomas, Houston, Texas, USA


· Dr. Adriano Oliva, O.P., President, Commissio Leonina, Paris, (Aquinas, Latin Tradition) Consultant

· Dr. Marta Borgo, Commissio Leonina, Paris, (Aquinas, Latin Tradition) Consultant

· Prof. Dag Nikolaus Hasse, Institut für Philosophie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, Consultant

· Prof. Siobhan Nash-Marshall, Mary T. Clark Chair of Christian Philosophy, Manhattanville College, Purchase, New York (Boethius, Medieval Philosophy, Metaphysics) Consultant

· Prof. Irfan Omar, Theology Department, Marquette University, Consultant (Islam, World Religions)

· Rev. Prof. John  Jones, Philosophy Department, Marquette University,  (Neoplatonism, Medieval Philosophy), Consultant

· Prof. Jozef Matula, Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Consultant

Membership involves a positive effort to contribute in diverse ways to the understanding of the influence and importance of the Arabic tradition to the thought of Aquinas through articles, seminars, and the like. This also entails an interest in assisting other AAIWG  members with critical comments on translations and studies.  

Consultant entails an interest in offering occasional comments and advice on the work of members and the direction of the AAIWG

While much of this shared work is done via the Internet using various available and developing technologies such as Skype live video, file sharing, shared websites and working space, and other technology, the AAIWG holds a regular annual international research meeting. Most recently: Pisa 22-25 May 2019; London 11-13 June 2020 was postponed due to the pandemic and took place online in May and June 2021. See http://richardctaylor.info/the-aquinas-and-the-arabs-international-working-group-aaiwg-may-june-2021-international-meeting/. Discussions are underway with possible hosts for 2023, 2024 and 2025.